G-325A Question


Registered Users (C)
Applicant's Employment Last Five Years:

I am in the Air Force. I've been in the Air Force (AF) for over 5 years but have had about 3 jobs in 3 different states. I want to translate this onto the G-325A correctly, however I see this being inputed a few different ways.

Is the AF my employer, or each specific unit I've worked under? Is my job specific, like "pilot", or general, like "military"? The answers to these questions will affect how the information will be presented on the G-325A.

Thanks for your time.
Ok, so I guess I will put United States Air Force for 4 lines. I don't know what address to put for the AF as a whole, and I don't think they actually need an address for such a common employer. Then for occupation, I will put each specific job I've had for the last 4 locations I've had residency in the last 5 years.
The air force will be your employer on each line and the addresses you'll use will be the different ones for each state. The occupations will also be whatever it is you were for that time period. so your on the right track