Running Scanning Macro (if you have DSL and a Home Router/Gateway):
1. go to page
2. Enter the Home Gateway home page by typing your admin password.
3. Go to status tab.
4. Press disconnect.
5. Press connect. At this time the router will get a new ip address.
6. Keep this window open.
7. Open Scanner excel. Run Scn macro by press Alt F8.
8. Give the 04-DDD (where DDD is the julien date, remember Oct 01 2003 is 001).
9. Give range. I usually give range of 200 EAC number at a time i.e. for example 51150-51350.
(note: dont get lazy and give a bigger range as USCIS might block the current IP address)
10. Run the macro.
11. A new sheet will be created with all the I140 cases between the range you supplied in step 9.
12. Copy the I140 information to another excel.
13. Delete the generated sheet from step 11.
14. Go to the window in step 6.
15. Press disconnect and then press connect again. You should be assigned a new IP.
(I usually note down the IPs just to make sure I am not reassigned the same IP).
16. Repeat steps 7 to step 15, till you complete the range i.e. from 50000 to 59999.
17. After completing the last run of the macro, copy the previously stored I140 numbers to the sheet generated in step 11.
18. Save the spreadsheet.
19. From next time you when you run the macro you dont have to give the ranges as the macro will be run for all the EAC numbers in sheet generated in Step 11.
20. Please share your information with others on the board.