Filing AC21


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I'm moving to new company which is a public limited company. My case is pending local office.

The company's attorney says that she would send AC21 letter at the time of interview. Should it be filed in advance to vermont office (where my 140,1485 is filed)? This is coz my new paystubs shows this company and they might ask why I haven't notified in advance? What she should file as part of AC21?

Also my labor title says "programmer analyst" and my I-140 says "systems analyst", which I best fit. Which one should this attorney use as job title and in job offer letter?

Thanks in advance.
Hi, I am also in a similar boat. Would like to know the same. Experts please help us on this...

please confirm my below understanding....

There are 3 places where atleast your job title is mentioned, with job description...

Approved ETA 750 A - job title & description
Approved Labor certification letter - just job title
I-140 - job title & description

On AC-21 letter, if we follow what is mentioned on ETA-750A for both job title and description, that is good enough. And ignore what it says on Certified labor and I-140
ConcurrentFiler said:
please confirm my below understanding....

There are 3 places where atleast your job title is mentioned, with job description...

Approved ETA 750 A - job title & description
Approved Labor certification letter - just job title
I-140 - job title & description

On AC-21 letter, if we follow what is mentioned on ETA-750A for both job title and description, that is good enough.
----------------that is correct
And ignore what it says on Certified labor and I-140
The job title and job duties in all these 3 document will be the same? Will exactly match?

Im looking at 'Dictionary of Occupational Titles'

Programmer-Analyst - 030.162-014 (code)
Systems Analyst - 030.167-014 (code)

On my ETA 750 A, the certified officer wrote under 'Occ Title' field, as 'Programmer Analyst' and under 'Occ Code' he wrote 030-162-014.

On the same certified ETA 750 A form, under 'related occupation' field it says Systems Analyst. On ETA 750 B form, there is also 'systems analyst' under Occupation in which Alien Seeking Work.

I don't know why the above two different job titles are under same category, while they both have seperate codes?
waiting4mygc said:
What is that ETA 750?
--------------- the form sumited for LC by employer
And also I dont have any job title on my approved I140.

Is something wrong ?
-no problem
ConcurrentFiler said:
Im looking at 'Dictionary of Occupational Titles'

Programmer-Analyst - 030.162-014 (code)
Systems Analyst - 030.167-014 (code)

On my ETA 750 A, the certified officer wrote under 'Occ Title' field, as 'Programmer Analyst' and under 'Occ Code' he wrote 030-162-014.

On the same certified ETA 750 A form, under 'related occupation' field it says Systems Analyst. On ETA 750 B form, there is also 'systems analyst' under Occupation in which Alien Seeking Work.

I don't know why the above two different job titles are under same category, while they both have seperate codes?

Don’t get confused write the job duties as on form ETA750A. SWA/DOL officer may have assigned some code lower right side; it has nothing to do with job duties. Write the job title as on ETA750A and job duties (that were written by lawyer who filed LC)