FINGERPRINTS*Match Warning*Score *70*


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Hello all, I went for my fingerprints today,
Every time she took my FP , on top right side box showed in red **Match warning** and Score 70, some fingers had score of 65 and some 70.
my Background. These were for N-400 filed in 2006, and they were 2nd FPs, i was interviewed in mid 2006, anyone can shed some light on this *match warning* thing????
Never been arrested, no DUI or anything.

Thanx for input in advance.
Perhaps just false alarms. I remember i saw the warnings when I took my second FP. I asked the lady what that meant and she didn't really explaine but told me not to worry. Immediately following that, in an Infopass session, I was told everything was cleared and I was in queue for the interview.
OK great, i kinda found this..for ppl who are also intrested in this matter.

The Match (%) is for match between all the fingers taken at once and then individually.

And they need to Match 50-60% or more, and thats why retries are done when Match is not found or is a low percent match. For Fingers that match the prior finger print (for full hand) comes up with Match Found! not an error but indicator for the person doing the FP to move ahead with other fingers.

It has nothing to do with any database at that point of time
It is also a way to insure that the same person is being fingerprinted second time. I actually asked why they need to FP twice since they don't change, and the dude told me all about how they had different people showing up with fake ids.
Its nothing to worry about.

It's perfectly normal and like already mentioned the centers are not linked directly to a database that checks in real time. I asked when I had mine taken and was told that it was to do with the quality of the print being taken, if it relates the first full set they take, he didnt say. :)
I had the same thing happen during my fingerprint. The technician told me that the reason for the alert was that my indvidual fingers "fingerprint" matched each other too closely, so the computer thinks it is the same finger being scanned again by mistake. I believe it is a check to ensure that the technician does not scan the same finger over again in error. The technician did say that it was NOT related to any database hits, as has been pointed out before.