Fingerprinting for Minors


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Hello everyone,

We are in a bit of a situation here. TSC approved the 485 petitions for my husband, daughter and me together on 06/02/06. All three of us received identical approval notices in the mail alongwith green cards for my husband and me but not for my daughter. She is 7 years old and did not recieve FP notice when we did, therefore her FP and biometrics were not done. At the time we had inquired about this and were told that FP and biometrics were required for children 14 and older only.

I called TSC now and they said we have to wait for a fp notice for our daughter :confused: Anybody in the same situation? When do they typically send out the notice? Is there a change in the LUD when they do so?

Any inputs on this will be deeply appreciated.

Thanks and all the best,

My understanding (and I may be wrong) is that the delay is due to the fact that they have to scan the photo before generating the green card. This process takes longer. In your case and your husband's, they already had your digital pictures and so it is immediate.

CMC_GC2006 said:
My understanding (and I may be wrong) is that the delay is due to the fact that they have to scan the photo before generating the green card. This process takes longer. In your case and your husband's, they already had your digital pictures and so it is immediate.

Thanks, CMC_GC2006 for this. I hope you are right but there have been cases of code 3 FP done for minors before they are issued a GC and I guess we have to wait to find out what this is.

PS: Your screen name reminds me of the company I used to work for back home in India!

just to give you an update. Today I checked the status of my son's case (similar to yours) and it says that on June 19 they ordered the cards. We never received FP notice, and he is 2 years old. His AP was May 26.

So, wait for a couple of weeks and hopefully they will do the same.
This is really strange. My friend filed his 485 with CSC, and his case was never transferred to TSC. He got FP invite for himself and his wife as well as for both of his kids. (6 and 4 yeas old)

After 485 approval last week, he received all 4 cards today. Note that on his kid's cards, fingerprint appears. Also, the pictures are actually the digital photos taken during the FP appointment and not the original photos filed with the application.

Maybe USCIS have changed their policy? Or is it depends on the service center? Or maybe FP for minors is something optional that you should request from USCIS?

As for my case, I've only received invites for myself and my wife. I've never received FP notice for my 6 and 4 year old kids. My case with TSC was transferred from CSC on March 2006.


CMC_GC2006 said:

just to give you an update. Today I checked the status of my son's case (similar to yours) and it says that on June 19 they ordered the cards. We never received FP notice, and he is 2 years old. His AP was May 26.

So, wait for a couple of weeks and hopefully they will do the same.
Hi, CMC_GC2006

Have you filed your case directly with TSC? Or was it transferred to TSC during March 2006? When was your case filed and approved?

The reason I'm asking is that someone told me that USCIS actually change their policy WRT FP requirements for Minors, so I'm trying to figure out the pattern..

BTW, you've mentioned that your kid's case has been approved on May 26, was it on the same date with yours?

Thanks for sharing the info,


CMC_GC2006 said:

just to give you an update. Today I checked the status of my son's case (similar to yours) and it says that on June 19 they ordered the cards. We never received FP notice, and he is 2 years old. His AP was May 26.

So, wait for a couple of weeks and hopefully they will do the same.

my case is with VSC, not TSC. Sorry if I gave you the impression that it was with TSC.

My I-140 was filed on March 30, 2006, and got approved on May 25, 2006. The I-485 was approved the following day on May 26, 2006. Both my and my son's I-485 were approved on the very same day (that is, May 26, 2006). However, my wife's I-485 is still pending.
WOW! You had a real quick turnaround ha?

Happy for you, enjoy your GC freedom,

Any reason why your wife's application still pending?

CMC_GC2006 said:

my case is with VSC, not TSC. Sorry if I gave you the impression that it was with TSC.

My I-140 was filed on March 30, 2006, and got approved on May 25, 2006. The I-485 was approved the following day on May 26, 2006. Both my and my son's I-485 were approved on the very same day (that is, May 26, 2006). However, my wife's I-485 is still pending.
Hi Intezar05,

I assume you'll be posting an update on you case. I guess you should expect to get the GC for your daughter soon without having to do a FP for her.

