For the long suffering RFE dudes


Registered Users (C)
There was a thread a few days back about RFE cases that have been pending a long time. I wanted to add my details to that but for some reason it did not allow me to post and now I cannot find that thread. Anyway, here are my details - mainly for the benefit of those RFE sufferers who have been waiting a long time. You are not alone!

PD: Jan 3, 2000, EB3/India
RD: Jul 11, 2001 (436 days ago)
ND: Aug 24, 2001
FP: Dec 7, 2001
RFE Issued: Jun 13, 2002
RFE Reply Recd by INS: Jul 9, 2002 (73 days/10+weeks/2+ months ago)

Sorry if I am making this sound so dramatic - I must be finally losing my mind! During the past year I have run the full gamut of emotions - in March 2002, I was EXCITED because that's when the first July approval appeared on this board. In June 2002, I was DISMAYED when I heard that the RFE had been issued. However, I was also RELIEVED and EAGER because at least my case had been picked up and I knew that RFE cases are always approved within 2-3 weeks of receiving the reply (yeah, right! how wrong I was). July led to ANXIETY when the days passed by and there was no news. In August there was ANGER (since other RFE cases were being approved within 1-2 days of the reply and here was I with weeks passing my). Now here we are in September and I find myself strangely at peace. No more emotions left I guess. Once the approval comes (whenever that is), I am sure there will be plenty of bitterness. Whether there will be any joy, I don't know.

For those that are curious, RFE was for G325A (Biographic Info) which was submitted originally but they asked for a new one. I've spoken to IIOs several times. They were always polite to me but completely useless. I've also contacted a Senator and a Congressman. They were also very nice but that also has not helped. Not surprising, since I have come to the realization that this agency (INS) is not accountable to anyone.

Hope this is of some solace to those who are waiting. scare me ........

Not a long sufferer of RFE was issued just yesterday.........still don't have an idea as to what info they require.....

I totally agree about the things you mentioned about feelings ........ But we just can't help it..........I guess when we get our approvals......I am not sure how I will react..........I hope by that time I still have some enthu left in me.......

Wanted to know from you , if I need to wait for the RFE notice to come to me or can I get the info by calling an IIO....

Let me know.........and good luck.....
i think you have to wait for the RFE

hi tusker75!

As far as I know, you have to wait for the RFE and calling an IIO will not help. I don't think IIOs would know what the RFE was issued for and even if they did, I don't think they would tell you.

I did not mean to scare or discourage you with my post. The fact remains that most RFE cases are approved within 2-3 weeks of the reply and yours will probably be in that category too. Still there are cases which seem to fall through the cracks and mine happened to be one of those.

Good luck to you.
Thanks buddy.......

Seeing the way things happen to me.......not only wrt GC but other things in life..........never got a thing without a fight......... have always paid more where other's have paid less..... and on that........this happens to be GC....

I guess I am going to wait till I get the notice and then act........

Hope u get ur's approved soon........
I think mine is the longest wait after an RFE. My RFE response was received by INS in March 2002 and do I think that I will get approval?

cynically yours

alright! this is just getting worse....
fsa448 and junfiler2- you guys are surely the scarier of the bunch I've met in a while... you're telling me that it could (duh! it did in your case!) take more than 2-3 months for the elephant to move from... my backyard porch to the lawn..

was hoping for a good weekend... dont see much of a chance now... as far as running out of emotions, dont worry, we'll find some new one soon... how about a mix of "devilish disappointment" and "strange sinking feeling" immediately followed by "indefinite indifference" ...
catch ya' later .....soon as I get jaded.. again...
yeah, it happens to some of us

I was one of the first Aug RFEs and was cautiosly optimistic that within 2-3 weeks, a month at most, will reach the end of the tunnel. Alas ...

RD: 8/8/01
FP: 1/25/02
RFE: 5/28/02 (medicals, paystubs, the works)

Reply recvd: 06/24/02

Called at end of July -- wait for 4 to 5 weeks.
Then at the end of August -- 60-90 days
Now what ? And what are you going to tell me when I reach 540 days ?
Re: Thanks buddy.......

Hello buddy,

For some people, they have to work hard for even a smaller thing. For others, it comes so quick.

Why is that so?

Originally posted by tusker75
Seeing the way things happen to me.......not only wrt GC but other things in life..........never got a thing without a fight......... have always paid more where other's have paid less..... and on that........this happens to be GC....

I guess I am going to wait till I get the notice and then act........

Hope u get ur's approved soon........
Iron Leg ??

september_gc and tusker75,

There is a factor called 'Iron Leg' in India(Telugu). These are the people live by
keeping the bad luck in their front packets. All these days i was thinking i was alone in that
category, but I got company!!

I am one of the long waiters. Some of you in this thread might already know me, but
My RFE was issued on May 27th and it never reached either me or my lawyer (Iron Leg)
My lawyer asked me to wait a month and see if we get it, it never did. I called INS on
June 20th and some nice lady told they will re-send the letter. So the copy was sent to me
on 25th June and AVM updated to 'mailed an RFE on June25th' (which date will be on my file??)

