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Give the First 22,000 Diversity Lottery Winners Their Green Cards, Then Fix Your Computer Error

Stop whining....you are or can cause people to get so sick of the DV lottery that they will cancel the entire lottery.

Nobody in the USA cares about foreigners and their lottery so better be safe than sorry!
I am with you bentlebee..................................................................

stop whining....you are or can cause people to get so sick of the dv lottery that they will cancel the entire lottery.

Nobody in the usa cares about foreigners and their lottery so better be safe than sorry!
Umm...being selected in the lottery (even a valid selection) does not give you a green card...it simply gives you the opportunity to apply.

So no green cards are owed to anyone.

You don't appear to understand the process; or at least have drastically over simplified it.

Stop talking shit, bentlebee. If Americans disagree with something, what do they do? They organize rallies, petitions, strikes, marches etc. etc. Why? Because it's engrained in the American culture due to the First Amendment.

You just have no clue, do you? Some of the people signing this petition would be thrown in jail in their own country for daring to stand up against their government's mishaps.

I give these petitioners virtually no chance for success but the fact that they want their voice to be heard is VERY AMERICAN indeed.

they want their voice to be heard is VERY AMERICAN indeed.

"Their voice to be heard" by whom?

Who do you think care aside from the 22,000?

I know...NOBODY!

No elected official will care...the 22,000 are not allowed to vote...most have much money and most citizens have other worries right now and are not looking forward to anybody coming here and risk them taking their job!

So tell me who you think aside from the 22,000 and their family members and perhaps friends, will be interested?
"Their voice to be heard" by whom?

Who do you think care aside from the 22,000?

I know...NOBODY!

No elected official will care...the 22,000 are not allowed to vote...most have much money and most citizens have other worries right now and are not looking forward to anybody coming here and risk them taking their job!

So tell me who you think aside from the 22,000 and their family members and perhaps friends, will be interested?

Agree with you bentlebee
People like them dream too much of getting green card. When they dont get it, they just try to ruin the system !
What an ignorant people

For sure, USA does not need people like them..
Petition is useless !!! who cares ?? my name was in the 22,000 got cancelled ! it's life.. goes on !!!!
Why whining ?? Get over yourself !!!
"Their voice to be heard" by whom?

Who do you think care aside from the 22,000?

I know...NOBODY!

No elected official will care...the 22,000 are not allowed to vote...most have much money and most citizens have other worries right now and are not looking forward to anybody coming here and risk them taking their job!

So tell me who you think aside from the 22,000 and their family members and perhaps friends, will be interested?

Just ****ing read, you moron. But you love hearing yourself speak so buh-bye.
Is that all you can ...cursing...I guess you will never get to stay here....I guess you believe you are entitled to everything in life.

But don't worry, words don't hurt, it only shows the way the person is who is flapping their gums...or in this case...typing on a computer with nothing to say that is causing the brains to work!

You have a good life in your own small world! :D
So the USA doesn't care about the 22,000 Winners who were selected because they don't vote and don't pay taxes?
So we should give up the opportunity for a Green Card?
But all the May losers who cried "no fair" - they don't vote and don't pay taxes, but the USA care enough about them for a redraw?
America despite this complete mess, (that is getting messier everyday), do play fair, and right now the fairest thing is to do the redraw - to keep the losers happy - and let the winnners join the queque for their opportunity also (all numbers are current by August september anyway). So there are no losers.

Those who were picked but didn't check so they didn't know? There were no expenses incurred by them, no effort, and no heartbreak.

What I don't understand is why the US caved in to threats by the Ukrainians DV firms? They would never had sued - if they did that would have been the end of the DV Lottery, and the end of their business...big mmistake by the USA.
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Guys, let's face it, I, myself was selected and got the bad news of cancelation!! so what then? nothing changed!! i'm still breathing and have my life and see my family .... Don't let this stress you, there nothing such "LUCK", you must believe in "DESTINY" and what God wants for us, if you are winner you'll go to the US in the next redraw, just don't burn your nerves and check their website every 5 seconds.... the fact will not change.

Good luck everyone
Is that all you can ...cursing...I guess you will never get to stay here....I guess you believe you are entitled to everything in life.

But don't worry, words don't hurt, it only shows the way the person is who is flapping their gums...or in this case...typing on a computer with nothing to say that is causing the brains to work!

You have a good life in your own small world! :D

I don't give a flying **** about signing anything. I just believe that if people disagree with something they should speak up. Nowhere have I implied that I agree or disagree with the petitioners. Guess it must be your poor written English and understanding thereof, which still astonishes me considering your constant nagging & bragging about being so Americanized.

Oh, and thank you for that profound psychological analysis of me and my life. Pretty random, but still an A for effort.
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