Fingerprinting appointment flexibility


New Member
How does fingerprinting appointment date selection work? Is there any flexibility or INS offers you the preselected dates only? Thanks.
You are scheduled for an FP appointment by date and time. If you are unable to make it, most DOs allow walk ins. Wednesdays and Saturdays seem to be preference for walk ins.
You are scheduled for an FP appointment by date and time. If you are unable to make it, most DOs allow walk ins. Wednesdays and Saturdays seem to be preference for walk ins.

Do all offices open Saturdays? Is there a way to confirm? phone number or something...
Thanks! Will it be acceptable to postpone the FP date by visiting the local ASC center 2-4 weeks later? My DO is NYC, sending my N400 tomorrow. Based on statistics from the NYC people experiences thread I should have my FP appointment in less than 1 month after my N400 is sent and most probably I will be in Atlanta at that time.
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