Filing for I-130,NO naturalization Cert,US Passpot ok?


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What if one is filing for I-130 immigration petition for their spouse, and has a US passport but what if naturalization cert is not present.

A friend of mine is getting her citizenship through the Child Citizenship act of 2000 in which it states that if your patents became citizens before 2000 and if you were 18 years or younger at that time you automatically became citizen

So she became a citizen a long time ago according to this law, she is 19 years old now, and didnt apply for citizenship cert. (N600) till about a month ago and it takes like a year for it to come, the thing is she can obtain a passport within a month,

My question is if she can apply for her spouses i-130 petiton on the basis of her US passport? or does she need to wait for a naturalization cert?