Folks any ideas on how to support this bill?

Found this in another thread
Go to
and in the Bill number type in hr 440

Quote from the link.....



`(1) IN GENERAL- The Attorney General shall adjust the status of an alien to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence if the alien meets the requirements of this subsection.


`(A) DURING APPLICATION PERIOD- The alien must apply for such adjustment during the 24-month period beginning on the date final regulations are issued to carry out this section.

`(B) INFORMATION INCLUDED IN APPLICATION- Each application under subparagraph (A) shall contain such information as the Attorney General may require, including information on living relatives of the applicant with respect to whom a petition for preference or other status may be filed by the applicant at any later date under section 204(a).



`(i) 5 years- The alien must establish continuous residence in the United States during the 5-year period ending on January 29, 2003, and through the date the application was filed.

`(ii) TREATMENT OF CERTAIN ABSENCES- An alien shall not be considered to have lost continuous residence by reason of an absence from the United States permitted under subsection (b)(9).

Any ideas on how to show support for this bill?

This is good bill. It requires wide support. All the employement
category suffering may end, if it passes. But I wonder if the
US congress will pass this bill.

Contribute money to your congressman to improve its
chances, and specifically mention HR 440

What a good bill! What can do to support it?

Let do something if we can!

tru, by the way, where do you find this message, my friend?

Thank you.

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This could be a life saver. I've often commented that I didn't understand why my long term status (+6 yrs.) in this country doesn't count for anything when applying for permanent residency.
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I found it in a VSC thread.

Instead of just sitting and waiting for this to happen. If we push for it then folks would know about it. I suggest that we talk to our lawyers and see how we can show support for this bill.

If you folks remember that last year INS was trying to introduce a 30-day visa only on entry to the US and you have to show proof that you need more than that time to stay in the US and only then it would get approved. There was a huge drive to get a lot of signatures to INS not to implement this. I am sure for such a bill we could probably get a wide spread support. So ask around, other friends, your lawyers etc. and please post details on what you find.
Requesting two minutes of your time

Here is more information on the Bill

This Bill was introduced by Luis Guiterrez (Illinois Congressman). It is mentioned on his main home page

Here is the email link to send a message to this congressman's Talk

Please send a Thank you note and your support to this bill. It will only take two minutes of your time. I am sure your comments will count. You can send emails even though you are not from this district (I did it already).

More information on the bill

Here is the list of congresspeople who support this bill

Joe Baca – DC
Eliot Engel – NY
Ciro Rodriguez – TX
Linda Sanchez – CF
Nydia Velazquez – DC
Charles Rangel – NY
Major Owens - NY

Status of the bill

Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims.
We appreciate your work. It is a great idea.
Can you get hold of other sponsors email addresses , so that we can show our support to each sponsor?

All the others go through the write your representative emailing system which allows only people from the specific district (based on address and zip code) to email these reps. But if you can mail them if you want to.
Send a thank you note senator

And Also requested to local senator support the bill let see what he will say.

Guys you are amazing !!!!

Thanks for sharing
i have a question

i am not sure that i understand correctly, the bill actually says -

"The Attorney General (AG) shall adjust the status of any undocumented immigrant to that of a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence if the individual:"

note the word "undocumented immigrant". can you please tell who will be benefited by this. thanks.
Re: i have a question

Originally posted by tmc
i am not sure that i understand correctly, the bill actually says -

note the word "undocumented immigrant". can you please tell who will be benefited by this. thanks.

Absolutely. This lets people who have resided continuously in the US since early 1998 file an I-485. If you have already filed an I-485 based on an I-140, this bill will do absolutely nothing for you.

Except lead to lots more I-485s for TSC to process, slowing things down further.
one more question...

at this page it says the following

"The Attorney General shall adjust the status of an alien to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence if the alien meets the requirements of this subsection."

however at this page it says what i said above:

"The Attorney General (AG) shall adjust the status of any undocumented immigrant to that of a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence if the individual:"

IMHO, this looks like for illegal immigrants, however i could be wrong. as per my limited understanding goes this sounds similar to 245i. i would be thankful if someone can clarify it all for me. thanks.

I am not sure if any bill will pass asking for illegal immigration in these current conditions. The wording that is what is in is what that has been submitted to the approval so that is what we have to assume as submitted.

In such a case this bill is advantageous for us legal immigrants.
Official Sponsors

Out of the original 15 co-sponsors, some have withdrawn. Here is the list of official sponsors.



1st Session

H. R. 440
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to adjust the status of certain aliens with longstanding ties to the United States to that of an alien lawfully admitted to permanent residence, to promote family unity, to improve national security, to modify provisions of such Act affecting removal of aliens from the United States, and for other purposes.


January 29, 2003
Mr. GUTIERREZ (for himself, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. PASTOR, Mr. SERRANO, Ms. SOLIS, Mr. GRIJALVA, and Mr. ACEVEDO-VILA) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


Real Canadian,

I u/stand one can have multiple AOSs under different categories- EB, Family etc.

If an individual currently on AOS, expects trouble in GC approval, why can't s/he avail of this opportinuty [ if available !!] ?

Did u hear anything from the local news agency?
I didn't. May be they are not interested in covering these matters
If you have already filed an I-485 based on an I-140, this bill will do absolutely nothing for you.
Not necessarily.
Many people are in fear of not completing their GC process due to a loss of employment. This bill would give some people an alternative way to obtain their GC if their EB GC application is rejected.
reply to plasticcard

I contacted the Austin newspaper reporter. He told that he was busy covering other stuff and that he will get back with me sometime in June. These processes takes a long time (unless of course there is an urgent news) which is why we have to act now so that we can see the results in a few weeks/months.
5-Year Illegal Residents Legalization Bill, H.R. 440

taken from

On January 29, 2003, the Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez and 14 other members of the House of Representatives introduced a legislative bill ("U.S.A. Family Act") that proposed to legalize certain illegal aliens who had been physically present in the U.S. continuously for 5 years before January 29, 2003 and continues to remain in the U.S. until the law passes and the implementing regulation is enacted. This bill was referred to the House Judiciary Committee and currently pending before the Subcommitte on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims, since March 2003.
This important bill has remained a backburner due to the War in Iraq. Now, the war is behind us and it is time for the immigrant community to mobilize forces and push this bill in the Congress. For the full text of the bill, please click here.


the above message, sort of confirms my doubt that it is only for illegal residents.

tru, any updates on this yet. thanks.

No updates on the bill. It has to pass thru senate and don’t know what else. Things would get added/changed etc. before the bill is passed.

IF you look at the link that immigration-law news is pointing to it does not specify as undocumented (illegal) immigrant. The bill wording is for legal immigrants. So I am not sure if the immigration-law news is correct. Will have to wait and see.
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