Going back home....

Question from COP Consulate

Asylee 13,
Sorry, I'm not from India. Like I said, when they asked me about my status here, my answer was that I was out of status. When I renewed my passport 1.5 months ago, it was already expired for 3 years.
Devi Dewata said:
The other thing I wanted to mention was, I opted to renew my NP instead of getting travel papers with the following considerations:

1. I don't want to go to my homecountry using travel papers - this will raise suspicion for the immigration in my COP. If they found out what my status is here in the US, it may endanger my families who are still back home.

2. When I renewed my NP, I told them I was out of status - didn't want to show them my GC that has the category on it.

3. I trust the US government more than my home country's government. I truly believed I wouldn't get into any trouble from the US Immigration when I returned here, and I was right.

When I had my wife's NP renewed, we showed the consulate officer her GC and even made a copy for them. New NP was issued without trouble.

One question I have for the people who suggested that I should use Travel Document when I leave and enter US is that wouldn't they ask me why there is no visa from the country I'm going to and coming from (my home country)?
That's why I thought it would be better if I use my renewed NP.
National Passport vs. Travel Document

PM, I guess the question is, why do you think you need to use the RTD instead of your NP? You can't use your RTD to enter your homecountry, and there is no point of using it to enter the US. So why bother getting one?
Punjabi_Munda said:
One question I have for the people who suggested that I should use Travel Document when I leave and enter US is that wouldn't they ask me why there is no visa from the country I'm going to and coming from (my home country)?
That's why I thought it would be better if I use my renewed NP.

They do not care if you have a visa for the country you visited. I am sure they dont even know if you are required a visa. I came back from several european countries and wrote that on my form. No officer asked me how i went there when I had no visa...
wantmygcnow said:
They do not care if you have a visa for the country you visited. I am sure they dont even know if you are required a visa. I came back from several european countries and wrote that on my form. No officer asked me how i went there when I had no visa...

My experience is, on one occasion, he did not ask anything, on another occasion, the guys flipped through RTD and let me go. I guess they would ask if they are curious.

The travel document that I have doesn't say "Refugee" like mentioned in my first post and I don't want to use it either but some people said that I should. That's why I asked this question.
man39.99 said:
When I had my wife's NP renewed, we showed the consulate officer her GC and even made a copy for them. New NP was issued without trouble.

Are you from India?

Well, from my own experience, it definitely makes sense to use your NP, especially if you have one already. I took lots of considerations before renewing mine, hence the last minute renewal - I got mine renewed only 1 day before I travelled.

If you are a refugee, and your country doesn't have an embassy here in the US, it makes sense to obtain RTD since you can't get your passport renewed anyway. But you said you do have an NP. On top of that it sounds like you are really well prepared. You even got an email re. your parents' health etc. I really believe as long as we show them strong reasons for us to stay as a PR, we should be fine. You are going home to VISIT, not to stay there. If you start looking for a job, or buying a property there, and then you tell the US Immigration all this, then yes, I guarantee you, you'll have problems when applying for citizenship.
As long as the visit is reasonable, I truly believe the US Immigration will not give you any problem.

Just my 2c.

Thanks Devi,
That's what I think so too. I'm just going to use my NP. Also, there is no law that states that Asylees should not renew their passport. Even if there is one, I'm no more an "Asylee", I'm a "Permanent Resident".
Exactly my point! I studied everything, all the regulations and stuff before I finally decided to renew my NP and travel back home.

Good luck, PM. You'll be fine, trust me. And enjoy your trip back home. And don't forget to keep us updated!


If I were you I won't even bring RTD or Travel Doc with me, just use NP. What you dont want to do is to go out of US using your NP and come back with RDT. Airlines wont let you board without a visa on RTD and same would happen on your way back unless you have a GC.
Another thing to becareful about is this. You use show your NP with GC to airlines on your way back, they swipe your NP and when you arrive to US you show your NP, this will get you in trouble. For every outbound flight to US, airlines is required to send your passport information to US customs/Immigration, this is the reason why they swipe your passport, if information is not matching when yo get back then you could get in trouble.
Punjabi_Munda said:
Thanks Devi,
I'll report back when I return, I promise.
Punjabi Munda

Hey Punjabi Munda, best of luck on your trip home.

Hey lazer,still waiting? good luck to you too, hope you'd be ajusted soon.

one-of-u said:
Hey Punjabi Munda, best of luck on your trip home.

Hey lazer,still waiting? good luck to you too, hope you'd be ajusted soon.


hey one-of-u! yeah unfortunately this has become a biggest headache of my life so far. hope this is over soon. are you having fun?
I will travel back home (again) as soon as get RP. Last time I used RTD and NP and had no problem.
Punjabi_Munda said:
The travel document that I have doesn't say "Refugee" like mentioned in my first post and I don't want to use it either but some people said that I should. That's why I asked this question.

PM, have a safe trip to visit your mom. Just curious, how can your RTD does not bear "Refugee" word in the cover ( by INS mistake ? )

Please also keep us update even from overseas since this forum site might be viewable from overseas ( Unless some CoP block or censor it ) -- the RTD vs. NP match/swiping by airline issue ( raised by Copper1 ) is a real issue here.

Best ,
Isn't the problem more about when it comes time for you to apply for citizenship and what you got away with (travel to COP directly or through COT) in the past becomes grounds for invalidating your citizenship. The grounds for denying you is because you committed fraud (by going home as an asylee).
If we don't need RTD to travel how come on the RTD application saying something like:

Refugee Travel Document - A refugee travel document is issued to a person classified as a refugee or asylee, or to a permanent resident who obtained such status as a result of being a refugee or asylee in the United States. Persons who hold such status must have a refugee travel document to return to the United States after temporary travel abroad unless he or she is in possession of a valid advance parole document.