FP Tracking for Marylanders

Backlog for Maryland

My lawyer told me that Maryland Application Support Center is currently rectifying a September 2001 case backlog. Not clear about what "Maryland Application Support Center" refers to exactly.
check your AVM

AVM updated for me. FP notice sent on Feb 26. No extra details provided other than " if you do not receive the mail in 14 days....."
Did any one from Baltimore receive FP recently with RD in July ?

RD: 07/23/01
ND: 09/06/01
FP: ?
Resi: Baltimore, MD
How many of you are in same boat as mine ?
Its so frustating...how you guys keep up with this? Specially when I see that others living next door to me filed months after me already got there FP done. WHY ?
Recieved FP notice

got FP notice today in mail
RD - Oct 18, 2001
ND - Nov 29, 2001
FP Notice Issued - Feb 19, 2002
FP Date - March 26, 2002.
State - MD,
Center - INS@Hopkins Plaza in Baltimore