Finally I am hopeful

interpreting the statistics

Notice that all the wac# subgroups in Kashmir's statistics have a very small percentage of cases that have been approved. So rather than a sign of the BCIS picking up the speed, I would imagine there is a relatively privileged group (UK citizens for example, etc.) in the pool.

Originally posted by Silly Man
Exactly my point ND022202. And yea I don't think that speed is enough either, but I think it will pickup.

I haven't been wrong so far in the last 12 months :)
waiting anyway, I agree with Sillyman

We should be able to tell next time (in a few weeks) Kashmir updates the statistics.

If it is a random pick, the approval percentage should increase in all wac# subgroups; if it is a priority issue, then the approval percentage in the later wac# subgroups should stay pretty much the same.

But one way or the other, we are all waiting here.

Originally posted by the_card
i doubt it. it looks like a totally random pickup pattern.
Some hope

According to kashmir's statistics 110-115 cases have been approved since March 31st....Lets hope the keeep the speed or better still improve over it
Re: waiting anyway, I agree with Sillyman

Originally posted by LikeGolfing
We should be able to tell next time (in a few weeks) Kashmir updates the statistics.

If it is a random pick, the approval percentage should increase in all wac# subgroups; if it is a priority issue, then the approval percentage in the later wac# subgroups should stay pretty much the same.

But one way or the other, we are all waiting here.

makes sense. we'll see soon.
Ok, 2 days back when I had posted that I was seeing a steady stream of activity. Yesterday I saw none so my confidence dropped from 75% to 65%.

Today the site crapped out. But it came up breifly and I could run the scan on half the numbers on 02-046 ..and guess what .. 2 RFE SENT from RESUMED (Yes fresh case picked up).

I think I'm right .. the speed might be slow but it's atleast started to move.
My take here is that INS approves cases like trees grow. You know if you keep looking at it, it never seems to grow taller, but turn your back or go for a trip somewhere and when you get back the damn sapling has actually grown a bark! :)

Any ways coming to the point. I don't think SillyMan your confidence level should go up and down. Just ignore it for some time, and before you know it there will be major progress! :)
For those that ask, can you run scan for a specific WAC #, do you know that it takes several hours to run the first time? Sometimes as much as 8 hours! Also there appears to be a limit on how many times you can scan per day from one IP address (1000 scans) and you will need to scan from 5000 - 5999. So if you don't use a proxy IP address this could possibly take you 4 days to get the complete list.

Can you see how onerous your request is when you ask "someone" to scan a certain day? So instead of asking "someone" to run it, PLEASE help yourself out and the rest of us here and YOU DO IT. Then send the WAC numbers to Kashmir.

Now I assume that many who are asking "someone" to run the scan are doing so because you don't know how and you don't know where to get the script.

For those that don't know how to run the script, Off-Patience has created it which runs in excel. (see attachment at the bottom of this post, it has the script)

If you need instructions on how to run the script go here: It's very easy to run, even I managed it, so if you are a dumbo like me, you'll be able to do it just follow off-patience's instructions.


the_card it is very simple for anybody to do the scan...All the infor is provided in the link which gettingclosernow has provided....

If kashmir keeps scanning new number he will not be able to give us the trends for the old numbers...Because he will have to scan the whole lot of WAC numbers for a day and that takes a lot of time...

gettingclosernow was requesting you to help kashmir out in getting the correct 485 WAC numbers for your series... Once you do a first scan you can send the info to kashmir and then he takes over from there.....

All of us have helped kashmir out by providing data....

By working together we can get a better handle on the situation
the_card, you seem to be the offended one here ..

and yea run it yourself, it's too much work for free .. sorry dude.
Silly Man.... I hoped your hope will work

Man....Silly Man,

I thought your hope will work and gives us some hope and that hope is being just a hope and hoping is not working, i hope your hope will work and give hopes to all of us, but my hope is just being a hope. Hoping hopes will come true but just hoping doesnt work thats why you started INS petition hoping your hope will work.

Let's hope someday soon INS/BCIS will approve our cases.

Re: Silly Man.... I hoped your hope will work

Originally posted by junior_member
Man....Silly Man,

I thought your hope will work and gives us some hope and that hope is being just a hope and hoping is not working, i hope your hope will work and give hopes to all of us, but my hope is just being a hope. Hoping hopes will come true but just hoping doesnt work thats why you started INS petition hoping your hope will work.

Let's hope someday soon INS/BCIS will approve our cases.


This is what we call .... hope against hope.
I didn't start the petition; I supported it..but u gotta sign it.

Anyway, I've been and will be hella busy with work for the next couple of months, which is why I donot answer too many questions anymore .. sincere apologies.

But I'll stick around to give useless junk posts, coz they don't need too much time .. hehe :D

BTW, something to cheer you up, in the last 3 days in 02-046 series, we've seen brand new rfe's, brand new transfers, and cases getting approved from resumed status .. multiple times.

Yea I'm sure .. confidence level up to 78%.
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Should start a new thread and call it SillyMan's Confidence-o-meter. Give a rating every day. Something on the lines of, "So how is your bowel motion today INS?"