Filing K-1 visa


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Hi Everyone....

I am going to file K-1 visa for my fiance, but I'm still considering if I need to pay an immigrant lawyer or I'll just do it by myself. Could please give me some inputs or suggestions from your experience? What are the benefits or advantages using a lawyer?
As far as I know, this K-1 visa process and filing is not that complicated....and as long as I complete all the documents that they requested, almost guaranteed that I can get the visa approved?
The only real benefit of hiring a lawyer is for those people who have things like past criminal convictions and previous visa overstay etc. If you have no skeletons in your closet, then you should be perfectly fine without one. I filed it myself and had no problems, as did many other people. I just used this guide and these example forms and I was good to go.

Ive read many cases on where having a lawyer has actually impacted negatively (ie, the petition not mailed/mailed lately, lack of communication, forgetting to submit appropriate documents to name a few problems) so if you feel comfortable doing it yourself then I say go for it.
We'd heard that a lawyer can speed up the process. Whether this is at all accurate or not, I don't know... Having a lawyers signature on your forms and bits and bobs apparently means they get around to looking at it in a more timely manner. We're going to have a free consultation with one at some point over the next couple of weeks.
Lawyers cannot speed up the process. They can however ensure that chances of RFEs/RFIs are reduced. Mind you, the beneficiary and/or the applicant can both perform the same due deligence.

We'd heard that a lawyer can speed up the process. Whether this is at all accurate or not