I got it on June 28th and we replied on July 1st. Ins received it on July 9th... that's it
I called 3 times so far (once a month) first two times heard 2-3 weeks and last time
a nice lady told it may take another 2-3 months.

So the 'Iron Leg' factor is fully in force. what do you guys say?
This sucks and is very very depressing!

I guess I can't really complain...
Employment RFE rcvd by INS : 08/20

Still waiting. I just sent in my EAD renewal last week.
Someone actually told me that it might speed things up..highly doubtful but who knows what goes on in VSC. Keeping my fingers crossed.:(
An IIO told me that INS issued RFE to me yesterday, but do not know what it is.

tusker75, how did you know you get RFE? talking to an IIO?

RD 9/13/01, MA
Originally posted by gcard02
An IIO told me that INS issued RFE to me yesterday, but do not know what it is.

tusker75, how did you know you get RFE? talking to an IIO?

RD 9/13/01, MA

Talking to IIO is not going to help. You have to wait for RFE to arrive by USPS. In my case I never got it but fortunately my lawyer did.

Very sorry to hear of the long wait that you are having to endure! I thougth that my wait of about 3 weeks was torture (from RFE response received to approval) but realise now that it was nothing compared to your suffering.

Yes, senators' and congressmen's offices are supposed (and in many cases do) to help! But, I have been told that nothing is as effective as your lawyer calling INS and talking about your case. See if you can get your lawyer to make that phone call if you haven't already.

I fully agree with emotions running dry and bitterness even after your approval comes through. When one fights (or waits) so long to get something that others seem to be getting without much effort, it sure does feel like happiness is a strange emotion to have.

Good luck and my prayers for your (and your fellow sufferers') approval of 485.

-Palaniappan Rajaram

I have never called IIO. I usually check the AVM. I had checked AVM on 09/19 at night when the msg had changed from "Processing has resumed...." to " On Sept 19th we have mailed you a notice requesting additional evidence.........."

Since you have talked to an IIO, keep checking the AVM until it says that the notice has been mailed out. There are things like RFE has been generated, generated but not printed, printed but not mailed which you hear when u talk to IIO.

So just be prepared with all your documents........and wait for the notice..which your lawyer will receive.

It's always the lawyer who will get the original notice.

prajaram: After your lawyer sending the documents to INS, within how many days did the AVM change to RFE response received???????

My RFE notice mentioned it may take 14 days to 1 month for a decision to be reached after a response is received.

Btw my RFE was for

1. employment letter
2. 2001 tax filings/W2
3. Earnings statement for the last month
I was approved on 9/25

Hi guys!

As I posted in a separate thread, I got my approval on 9/25. Ironically, I came to know about it only on 9/30 when I saw the approval notice in the mail. Earlier, I used to check AVM and visit this site everyday but then I stopped checking the AVM or browsing this site starting on 9/23 due to the audit. Two days after that, I was approved. It took them 2 months and 16 days since they received the RFE response.

To all my fellow waiters, I can only say good luck. I know how hard the waiting was for me and I am sure it is for those who are still waiting. As I mentioned earlier, my feelings were mixed when I saw the approval.

BTW, if you look at the NSC 485 forum, there is a thread going on about people who filed in 2000 (that's right) and are still waiting. I guess misfortune is a relative term :)

PD: Jan 2000
RD: Jul 11, 2001
ND: Aug 24, 2001
FP: Dec 7, 2001
RFE Issued: Jun 13, 2002
RFE Resp Acknowledged by INS: July 9, 2002
AD: 9/25

Congratulations! This is really a good news! It give me
hope! I've been waiting for about 5 months since INS
received my RFE response.

Thank you and congratulations again.

RD: 6/23/2001
ND: 8/2001
RFE received by INS: 5/5/2002


My lawyer called IIO yesterday. IIO had no idea why my case
got delayed. According to the IIO, my case was two months overdue which they think was not too bad. They suggested
us to wait another two months.

I used to think I can get it before June, then I thought I should
have it sometime in the summer. Now I hope maybe Christmas.

Let's see what they are gonna to say when I reach 540 days.
It's only two months away.

God help me not to get mad.

RD: 6/23/2001
ND: 8/2001
RFE received by INS: 5/5/2002

God you guyz are scaring the living day lights out of me. My RFE was just rec'd. First my idiotic lawyer has takenmore than a week in editing the employment letter which I am presenting to the company. He insisited on doing it and havent heard from him. Then my co. will take another week signing it and another week in my lawyers office and then mail.
My RFE explicitly states that my case will be processed within 2 weeks of receiving a reply.
I don't think I'll see anything before Dec/Jan if i'm lucky!!!
Eitherways my question to you all is
Didn't your RFE's state that processing after receiving a reply will take 2 weeks????