Getting ready to apply


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I am starting to look into the citizenship process as I will be applying late December. I am applying based on the 5 years green card rule. Firs, I just want to know if I need to send more proof of bonafide marriage with my citizenship application. In 2009 I successfully removed my green card conditions (i751) but I applied based on a waiver as I was already divorced when the 2 years deadline came around. My other question is regarding the Selective Service Registration. I never enlisted in the US military, I am now 36 years old but when I arrived in the US I was only 25. Thank You!
No need to prove bonafide marriage under 5 year rule.
No need to prove previous selective service registration at age 36.
My other question is regarding the Selective Service Registration. I never enlisted in the US military, I am now 36 years old but when I arrived in the US I was only 25. Thank You!

What exactly was your status in the U.S. between your initial arrival and your 26th birthday?
I came in on sep 2000 B1/B2 visa - they gave me a 6 months stay. After that expired I was illegal up until I became a permanent resident. So at the age of 26 I was out of status
I came in on sep 2000 B1/B2 visa - they gave me a 6 months stay. After that expired I was illegal up until I became a permanent resident. So at the age of 26 I was out of status

I see. If you had stayed in a legal nonimmigrant status (B1/B2 or any other nonimmigrant visa status) until your 26th birthday, that would have meant that you were never required to register for Selective Service. However, somewhat paradoxically, illegal aliens who are male and between 18 and 26 years old are actually required to register with Selective Service. So you would have to answer "Yes" to Q33 on p. 9 of N-400. Since you are over 31 years old now, the fact, that you failed to register for Selective Services when you were required to before turning 26, should not preclude your N-400 from being approve and should not be an issue in terms of the good moral character determination.
You should still attach an explanation to the N-400 regarding why you did not register, as part G of N-400 requests.

I would also recommend (even though it is technically not mandatory) that at least by the time of the interview you obtain a Status Information letter from Selective Service. The instructions on how to do that are available at their website:

IOs dealing with N-400 applications are primarily bureaucrats, and as such, they like to have a paper in the file disposing with every potentially problematic answer in N-400. Even though the failure to register before you turned 26 does not affect your naturalization eligibility now (since you are over 31), the N-400 document checklist still asks for a Status Information Letter in situations such as yours:

''If you did not register with the Selective Service and you (1) are male, (2) are 26 years old or older, and (3) lived in the United States in a status other than as a lawful nonimmigrant between the ages of 18 and 26, send:

A "Status Information Letter" from the Selective Service.''

So it is better if you have a Status Information Letter by the time of the interview.