GC Approved!!


New Member
Hi all,

Finally Myself and my Wife's I-485 has been approved on AUG 22nd.

We got our Passports stamped Friday 5th sep at Charleston Office.
Thanks to all the Member's here i have been following this site for almost a year now.
i wish you all Good Luck.

My Case Details :

EB3 RIR , labour filed Feb2000
I-140 filed JUNE/2001 ,approved MAR/2002

I-485 RD: 04/19/2002
Finger Prints May 22nd 2002.
I-485 Approval date : 22nd AUG 2003.

Passport Stamped on 5th SEP 2003.

I guess people really get a kick out of saying "I have been silently surfing this website for the past xxxx years without sharing any information but I when it comes to posting my approval I am forthcoming.

Enjoy your freedom, would have been nice if you had volunteered your time to this forum the past 1 year.

Congratulations on your approval!!
congratulations...and attn. other waiters

SctGC: Congratulations on getting your GC approved as well as for your maiden post!!

One question: Did you call them regarding your imminent expiry of FPs?

Others: Did you guys see the past few approvals which were done close to the expiry of 15 month period of FPs? This approval is a case in point that it got approved on exactly the date the FP was bound to expire. I noticed at least 3 approvals within the past month to have been done this way. Therefore, those of you with FPs nearing 15 month period may exude hope, I guess.

Yeah.... Another one 2002 application been approved. I am happy for SctGC's approval.... But I am still wondering how TSC is going to streamline the process free from randomness....

Approval because of FP Exipry would be encouraging as it may not be a random case
Thanks Guys!!

Well i have not called the INS regarding imminent expiry of FPs.

I agree that i have not shared my views by not creating a profile under this forum and surfing silently for the past year, but i was helping many by sharing ur views with them and all the Credit goes to the Member's here.

I have posted my details only to bring some light to the Forum and not to loose hope on TSC.

I sure every one get's to this point very soon.
Congratulations and best of luck

How TSC works is difficult to understand.
Official processing time is 01/01
We see approvals as early as 04/02
lots of people in between 01/01 and 04/02 are waiting hopelessly
very unfortunate.
Expiry of FP's

poongunranar I agree with you on the FP expiration - 485 adjudication theory. Recent few approvals seems to follow this trend and if this is true then we are in for a long haul.

I guess 2001 May - Sep filers like me who did FP in 2003 can kiss our luck good bye and wait for another year before our cases get looked at.

PD, 485 RD, ND doesn't mean a darn thing at TSC !! People with FP expiration dates getting close by cheer up :)

But then I am also curious what they would do for someone whose FP was in 2003 but he or she is approaching the 999 day limit. I guess they (TSC) would extend it and take the easy way out..huh?? :)
Re: Expiry of FP's

Originally posted by vettipuls
poongunranar I agree with you on the FP expiration - 485 adjudication theory. Recent few approvals seems to follow this trend and if this is true then we are in for a long haul.
I may well think both of us are Pollyannaish on this theory, but think about it: I haven't seen anybody complain about the expiry of his/her FPs within the past 2-3 months. Our surmise will be defeated if we see more complaints about FPs getting expired without adjudication. If that is so, then again we are left with no pattern to be hopeful about. We will again be back to square one on a blind alley. Until then, both of us may well be right :(

Rest of you,
On my approval notice I observed that my priority date was May 2001 , that was when I filed my Labor and not when I filed my I-485.(Sep 2002). Hope this info helps.
Look at the PD! It is Feb 2000. Don't you think majority of people getting approved now-a-days are in this range in ther PD?

I think so. As I remember there was only one case amongst the recent approvals with a PD later than 'early 2000'

In fact, I just looked up. Here are the stats:

SctGC - Feb 2000
kraman - May 2000
gcmspind - May 2001 (odd)
jadi - 1999
houston_gc - late 1999 / early 2000
georgexl - waited 5 years, so 1998
babukv - 1998
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Don't agree w/ jamborees

I don't think the PD, I-485RD/ND are the factors. My PD is
Dec, 99 and my friend's PD is July, 97. All I-485s were
submitted between May-Sept, 01, and we did the finger print
in 01/03 and still waiting for AD. The Finger PD may be a factor or not, but who knows, maybe another lucky guy due to the random process.
Originally posted by bajis
poongunranar and vettipuls - Sorry to ruin the theory!!
Man, Bajis! You were waiting for this, right ?:) Last time, I ruined your theory almost instantaneously as you are doing now to me :( . Anyway, at least TSC creates opportunities for us to have some fun with these theories, I guess :mad: Let us hope for best. Keep ruining those two cents worth theories ;)
I don't think FP matters

My wife has done her FP on March 15th 2002. If the 15 months thoery is right then her finger prints are expired and we didn't receive any new FP notice or Approval (being very optimistic).

My finger prints are received by the TSC on October 1st 2002. No news from TSC after than. Both of us ND is 09/01.

I was told by my lawyer that the former INS was not doing fingerprinting till they were ready to adjudicate the case. My ND is 11/01 and I did my FP in 03/03. now according to my observation all the people who did there FP's in 2002 are the ones being approved. Yes there might be some who's FPs have expired and they havent been approved but the majority of approvals are of those who did there FP in 2002