In any case since I have the same situation, I'd love to get your update as soon as you'll have one.

Thanks and good luck


Intezar05 said:
Thanks, CMC_GC2006 for this. I hope you are right but there have been cases of code 3 FP done for minors before they are issued a GC and I guess we have to wait to find out what this is.

PS: Your screen name reminds me of the company I used to work for back home in India!
Rambi said:
Hi Intezar05,

I assume you'll be posting an update on you case. I guess you should expect to get the GC for your daughter soon without having to do a FP for her.

In any case since I have the same situation, I'd love to get your update as soon as you'll have one.

Thanks and good luck


Hello Rambi,

Well, I am still not certain that this will be the case though I hope it is. Others on this forum have shared their experiences which range from the dependent applications getting separated from the primary ones to FP requirements to simple oversight on part of USCIS. :rolleyes: So I really don't know what the explanation is in our case, but rest assured I will keep you and others posted.

All the best. :)


Hello Everyone,

We recd. a code 2 FP notice for our daughter yesterday. The appt. is for the 29th of July.


How old is your daughter. My son is 14 yrs old and he did get a biometric code 2 on 07/27.

Well the update is good news....recd. daughter's GC week from her Code 2 FP that was done on 7/29/06. :)


Sorry for not replying earlier. My daughter is 7 years old.

All the best to all.
We got my son's GC approved on Aug 8 at VAC. His FP is not done and we are waiting for his card or FP request.
Biometrics code2 for children

Me, my wife and our 6 years old son filed for I-485 on 6/30/06. Me and my wife got code 3 biometrics notices two weeks after and were done. We received code 2 biometrics notice for my son about three months later to be done on 10/3/06 and was done. Code 2 biometrics calls for picture, one finger print and the child’s signature, which he has to do himself. Now our case is still bending.
Biometrics for Minors


I am in a similar situation as that of this Thread's orginator

I got the FP notice (Code 2) for my son (6 years old). It is scheduled for 10/17

FP and Biometrics for myself and spouse was done in Sep and my wife got the GC already. I am waiting for it :confused:

I was also under the impression that FP and biometrics are not required for < 14 years old

Add me to the list !!1

I am almost in a similar situation.

Self and spouse did FP on 10/3. Kid is 2 year old and did not get a FP notice.

on 10/13 ALL 3 got "Approved, notice mailed" e-mails same as online status
On 10/13 self and spouse got "Approved and card ordered" e-mails ( not reflected in online status)

My question is what would happen to the kid's card ?. Since she is 2 year old, I would be eager to know what type of FP they may request (if at all).

Any other thoughts ... plz share

Here is the update on the infant / minor:

1. Got a code 2 FP notice about 10 days after we got our cards
2. They did digital photo and one finger (right index) print.
3. Got "Card ordered" e-mail within 24 hours of FP
4. Received the card within 4 days of FP.

My rationale / reserach on minors is:

1. You get Code 3 for minor if the minor will cross 18 years in 10 years (duration of validity of GC)
2. You get a Code 2 if the minor will be below 18, 10 years from attaining Permanent Residency
3. In my case, I also think, they waited till my 485 is approved to call the minor for FP.

Surprisingly, on the day we went for FP, there were atlest 40-50 other kids. So, the agent was saying that they probably combine all kids for a specific day.
FP for son (minor)

My case was approved on 11/13/2006, got approval notices and the cards on Saturday 18th November, minus my son's card. Approval notice mentioned that I need to call the customer service number to fix an appt. for his biometrics. Upon calling them on Monday, was informed that I can directly go to an ASC without an appt. but only on Wednesday. Went for son's FP on 11/22 in the morning, they did his digital photo, made him sign his name and index finger (code 2). Received email from TSC in 2 hours after appt. that card ordered, received another email on 11/24 that card mailed. We should be receiving the card this week.