FP notice !

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I applied in Jan...No FP Notice...
Though I have got my EAD & AP...
I know people, who had applied in Feb & got FP notice...

I am very worried now....Any idea - How &/ from where we can find, whether INS has issued a FP notice or not ?
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I had applied in Jan...No FP Notice...
Though I have got my EAD & AP...
I know people, who had applied in Feb & got FP notice...

I am very worried now....Any idea - How &/ from where we can find, whether INS has issued a FP notice or not ?
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I applied in Jan and still waiting for FP (INDIA).
I have seen most of the CHINA people are getting FPs.
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My ND is also Jan, but not getting FP yet. Does anyone know when u call the automated phone sys to check the status, does it tell u whether FP notice has been sent out or not?

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My attorney called INS yesterday to enquire about my FP notice.
INS informed them, that they have not started issuing notices.
Mine is Jan RD.
(Not sure what it means : they have not issued my notice / they r not issuing any notice....)
But whatever it means....some info. is better than nothing....
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I just called the IIO for some other case, but also inquired about my FP notice. She asked some weird questions such as "are you sure you are not scheduled yet? " I told her that I haven\'t heard any thing on my I-485 after the receipt notice. She then told me that my FP will be scheduled sometime soon. I don\'t know how much I can count on her words. My RD is 02/21, ND is 03/09, country is China, EAD and AP are both approved.

One of my colleague had his FP notice several weeks ago, his case was filed 2 weeks before mine. He is a Canadian citizen and he said that may make a difference.
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one of my friend with ND 2/26 is scheduled for FP on 5/22. I guess there is no set rule for this, like they have a rule for anything else. Just hang in there!
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Does anybody know that the FP notice goes to the lawyer or ourself directly ?

Thanks !
