Filing for US Citizenship


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I am just becoming eligible to apply for US citizenhip after Green Card. This website and forum has been of great help answering all my questions so far. I just have one more question and would really appreciate everyone's advice and feedback.

How much professional help is needed for filing US citizenship after green card. Is it recommended to hire an immigration lawyer or should one just apply directly.

Please share your experiences

Please provide more info about your case. How sis you get your green card – marriage/ employment? Do you have continues residency (been out of the country for over a year)? Have you been arrested?
The filing process is straight forward. If you have a clean record – go for it.

I did not hire a lawyer and I had no problem getting my Citizenship
Thanks for a quick reply
I got my green card in 2005 through employment and have had a continous residency since then.
I do not have any arrests or anything of that nature