Final Questions before sending I-130 and I-485 package


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I am getting the marriage certificate today and am going to send out the papers when we are married (3-day waiting period). Have a few questions from the different forms.


My fiance was an Aupair in the US a couple years ago, does this count as employment?

On the "Applicant Box" there there is an Alien Registration Number, since we dont have anything, just leave it blank?

General ?'s

She did have a US Social security# from her Aupair year, is that relevant or not?

All forms Go to Chicago regardless of the instructions on the forms?

Do i send originals or copies?

Personal Checks and Money orders are accepted forms of payment?

Thanks everyone!
I would put the au-pair related things in it. You're probably better off giving them too much information than too little. If they decide it doesn't count, fine, but at least you told them.

The Alien Registration Number will be assigned to her, so yes, leave it blank.

Unless it says 'copy of' in the instructions, send the original. Keep a copy of everything you send!

Yes, personal checks or money orders. I recommend checks, as you will have a better way to track them and get the receipt numbers off them (and it's cheaper).

Yes, everything to Chicago Lockbox. Since you're trying to get at least the AP really quick, double check that you really have everything. You're better off delaying your filing for a few days or even a week to get the last missing forms or pieces of initial evidence, than to have USCIS send you a request for evidence which will delay your case probably by at least one month.
Wow! Fast reply

We will double, triple check everything. We have 3 days to finalize everything because of the mandatory wait time for the marriage license. I have a thorough checklist from and will include everything. We are going down today to get photos taken and schedule a medical for her. Will a medical performed at her college by a doctor/nurse be accepted? Reason being is she has insurance that covers that completely, but other doctors will be needed to be paid for.

Thanks again.

Here's my reason for doing all this:)
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Andreas....what's going on?


What is going on with your case? Any latest update or notice for interview? I have been paying close attention to the DC DO, but man.... those people are so slow....

Give me a shout on what is going on with your applications....:p

What is going on with your case? Any latest update or notice for interview? I have been paying close attention to the DC DO, but man.... those people are so slow....

Give me a shout on what is going on with your applications....:p

Hey Al! I'm still waiting for an interview notice. My last LUD on the I-485 was Dec 31, on the 130 it's even older, Nov 21!!! I have a feeling it's gonna come right when I'm about to move away from here *shudder* ;)

Mutti, I didn't ask, but I had a feeling you couldn't have possibly done everything yet, unless you and your bride are some very efficient people. For one thing, the Immigration Physical, which, as LucyMo said only a certified Civil Surgeon can perform, takes at least a few days, since she has to go there twice. If she's unlucky it may take even longer, when the TB skin test comes back (false) positive and they want her to get x-rays. Again, read everything carefully and double-check.
Yeah i know there are some things left to do. We are getting "married" monday morning, she has an appointment with a certified surgeon at 11:45 on monday and her second appointment on wednesday. She has been through this a few times, first as an aupair, and now as an F1 student so i'm crossing my fingers all is well.


Man... I know about DC processing, some of the slowest in the nation. In anyway, let us keep our fingers cross no scandals are uncovered in this DO, which could further create or put anyone under suspicion and stress...:mad:

On this matter you have been discussing with Mutti, I see the point with regard to what he is alluding with regards to his "hot-smoking bride" having to go there twice. On Monday, it is the intial physical, plus a TB skin test, which they will examine on Wednesday to assess if further tests are required such as X-rays.:rolleyes: Mutti...please ensure that the surgeon whom she is going to see is still certified by USCIS. I have read where Surgeons were no longer certified by USCIS and continued to act as if they are certified and applicants got RFE for I-693. Just double check on USCIS website...;)

Mutti.... I guess I wonder why she has to go on Monday... which is the day on which you should be doing the honey on the moon....:confused: Unless you have planned some festivies for the evening....:p which should meet the appetite of any newlywed couple....:) Congratulations on your upcoming wedding... and welcome to the club... of married couples.... I hope it is a positive experience for both of you....;)

Oh.....I pronouce you husband and wife...:D
The doctor i am using is listed on the USCIS website. I called and talked to the receptionist who walked me through the process (exactly what you have told me).

About the "wedding". We have a church ceremony planned for July 21st in Norway where she is from. The wedding on Monday is for legal purposes purely. We are up against time, which is so comforting:S, hence the quick marriage. I am waiting on a call from an immigration lawyer who we hope to meet with post haste to go over our paper work. We cant get anything wrong on the first try.

Thanks for the congragulatory words, it will be a positive experience!
My fiance had a J-1 visa for the time she was an Aupair. She was issued a soc sec #. I am almost positive that was a temp number, but should we attach that and write in "see attached" in the social security field?
Ok, on the I-485 under the membership section should i list the Aupair Care program my fiance was here with? Does that count or....?
My fiance had a J-1 visa for the time she was an Aupair. She was issued a soc sec #. I am almost positive that was a temp number, but should we attach that and write in "see attached" in the social security field?
social security number is never temporary. You should know that.

Attach what to where? the forms never ask you to attach a social security card to anything. The card is hers and she must keep it. Where do you get these ideas?????????
So she has a social security number and that's what we need to write in? Does every J-1 visa recieve a social security number? I was told it was temporary. The reason i'm asking is to verify. I dont need you jumping on my back for what i admit is ignorance. I just don't know. If I was stupid i wouldn't ask anyone about anything.
everybody who can work in the States legally gets an SSN.

One thing is not knowing something (whether SSN is temporary or permanent), and a completely different thing is making stuff up - like the one about attaching SSN to the immigration application. Be careful about sending anything USCIS didn't ask for, especially originals.
Just to back up Lucy (who seems grumpy tonight), the SS number your future wife got on the J-1 is good for life. I still use the SS card I got back in 1993 when I was here on a J-1 working at an amusement park for the summer! Anywhere on the forms where they ask for her SS number you should write that number in.

The card will probably have something like "Only authorised for work with DHS authorization" on it, that's probably what she/you were getting mixed up with when you thought it was temporary. However just like everyone else in the USA, the SS number is for life.
Thanks for clearing that up doctor. It all gets so confusing that i probably do start making stuff up. Everything is looking good, all the forms are filled out with a lawyer looking over everything on monday. Should be able to send them out wednesday. Thanks again for everything. I'd be a nervous wreck without you all!