FP sent to different Service Center.


Registered Users (C)
I came to know from FBI that they have sent the FP results to Nebraska Center.
Will Nebraska center re-route it to the California center.

Please help.
I am in the same boat

I have been anxious about that, and after I saw this post, I called FBI again, to discover that mine was sent to TSC!!! :(
I am not sure if it was sent to San Antonio ASC, or HQ of TSC at Houston. I also asked FBI officer about rerouting, and she said they will. But I don\'t think she can guarantee it. Can anybody else help us in this issue? Please share your experience...
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Have U done your FP in Austin?.

I am thinking to call CSC after 2 weeks do find did they get the FP results or not. As far as i know FBI cannot re-route but the Texas center and in my case Nebraska center can re-route. But how is this done i have no idea.

By the way when did U done your FP. Please post any information U get regrading this. I will do the same.
FP done in San Antonio

My FP was taken on 8/22/2001 in San Antonio, closest ASC to Austin, TX. I called FBI to find out what happened to my FP, and I e-mailed the lawyer working for my company about this. I will post the reply as soon as I get it. Thanks.
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I did my FP on OCT 2nd in Chicago. Called FBI on OCT 3rd they said they sent the FP result to Nebraska center.

Even my lawyer is looking in my case as soon as i get the feed back i will post the information.
Answer from the paralegal

I got the answer from Paralegal that FP sent from FBI would be stored into a centralized computer system(is this the system 1?), and any service center can access it electronically. So she thought there would be no problem with it. However, she asked a lawyer on this issue, and I am waiting for the lawyer\'s reply.
Does this match with the FP theory???
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The FBI told the same story that any Service Center can get the information with A#. Okay that is fine, they can get the FP result information if they want it.
But how does the FP results get moved into their main system automatically when the results are sent to a different center?
My lawyer responded...

My lawyer repeated the same comment as the paralegal had made. It seems to be okay, or just no other way but to wait and see. Did you call IIO at CSC for your FP status?
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if it goes to central dtdbase, then what is the concept of routing FP to NSC or CSC or whetever?
 does this mean they(service centers) have their on databases?
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Hi Jheoaustin,
My lawyer has called the CSC. With the A# they are not able to get the FP information. This is a bad news.

But the IIO told to my lawyer that they are still working on year 98 cases (all nonsense)
and it will be a long way to look into 2001 cases. IIO also told that they could get the FP results even if it is sent to a different center and nothing to worry.

Then what is point in sending to a particular center when the information is stored centrally like Jony Lever said

According to some messages posted on this board if the IIO is able to see Finger Print information with WAC# then the case will be assigned to an Officer pretty soon..

In our case the FP information will never get updated so our case will not be assigned to an officer. Well if the Officer wants to get FP information I think he can get it only when he/she open’s our case physically. That is possible only if the JIT report moves beyond our ND and we send a FAX enquiry based on that.

My Plan:
1. I told my lawyer to call Nebraska and see if they can pull the Finger Print information with A#.
2. If they can find then ask them to forward to California Center.
3. If even they are not able to get Finger Print information based on the A# then were the Finger Print information stored (saved) ?
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Hi jheaaustin,

One good news for us. Just now I have seen one person by name Derf got his approval and he did his FP in Chicago and his FP results were sent to Nebraska, but he got his approval few days back.

So at least we have one Example. Good.
Thanks for info.

Hi Newton,

Thank you very much for your kind and soonest information. I feel I should take some actions like you to solve this issue....:(
I wonder if your FP was done manually, or with the scanning machine. Ours were done manually at the ASC, and wonder if the way of taking FP makes some difference.
Thanks again, Newton!!

That is a good news. I want to talk to IIO to see if they can access my FP anyway, but it seems to be so difficult. Almost always busy line in working hours....
Can we contact Derf?

Hi Newton,

Can we contact Derf to find out the details of his I-485 application? We may need to compare his details with ours...
No Title

Click the below link it will take to the derf I-485 approval post.

Newton "485 Approved" 10/15/01 4:15pm
Which FBI number should we call for FP checking???

Which FBI number should we call for FP checking???
Thank you Newton!!

It is really helpful also to me... I hope FBI officers just told us that because the locations where FP\'s were taken belong to the area of the service center they told us our FP\'s were sent to.
BTW, did you get all immunizations required by INS? I still have one more to get and I couldn\'t get it(Td) due to nationwide shortage...:(
So, actually I may have to wait for RFE, not the approval...-.-;;;
Have a nice day!! :)
AVM not updated...:(

Hi Newton,

I found that CSC AVM was not updated for any FP. I am not sure that this means that CSC didn\'t receive our FP. I will ask my lawyer to inquire CSC on my FP, but I don\'t know how she will react...:( Seeing approvals of ND 4/01 and 8/01, I am really concerned about the FP. Hope you have a good luck!