FP Notice Infor.

Unluky People everywhere

It is my understanding that people in Chicago area get FP at most 3-4 months later after ND. So it might be a good idea to call IIO to see what happen. 485PLEASE called and was told it takes 6-8 months to get it according to IIO, yours is overdue.

I had the feeling that we are going to get it early next year, maybe it is good for us since it might not expire before the AD. Somebody posted message that NSC is going to change AVM processing date to 490 days for I485. I am not sure it is a rumor or not. But do not be optimistic at the time of this year.
Waiting for FP ....

PD: 11/30/1999
RD: 08/10/2001
ND: 09/17/2001
EAD: 10/20/2001
AP: 11/04/2001

FP : Waiting ....
May be right but...........

You may be right, But when I talked to IIO on 11/04/01, they are processing 11/99 cases now it seems. I told them there are somany people received FP in chicago area based on Immigrationportal.com information. They don\'t know how other people getting FP\'s it seems.

We don\'t know what\'s happining in INS

Sunil, your message confused me

What do you mean by processing 11/99 cases ? Are they sending FP to people with priority date 11/99 or you mean something else. My PD is 4/99, (RD - 7/10) and no FP still (Detroit area).
Looks like standard responce

Hi 485please.

Called NSC myself. Checked about FPs but got a std. reply
"currently processing Oct \'00 and you could receive FP notice in 3-9 months.". Asked about the other cases where people with later RDs have received notices. No comments on that. Let me know if anything develops from your end. GOOD LUCK.
NSC does not know why...

My attorney called today and was told that a lot fo people have been calling. They have lots of calls from Detroit with no FP for NDin Feb-April. They are themselves trying to find out how this happend. So all of you please continute to keep calling and please post what you find out. Hopefully something good will happen soon.

Also Mr. Khanna, do you have any suggestions for us?

Hi, Guys;

Please read the following message posted today. Should we call our
attorneys to file the inqury to INS? Or to call to request to issue
FP notice?



DETROIT FP waiters
shiyihelencai - 12:33pm Nov 17, 2001 EST


I wrote letters to Senators office. And one lady in Carl Levin\'s office called NSC, found nothing wrong with mine and my wife\'s I485 applicaiton.

The problem is the need local Detroit INS send them memo, saying there are time slots available, so NSC can go ahead of sheduling FP.
   clearly there are 2 things :

1. NSC did not dislike Detroit. The problem is local Detroit INS give
FP slots slowly. Maybe we should figure out sth to push it.

2. For I485 filed late than 05/01, 2001, FP should be generated by
machine. So there is no worry about it. But before May01, 2001. Will
be generated mannully. Very possibly delayed.

My lawyer told me if still not receive FP notice by Nov. 26, then
fax our I485 receipts to him, he will file inquiry to NSC.

RIR, RB2, DETROIT, CHINA, RD 04/05/2001, nd/04/05/2001.

So, Detroit Filers earlier than me, Jan, Feb, March 2001, I think
it is time to let your lawyer File inquiry. If lot of people file
FP inquiry, NSC will possibly get to know they forget our FP.

Donz, Call lawyer...

I did so and they agrred to file for enquiry.
 She asked me to call back after about 20 days.
 (I guess it takes them that much time to receive a reply.)

 Let us hope there things will move faster now.
CALL IIO maybe better

Hi, 485 Detroit:

I saw one post saying that he called IIO directly for the FP notice issue with ND of 04/09 and the IIO told him that she will ORDER the notice immediately. Some one said that mean he is going to receive the notice within two weeks. If that is really the case. Why not call IIO directly and ask for the order.
Talked to an IIO (an hour ago)

regarding FP and he said should get it within 30-60 days. According to him many cases are like mine (no FP yet) and they\'re processing 10/00 (surprise huh??!!!). The guy was so laid back, but don\'t know whether this is a good sign or not!!! I tried to get him to take some action (immediate order of FP or whatever) but no way.
  RD 01/01, ND 02/01, Chicago, FP not yet, AD !!!
Thanks for the info.

I have called my attorney and she is going to file inquiry on my behalf of the FP notice problem. I will let you guys know what happen next. Please input whatever you know about this issue for the benefit of everyone in the same boat.

What is your priority date?

What is your priority date? Also, does priority matter any more since all categories are current now? Please let me know your thoughts,
Got my FP notice.

I got my FP notice on Friday (23) and is scheduled for
Dec 20. Wow, finally!

Donz, any luck?

 R.D.: 03/01
 N.D.: 03/01
 Place: Detroit.

Hi, 485 Detroit:

So glad people between 02/01 to 05/01 received the FP finally. That mean somebody is looking at this issue now. I called my attorney for an inquiry. Have you done anything such as calling them?

It is a good news in this gloomy day. Good luck. And provide some insight to this board if you have any.
F.P. Notice

Can you tell me which F.P. notice have you received. Some people are getting F.P. Notice with an option to go on scheduled date and if they can\'t go they can go on any following wednesadys, others are getting F.P. notice that requires rescheduling if they miss the appointment date. I have seen both f.P. notices, one for Dallas, tx that has bottom portion to be used for rescheduling and the other from NSC that clearly specifies that they can go on any wednesdays (with in some date) if they miss that date. I appreciate your feedback as I am from detroit with R.D. Mid Feb 2001 and will be out of town for almost a month.
