Freeze on I-485

What my lawyer is saying..

Contacted my lawyer this morning. Basically she is saying that it is temporary "hold" not a freeze before the final AOS which should last for couple of weeks.
Iam not sure whom to believe now. But what my lawyer is saying gives some relief. So i decided to stick to her version of story which may or maynot be right.
:confused: :confused: :D :confused: :confused:
sree, your lawyer knows as much as we do. Probably less because this bugs us and we are in the fire, he is just watching the fire. There is no definite way of predicting how long the freeze will last.
Re: my guess

Originally posted by discovery
When umemployment rate is less than 3%, the freeze will be lifted.

Your guess is not right. Not only employment-based GCs have stopped.
I asked my lawyer about the freeze.....her response.....

Yes, at least for 60 days, no I-485 will be approved.
I donot think we can even begin to guess when this freeze will be over. But, knowing how screwed up INS is, looking at history .. not that soon.
Thats bad , Seems they wanna milk more money on EADs and APs . This way they should give us EADs and APs for the length of AOS not for one year.
Originally posted by gettingclosernow
I asked my lawyer about the freeze.....her response.....

Yes, at least for 60 days, no I-485 will be approved.

I doubt it. I asked my attorney and here is his response:

"As far as I know, the information you have is a bit alarmist and overstates the issue, but it is true that the queue for background checks is growing daily, and this is slowing down all adjudications including AOS. We won't know what the real impact is until we have more reports from INS offices."
Ghost rider, they would never do that. Coz that would make sense. And we know INS and sense donot mix.
Some info from my lawyer on Freeze

The first official word is just in from AILA national on the "freeze" (see below). I wish I could provide more specific information, however, this is all that is available at this time.

Best regards,

Some call it a "freeze". Some say "halt". Some refer to a "delay". But it is all the same thing: INS District Offices and Service Centers are not issuing approvals on any adjustment of status applications, and many naturalization and asylum approvals are also being delayed. Indeed, some areas report that people have been pulled from naturalization ceremonies at the last minute. INS Headquarters continues to insist that there is no "adjudications freeze", and indeed cases are still being adjudicated. But where the case is ready for approval, the approvals are not being issued.

What is behind this? An 11/13/02 INS memo, described on InfoNet on November 21, 2002, required that no "benefits" be granted until the INS receives back from the FBI an affirmative response on the G-325A name/date of birth check. Previously, the INS had presumed that if it had not heard back from the FBI within a given period of time that there had been no issue with the check. INS has now indicated that the "benefits" in question are adjustment of status, naturalization and asylum. Ancillary benefits, such as advance parole and work authorization, are not subject to this process.

Because there was no automated mechanism in place for FBI to respond to each and every request, an adjustment to INS' CLAIMS system had to be made. AILA has been advised that that system adjustment is largely completed, so that the checks can be made on an ongoing basis.

However, there remains a backlog of pending cases on which INS still needs FBI clearances. INS Headquarters indicates that the FBI has sent it tapes covering about half of those cases, but INS local offices are still indicating that they have not been given the clearance to issue approvals on these cases.
independent, can you tell us the source of this info? I mean yea it's AILA, but is this an email to you from AILA? or on AILA's site? .. ???

It was an email-update from my lawyer after my enquiry on this issue.
I asked her the source of the text. Haven't heard back from her. I will let you know as soon as I receive it.
I think we are royally screwed. No way FBI is gonna send back the information fast (Who would like to get their as whipped anyway!!). Somewhere I read (this forum only) that attorney general issues a statement to freeze all the applications. I think it will be a long time these idiots will figure / sort things out. This is the power of holding both houses and senate!