GC Approved!! yahooooooooooooo


Registered Users (C)
Finally, my GC was approved yesterday. Now before you guys think, how lucky I am (I guess i am to som ectent), I filed for I 485 status adjustment in May 2001 at Nebraska Service Center. So, my GC was approved 4-5 months after the current processing dates are shown (which I assume is Septemeber 2001, right now). I want to thank Rajiv for letting me joing the class action lawsuit and senind an emails to USCIS lawyer regarding my health (As if this delay did not cause enough problems in my life, at 33 I was diagnosed with Brain cancer last week. I am doing ok right now and do pray for my recovery if you get a chance). Rajiv and his team hlped me a lot with their support and I cant say enough. I also aggresively sought the help of local Senators ( Missouri and kansas). If any one of you are looking for help from these sates, contact Pat Roberton's office in Kansas or Congresswomen Karen Mc'Carthy in Missouri. Anybody else, you are just wasting time. For Karen MCcarthy's office helped me a lot and when she heard that I was sick, she asked me for some proof from the doctor's office an dfaxed it to USCIS. With in 2 days approval came. Hope this lifts some of your spirits. Remember, things can always be worse. I have been waitng for this day for close to 3 years, and now it seems such a trivial thing in life. At 33, with a 2 yr old boy, and being an dentist who has the potential to make 1/2 million easily in private practice easily, right now my health takes priority and yes I will pull through. USCIS eat my shorts!!!

If anyone on this forum deserves it, you do. All of us who browse this forum mope and moan about our how cursed our luck is, so it should be an eye-opener for everyone to see someone who's luck has decidedly been gammy. Hopefully you've now turned the corner not just with your green card, but with your health and the rest of your life. And may you make the half million a year forever.

You really threw some sense into most of us here. I am sure fellow forum members will pray for your recovery.
Keep fighting and be strong.

Congratulations! You deserve this approval more than anyone else in this forum. Your positive outlook is an inspiration to the rest of us here. All us in the forum have learnt something precious from you today. We will pray for your speedy recovery.
Congratulations buddy!! Enjoy LIFE at the fullest with your family.

GOD bless you........
Oh! What a Moving post ... !

Dear Grandhirk,

I want to congratulate you for your optimism and full of life attitude. After being diagnosed with such a problem finding a big "YAAAAAHOOOOO" speaks for your positive outlook towards life.

You'll be in my prayers and thoughts. I wish that you get well soon and live a long, happy and healthy life with your wife and son.


Cheer Up and smile always


Thukral said rightly..buddy You are our hero and inspiration for all of us. Dont worry God is with all of us and you will pass thru your test of lfe with flying colors...

God Bless You....

If only I had half the zeal that you have!!!! After a long time I'm feeling like dancing today. Keep it up man. Congrats. God bless you.


We will all pray for your speedy recovery and I am sure you will recover in good health and in good spirits.

And congragulations on your GC milestone.


grandhirk, I will pray for you and your family. Your high spirit inspired everyone of us. We really do need more people like you around us, life would be more fun and positive and worth to live. Congratulations!
congratulations, grandhirk

Your story touches all of us. You truly deserve this GC of yours and again, many, many congratulations. Your positive attitude is inspirational and gives me the courage to stand against this interminable GC wait and frustrations in life.

GrandSalute to Grandhirk


Congratulations my man!! A GC well earned and well deserved. Your positive attitude and energy is an inspiration to all of us. I have full confidence that you'll zoom past your health crisis.
Wish you all success and the very best in life.

You'll be in my prayers. God bless you and us all.....