Fingerprints @ airport - used for N-400 app?

what i heard is the US Government collected terroists fingerprints worldwide and updated their database and they ask ppl who enter the US to do so they can compare all the fingerprints.
what i heard is the US Government collected terroists fingerprints worldwide and updated their database and they ask ppl who enter the US to do so they can compare all the fingerprints.

I think the theory goes that they go to some cave in Afghanistan (that's what they say) they collect fingerprints from a document, the wall, a teacup, who knows. Then they enter those fingerprints as belonging to a terrorist. Then the idea is that terrorist comes to a border crossing, puts his/her fingerprint and gets caught and everybody cheers that the system is working great. Can you feel my sarcasm there? Real world is not like that. Perhaps they catch a small time crook, a deadbeat dad or a very stupid illegal immigrant with a fake passport. On the whole it gives for a very nice and big database of "the other", "the alien". I don't want to completely diminish its usefulness, but I think it is mostly window dressing and pandering to the xenophobic part of society. As I like to say Tim McVeigh was as white American as it can get, and look what he did. If we think that fingerprinting people is the way to accomplish security, let's do it on everyone, EVERYONE without distinction. I don't want to diminish the foreign threat, but threats are everywhere, do we give up every right to avoid a hypothetical risk? I hope we can be smarter than that. and I hope this administration is smarter than that. I wouldn't like every adult, Evangelical pastor and Catholic priest to be put in jail to make sure noone can cause any harm to my children. Nobody wants any harm to come to their children, but there are limits on what you can impose on others to achieve that goal. That would be my point with anybody else.
It is a real waste of CBP resources. Hey, let them do it. Whatever. I am sick and tired of all this nonsensitive greed for a classified fat contract.- :eek:
they never took mine?

i have a green card and when i left the US they never took my print? will i have truble when i go back?
ahhh ok good. thanks:) do i use the Cityzenship line?

Use the "Citizens and Residents" line while you have a green card.

However, because of fingerprinting requirements that were introduced for green card holders, a few airports have citizens-only lines which you're not supposed to use.