Getting EAD at local INS Center


Registered Users (C)
Hi All

My local INS Center is in Boston - I need to renew my EAD. Has anyone done this recently - I heard that they can do it the same day - is this still the case ?

Yes, Boston local INS center issues EAD in one

day. Take your I-485 receipt along with EAD application and 2 ADIT style photos.

* Use the info at your risk. I am NOT a lawyer.
did anyone try getting EAD at Boston after May14

.. I would like to apply for it this month...
Boston Local Office ...

Check before you go - due to the new security checks, I\'m not sure if Boston is still issuing them in one day - I seem to recall reading somewhere that this was no longer the case - contact your attorney to find out.
Go to Miami...

Orlando does not give interim EAD since it is not a sub or district office...
EAD in Boston-


They seem to be issuing EAD cards either on the same day or
by appoinment. And this, they say, varies on a case to case
I had to go back in 2 weeks to collect my EAD card.

No Title

They were installing the IBIS system.
I had gone to the Boston INS office to get EAD cards on 05/13/02.
I was lucky to get it the same day, but everyone else were told to come around 05/28-06/01.
 Not sure if they still do the same.

Hi Guys

Thanks for the responses. I got my EAD - you have to wait since the queues are huge but you will get your EAD on the same day provided you are there between 7 and 12.

Go to Miami...

Orlando does not give interim EAD since it is not a sub or district office...