Finally I got approved!!!


Registered Users (C)
Dear Members!
Today, early morning, I found out that my case has been approved. I want to tell you that it feels as good as I was hoping it will be. I saw the information when I signed in to the web site. The last updated date has been changed and the letter says that the case was approved yesterday. Strange, I did not get any emails yet though my email notification is on.
I want to tell all members how much I have learnt from you guys. Collectively, you know much more than any lawyer that I have came in contact with. Thanks again and good luck to you all!!!!
congrats qsheba! finally they have started working in proper order instead of coming backwards.... enjoy your life with GC.. :)

Congratulations Qsheba!! You deserve it big time. Finally an approval in proper order. I hope USCIS does that often. Enjoy!!

thanks for all of you
I now got my actual green card and it is back dated for one year. I hope every one will got it soon.
I got mine, too.

It doesn't have a psychological effect on me anymore, if any. I got word from Canadian Consulate that I am free to land Canada. I will do so as soon as my RTD is available.