GC through asylum


New Member
I got my GC through asylum, now i would like to know if i can travel back to my country with my GC and reentry. Am i going to have problem with the INS on my way back?
you can ask this in Asylum section where they have discussed this issue beaten to death.
One question you need to ask yourself is why you have GC through asylum.
vickas said:
I got my GC through asylum, now i would like to know if i can travel back to my country with my GC and reentry. Am i going to have problem with the INS on my way back?

I agree with the previous post. Definitely check out the Asylum forum. Do a search first because it has been discussed pretty frequently. I warn you (as an observer of these discussions), there essentially is two camps of people (one saying it's ok and another say no). By and large these two camps are formed by opinions. There is very little hard evidence to strongly support one view or another. Good luck!
vickas said:
I got my GC through asylum, now i would like to know if i can travel back to my country with my GC and reentry. Am i going to have problem with the INS on my way back?
It may give you problems when You apply for citizenship...
check this
Citizenship Denied: Please help me !!!
By member eshaan27