Frequently Asked Questions, PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING...

Moderator Attention

I try my best to be on top of things, but it is next to impossible for me to read each and every post, so if you ever need moderator attention, just send me a Private message with the link to the thread (preferably) and I will do the needful.
OK I know I want to post a question, but how do I do it?

1. Log on to the portal.
2. Navigate to the section where you want to post.
3. Click on Forum Tools and rest is self explanatory.

For reply to a post:

1. Log on to the portal.
2. Navigate to the section where you want to post.
3. Hit reply button(easy isn't it?).

How to send pm(private message)? ***
1. Log on to the portal.
2. Find that person's post.
3. Click on his/her name and you are on pm screen.
*** Recipient must have his/her pm enabled on their profile.
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Running Scanning Macro (if you have DSL and a Home Router/Gateway):
1. go to page
2. Enter the Home Gateway home page by typing your admin password.
3. Go to status tab.
4. Press disconnect.
5. Press connect. At this time the router will get a new ip address.
6. Keep this window open.
7. Open Scanner excel. Run Scn macro by press Alt F8.
8. Give the 04-DDD (where DDD is the julien date, remember Oct 01 2003 is 001).
9. Give range. I usually give range of 200 EAC number at a time i.e. for example 51150-51350.
(note: dont get lazy and give a bigger range as USCIS might block the current IP address)
10. Run the macro.
11. A new sheet will be created with all the I140 cases between the range you supplied in step 9.
12. Copy the I140 information to another excel.
13. Delete the generated sheet from step 11.
14. Go to the window in step 6.
15. Press disconnect and then press connect again. You should be assigned a new IP.
(I usually note down the IPs just to make sure I am not reassigned the same IP).
16. Repeat steps 7 to step 15, till you complete the range i.e. from 50000 to 59999.
17. After completing the last run of the macro, copy the previously stored I140 numbers to the sheet generated in step 11.
18. Save the spreadsheet.
19. From next time you when you run the macro you dont have to give the ranges as the macro will be run for all the EAC numbers in sheet generated in Step 11.
20. Please share your information with others on the board.
LC Forums were so easy to navigate - 140 looks crazy!

Yes indeed. But then most of the LC issues are common across various SESA/DOL. On the other hand, service centers have different preferences, different level of tolerance on various issues, RFEs are of similar kind for similar cases in same service center. So it is better to have separate section for each service center and one common area.

Where to post?

Normally if it is service center specific question (for ex. how long will it take to get my reciept notice?) post it in the service center's section where you have filed your application. Same goes for trackers.

If it is a general question(for ex. how should I approach for AC-21) - feel free to post where you feel easy.

After a while people associate themselves to a particular 140 section and common area is used to a lesser extent.
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I do not belong to VSC 140 - can I post and expect replies here?

Sure. Except for trackers and couple of center specific questions, most other questions can be answered anywhere. Feel free to post in VSC 140, if you feel someone might help you here!
I feel being bullied.

PM joyd. Please understand it is a free society and people have to be pluralistic to certain extent. More or less VSC 140 has been peaceful, so you will perhaps never need it.

But who is joyd?

Moderator of VSC 140 - nice fellow and very helpful guy. One of the gentlemen of the forum.
I got the selected 140 cases for my date.Now tell me how I scan only identified ones?

Here is a small macro which you can use.

It is same macro which you find in original Excel with minor changes. I am no expert in VBA/Excel, so you may find bugs. Feel free to fix them and post here.

After you have identified all 140 cases of your date - copy all the 140 case numbers in first column of the Excel sheet(you can have other data in other columns).

Run this macro against those identified cases.

You will be asked to Enter EAC Sheet Number, which is in Public Sub NewI140Scan(). Enter the sheet number 1, 2, 3 ... on which your cases exist.

Then you will be prompted Enter number of cases to be scanned - enter the number of cases which you want to scan.

Next you will be prompted Enter New EAC Sheet Name, enter your new sheet name.

Then it will ask you if you want to start the scan - click yes.

After couple of minutes you will see results. Hope you find it useful.

While testing the line:

Set ws = Worksheets(CInt(sheetNumber))

was hardcoded to

Set ws = Worksheets(1)


Public Sub NewI140Scan()

I was copying all the 140 cases on sheet 1 all the time for testing.

It was a hurried effort as I did not have free access to machine with Excel(do not have even now) - so this is all that I could do. Feel free to modify it and attach with original scan Excel and post it here after giving this macro a sensible name. This way people will find it more useful.

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AR-11 again.

I filed for an address change form AR11 for myself but did not file separately for my family ie: my wife and kids and it has been close to a year since i filed and my I140 and I485 are in process will it be a problem? Can I file now ?

