Gap in employment (Part 6.B-on N400 Form)


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In last five years, I have gap in employment. I have below questions:

  • Do i still need to put in start and end date and say "Unemployed" under Occupation column (page 3)


  • Do i need to skip (and not fill) the duration of my unemployment

N400 instructions document doesn't say anything about what to put in if a person is unemployed for sometime in last 5 years.
In last five years, I have gap in employment. I have below questions:

  • Do i still need to put in start and end date and say "Unemployed" under Occupation column (page 3)


  • Do i need to skip (and not fill) the duration of my unemployment

N400 instructions document doesn't say anything about what to put in if a person is unemployed for sometime in last 5 years.

Write unemployed if that is accurate.

Alternatives might be "student" "maternity leave" "self-employed" "convalescence" or "home-maker" as applicable. The interviewing Officer will ask what you were doing and how you were surviving. You might have been living off of savings or you might have been living in your native country or you might have been in jail. They will ask and you must answer.
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