FRONT PAGE NEWS - PCC from Indian consulate in US is good enough for CP.

bullu singh new

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Sudhir... this is front page copy. dude!!! :)

----- From Sudhir -----

Posted By: SudhirKumar 12/13/01 12:06 AM
(#253 of 253)

Its odd as people whose P3 reached after me have dates before me too.

I spoke to the lady inn detail again today. I phrased and rephrased 4 times about the PCC from India. Each time she has confirmed that the PCC from US COnsulate is sufficient for CP. I repeat I asked her 4 times by phrasing and rephrasing if PCC from US is sufficient and each time she said Yes.

Regarding P4 by hand. She said we can do it even today. i.e any day from today. I am planning to get it collected in 1-2 days.
Sudhir..You are the man...(though many other on this board are also men!!! :eek:)!!

Man, if this news is have really made my day......

I am glad that you got your date finally in January. Start looking for air deals man...would give you call tomorrow....

CP rocks...
PCC From CGNY Works

Great News Sudhir.

Just to add to the pleasure, A friend of mine got this confirmed at the Mumbai consulate too. PCC from CGNY WILL be accepted. (He got an e-mail saying the same as well as he called up the consulate to confirm it)

Way to go.
Time to celebarate a little bit.

Guys this calls for a small-time celebaration. All this PCC stuff... was so nerve wracking... ITs so grrrrrreeeeeeaaaaaatttt that the Consulate PCC is the mother of an Indian PCCCCCCCCCCCCSSSSSSSSSS
Yes guys this is indeed Top page news.

All who call up Delhi for Jan interview, please confirm and reconfirm the same from the Embassy guys.

Since we have been living in the US for over 2-3 years now, its obvious thst US is the current place of residence and the Embassy PCC is the one that is applicable to us.

Anyway this is the best news in the past few weeks guys....
No Title

The P4 says 2 Indian PCC required-one from Regional Passport office and other from local police station. It is great that the PCC from Indian Consulate in US would suffice for the first one.

Does it mean we just need one PCC and do not require the other one from local police station? Did you check on this with New Delhi Consulate?

Thanks in advance.
My discussion with the lady was that the US PCC is enough. You dont need any more from India.

Since we have been living in US for past few years. I asked the lady this 4 tiimes.
Each time she said yes US PCC is sufficient.

Anyway request to all Delhi CP interview guys. Pls reconfirm this form EMbassy on your next call. This way we are absolutely sure of the same.

Regarding the notice in P4. I think it is a standard template for all Immigrants and more applicable to those living and applying from India.
sudhir and all others...FINALLY THE GREAT NEWS!....just one tiny thing..did the lady in delhi say th

all CPers...i.e., Jan , Feb......and not just for Jan 2002 CPers.
Makes sense but..

Each consulate has its own way of interpreting the word of the law.
For example, Mumbai consulate said they need police clearances from both authorities - Indian consulate in the US AND local police authority in India.
I confirmed this with my dad a minute back. He specifically asked if they need BOTH or EITHER. She said BOTH.
Now, if you think of this, the source of information is the same - your local police station in India that conducted the verification. But there is no arguing with the consulate.
I don\'t think its worth the risk not getting both. You are subjecting yourself to the interpretation of the word.
Just my $0.02.
The head of my attorneys company is going to

call the US Consulate in New Delhi and speak to the US Consular there bcoz as per him there is no notification from DOL or NVC about all this PCC stuff.
He is surprised that each consulate in India is having its own version of PCC. Madras does not need it ...Mumbai/ Delhi need it ?
Seems surprising

Will Update the board tomorrow if he gets thru calling Delhi

CP Rocks ....................
Re: Makes sense but..

> For example, Mumbai consulate said they need police clearances from both authorities - Indian consulate in the US AND local police authority in India

But the "local police authority" in India is still open to interpretation. Is it:

a) the police station covering the address in your passport, or
b) the police station covering your last residence in India before you came to the US, or
c) all police stations related to your ds 230 I listing of places of residence, or
d) the police station of your permanent address in India that you listed on ds 230 I
e) the police station covering the last place you worked in India, if you did as listed in ds 230 I of work experience.
f) the police station covering the place where your parents are presently living in India.

I know some seem more plausible than the others. But then which is the right one? And how do we get that in the written. Does Pkt. 4 define "local police station"?

I agree with you that we should lower our risk as far as we can but where do we stop.
Re: The head of my attorneys company is going to..

iamforcp please do update the board.

also i think you should suggest AILA to your attorney. they will have more resources to work on this.
Chicago tells me 3 months today when we submitted our forms !

this after we paid $20. The person at the counter had a great explanation for the $20 fees - $10 per telex - one to India and the other from India...funny why is the official fees $11 ?
I talked to US consulate-New Delhi just now & here is what my conversation was :

Vishal : Is this US consulate at New Delhi ?
Lady : yes, it is.
Vishal : Maa\'m I am calling from United States regaring my immigrant visa. My case number is NWD2001xxxxxx.
Lady :(after a pause)...Vishal Gupta ?
Vishal : yes Maa\'m.
Lady : you will have to appear for the interview on January 30th 2002.
Vishal : (With smiling face)...Oh thats great..(Actually I was expecting February 2002 interview!!) :eek:)!!

Vishal : Maa\'m, I wanted to ask regarding PCC. As I have lived only in India before coming to USA 2.5 years back, do I need to produce PCC ?
Lady : yes, you need to.
Vishal : (Remembering God...) If I produce PCC issued by Indian consulate at San Francisco, would that serve the purpose ?
Lady : Yes, that would be sufficient.

(now...Vishal & his wife congratulate each other...:eek:)!!!

Vishal : So, it means that I don\'t need to arrange any other PCC from RPO or local police station in India ??
Lady : You don\'t need to.

Vishal : Does the same thing apply to my wife as well ?
Lady : where is your wife ?
Vishal : With me in USA.
Lady : Then she also doesn\'t need to produce PCCs from India. PCC from Indian consulate should be okay.

(Vishal confirming once again...)
Vishal : So Maa\'m, I will apply in Indian consulate in San Francisco for mine as well as my wife\'s PCCs & that should serve the purpose at the time of interview....
Lady : Yes, it will.
Vishal : Last question maa\'m, does this rule apply only for January CP applicants or for later also ?
Lady : It applies on applicants for January & onwards.

Vishal :Thanks a lot maa\'m for your help. It really helped.
Lady : You are most welcome.


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....One more confirmation from Delhi that we need PCC ONLY from Indian consulate in US.

I was expecting Feb 2002 interview but I got in January. I need to rush for the things now....

Abe Sudhir, hum dono kaa to ek hee din pad gaya yaar...lets meet & have fun in Delhi....:eek:)!!!
$$$$$$$$$$$Vishal ..that was a really good Post$$$$$$$$$$$

Vishal ..who was taking the notes.. ;-)

Bhaiya araam ki neend sona hai aab

CP Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vishal when was your P3 entered into the system ?