GC for Parents - Length of Stay in US while on GC


Registered Users (C)

I have initiated a CP-based GC process for my parents as they were ready last year. They are confused now cos' they don't want to stay in the US for as long as 6 months every year if they get the GC; they said they'd much rather prefer to visit us whenever they feel like it via their current visitor visas.

My question is: If and once my parents get their GCs, how long must they stay in the US, on an annual basis, to maintain their GC status? Also, will they be eligibile for some decent medical benefits here once they get it? Dad is gonna turn 64 this year and mom just turned 62.

A quick response will be appreciated cos' I have roughly 3 weeks to either abandon this process or send further documentation as part of an RFE.

They are confused now cos' they don't want to stay in the US for as long as 6 months every year if they get the GC; they said they'd much rather prefer to visit us whenever they feel like it via their current visitor visas.

Then that is what they should do.

Also, will they be eligibile for some decent medical benefits here once they get it? Dad is gonna turn 64 this year and mom just turned 62.

Thankfully, no. Medicare is already messed up enough, without providing benefits to visitors.
If they did not want to live in the US, they should not have appied for the GC. Doing what you suggest will likely cause them to lose their GC when the pattern of "visiting" on their GCs is identified.

They will get NO medical benefits. After they have been LPRs for 5 years and are over the age of 65, they may BUY into Medicare; assume that will cost about $900-1000 oer person per month. Until then, you must purchase medical insurance for them, if you can find an insurance company to accept them, it will be expensive. If they have any disqualifying conditions, they will be bumped to the state high risk pool if there is one. In my state, the premiums for some age - benefit combinations run thousands of dollars per month per person.