Well you have to file AR-11 for everyone(you will fill for minors). Many times it goes unnoticed. There were reports that tons of AR-11s are lying in Chicago, waiting to be entered in database. BUT this is no reason why you should not fill it. Fill it now and send it. And send it for everyone who missed it.
What items do I need to file 140?

Nothing. 140 belongs to your employer and he/she has to do all the paperwork for you.
Which is faster?

Would you say CP is faster than 485 ??

It keeps changing. CP used to be faster than 485, but there are CP cases of 2002 waiting in NSC. Do not decide on statistics. If Fujie Ohata memo comes in play in word and spirit, CP might be a slower option.

Is 140 faster for CP than 485 cases ??

Right now in NSC - yes, not in VSC. And NSC might change anytime. Base your decision on pluses and minuses of each category not just on speed(in CP there is no appeal against rejection for example).

I also noticed that most EB2 cases are taking approximately 3 months time on average anyway

Give me a break please. EB2 is dead long time. EB3 is jumping ofcourse! But then these dates can change in future. Also understand many EB3 are waiting for approval of 140.

(*** Thanks spidey for questions).
But I see...

I can see that EB2 average processing time is less than that of EB3. Still you say EB3 is faster! Am I missing something or are you misleading me? :rolleyes:

Some people are lucky and they got approval very fast. Check the 140 approval date on right side. You will find EB2 approvals are exception right now and EB3 is a trend. Almost 90% of EB3 cases of 2004(till March) are approved, compared to < 10% of EB2. Average of EB2 will shoot high when we see their 140 approvals.
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OK I have a query - can I post it here?

No. This thread is meant for only such posts for which:

1. You know the question and answer.
2. The question and answer pertain to introduction to service center in general and VSC in particular.

Any other query or discussion can be posted in other threads(related to your question) or by opening a new thread.

Do not forget to delete your question from this thread, if it doesn't fulfils abovementioned criteria 1 and 2.
I see fighting and rude posts and seems moderator is not around. What do I do?

Well first of all please understand that it is your forum. Moderators are volunteers - so they will not be able to assist you 24X7. With this in mind - let us see what we can do to keep our balance!

First of all - report such posts to moderator and keep patience - they will most likely clean it up in a reasonable time.

If you feel too offended/upset, log onto your account, select 'User CP' on left top corner of your screen. And then select 'Buddy / Ignore Lists'. Add names of people who you would like to put on ignore list.

It is very important that you just ignore the person so that finally he/she gets the message and leaves the portal or leads ignored life. This technique works very nice.
Can I use AC21 portability if 140 is not approved.

According to a recent news report I have read on and (if I am not mistaken) on, the answer is yes.
Apparently the backlog reduction program has caused delays in 140 processing. AILA has taken this matter up with the appropriate body and there is an expectation that a memo to this effect will soon be circulated.
Is there any other scanner available?

Yes there are other scanners too. Try:

Anaconda Scanner

Initial setup takes a little time, but after that, it works fine for very large volumes.

And then issues etc with modus operandi of a group:

One real attempt.

It is easy to handle and searching proxies is the only bottleneck for this scanner.
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vicky007 said:
Paging Jk, templabor and others

I am trying to Scan cases for my ND but i am getting an error message on Logging to
Is there any other web/IP address that i can try.


I guess this is admin page of router - you need to check if there is any router attached to your machine thru which you can get diff IP address everytime you log on for scan.

There are also many free downloads for proxy on net with a decent configurable front-end. You may like to try those also for different IPs assignment.

Wait for templabor's reply.
What do they check in 485?

Potentially quite a few things, though often not in a lot of detail:

+employment (current and future)
+medical information
+name check
+status in US since you've been here

Some of these potentially duplicate effort that was done at the I-140 stage but I've definitely heard of (rare) cases where the I-140 approval was "overturned" due to processing at the I-485 stage.

In some cases (more these days) cases are transferred to local offices so they can follow up on some of these issues in more detail. That's often not good since the local offices might be more backed up than the USCIS service centers (and there's less information on processing times etc.).

See also the various threads on the kinds of RFE's that they might issue (although most people don't get any) -- these will also give you and idea as to what is being checked.

Hope this helps.

What do they check in 485?

Potentially quite a few things, though often not in a lot of detail:

+employment (current and future)
+medical information
+name check
+status in US since you've been here

Some of these potentially duplicate effort that was done at the I-140 stage but I've definitely heard of (rare) cases where the I-140 approval was "overturned" due to processing at the I-485 stage.

In some cases (more these days) cases are transferred to local offices so they can follow up on some of these issues in more detail. That's often not good since the local offices might be more backed up than the USCIS service centers (and there's less information on processing times etc.).

See also the various threads on the kinds of RFE's that they might issue (although most people don't get any) -- these will also give you and idea as to what is being checked.

Hope this helps.
