Feedback Aeroflot airlines !!


Registered Users (C)
Can anybody please give me feedback about this airlines ?

Any problem / issue while travlling via Moscow on stamped passport ?

Any feedback about his airlines is highly appreciated !!

Thanks in advance !
Q: What's the difference between Aeroflot and the Scud

A: Aeroflot has killed more people.

Q: Why do Aeroflot planes have 8 engines ?

A: Because, only 4 of them are running at one time.
Originally posted by cmacti
Can anybody please give me feedback about this airlines ?

If you fly Aeroflot using an Airbus 310, then you will be safe as long as the pilots do not let their children fly the plane. If it's an Ilyushin 62, all bets are off.

One thing I'd be worried about with Moscow is that French, German and British immigration officers are honest. I would not make such a claim about Russian immigration.
Actually one of my friends took an Aeroflot flight from US to India. His bags arrived before him.
these are not jokes. Its a fact.
RealCanadian's post
you will be safe as long as the pilots do not let their children fly the plane
refers to the most infamous incident in 1994, when an Aeroflot Airbus A310 on a flight between Moscow and Hong Kong crashed in Siberia after the pilot allowed his 11-year-old daughter and 16-year-old son to take turns at the controls. Some 70 people died in the crash.

They have changed their logo from the hammer & sickle to a "flying elephant". Just think about that.
take a look at their website, even INS has a better website.

In-flight, on board an Aeroflot plane. The stewardess asks a passenger: Do you want a meal? Passenger: What are the options? Stewardess: Yes or no!

A plane lands at Frankfurt international airport. The pilot radios the air-traffic controller: Can you tell me the exact local time? Air-traffic controller: What airline are you from? Pilot: Huh? What's the difference?
Air-traffic controller: If you're from Swissair, it's 14 hours, 35 minutes, and 20 seconds. If you're from Air France, the time is 14 hours and 35 minutes. If you're from Aeroflot, then today is Friday.
According to their web site, on June 2003 they put Boeing 777 into their fleet.

The question is: did they ever train their pilots to fly this ultra-modern bird?
Since it's a "fly-by-wire" bird, the aeroflot people might think that the pilot can just sit, relax and let the plane take off, cruise and land by itself :D

Folks, with all due respect, did ANY ONE of you have any PERSONAL experience with Aeroflot?

Because that's what cmacti was asking about. This is informational site, not satirical, please, lets keep it that way. People really hope to get some information here, not jokes.

I travelled last year on Aeroflot. I do not want to go into details but after that experience i swore that i will never fly this airline in my whole life again.!!!!!!!
sorry, didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. But the jokes capture an essence of the intended discussion, i.e Aeroflot is not a good airline to fly. You can call it a light-hearted discussion.
We are all friends here and its perfectly natural.
cmacti, try to avoid flying Aeroflot. I guess the fares are attatractive though.

DISCLAIMER for rickz: I haven't flown on Aeroflot myself, never ever.
Originally posted by rickz
Folks, with all due respect, did ANY ONE of you have any PERSONAL experience with Aeroflot?

To be honest, no. The story I document I'm glad I didn't experience personally. :)

Look, from a flight safety perspective russian airliners are not the same as American/European ones. An old Il-62 would make me nervous. Thats an actuarially documented fact.

The other issue I am raising is the honesty and probity of Russian immigration authorities. If you honestly believe that they are as honest and fair as the European ones and won't give you unneeded hassles at Russian immigration, be my guest. I don't.

If there's some sort of an advantage to flying via Moscow (probably price) then do it, provided you're willing to make the tradeoffs mentioned. We don't need to have personal experience of them to tell you about them.
Originally posted by rickz

Folks, with all due respect, did ANY ONE of you have any PERSONAL experience with Aeroflot?

Because that's what cmacti was asking about. This is informational site, not satirical, please, lets keep it that way. People really hope to get some information here, not jokes.

read isGCTheKey's post.
Russian Pilots

There was also one another incident where the Russian Pilots got all confused with the Metric system and crashed into another carrier.
Thanks everybody for their feedback......... I decided not to fly in this Airlines !!

Yes, I was attracted due to saving of about $ 500 in three tickets , but do not want to go through BAD experience to save !!

Thanks again and I appreciate your feedback !!
Hi cmacti,

It's upto you to decide. However, during last eight years, I have travelled through this airline more than half-a-dozen times (mostly delhi-moscow, Washington, DC-Moscow, and NY-Moscow routes) and NEVER had any bad experience except some minor delays (half-an-hour or so) a couple of times. Either several of the prior posts on this thread seem to rely heavily on myths and stereotypes or may be I was simply lucky enough not to have any bad experience thus far. People have similar views for Air India as well. Yes, most of the times, if you pay higher and travel through perceivedly "better" airlines, you may have better experiences as mostly one gets what one pays for.

Best wishes,


Thanks ,

Can you elaborate a bit about your experience at Moscow international airport ? I am more concern for that place in case plane is delayed or check-up as my wife was planning to go with two kids !

Based on isGCtheKey? response, I am a bit scared that's why I am trying to find out whether it is worth it to try this airlines !!
Most of the times, I took domestic flights from Moscow - so just needed to go to another airport (It's like in mumbai - two airports are not too far). Officers at airport know English - though pronounciations may be a bit problem both ways (ours and theirs as well). If visa/papers are alright, no big deal. To be safe, keep enough time between two flights and check with them if you need any transit visa.
Rickz, pleeeeeaaaase... give us a break!

I don't understand what rickz is so peeved about. Personally these jokes were a welcome relief when I wandered in here after constantly reading about the the depressing delays and cockups by BCIS.
And, yes, I do have an experience to relate about Aeroflot. Its an unwritten rule with them, the bags and you never travel together. My friend lost her bagagge both onward and return journey from Manchester UK to Delhi. The food was so bad that on the return journey their handbaggage had all the meals she and her son would need for the entire journey. She and her little son were in tears because of the language barrier when they had a stopover at Moscow. The tickets were a gift from her in-laws, well, she is now divorced... personally, I blame aeroflot for this
Again, zztop and TheRealCanadian please keep the jokes coming!!
I have travelled through Aeroflot and had real bad expereince. I boarded from JFK NY, the flight was late as it was supposed to coem from Washington DC, we waited there for 5-6 hours and finally boarded the plane. When we reached Moscow we missed the connecting flight, then we were treated like slaves. We were put in Novotel hotel which I think Aeroflot has hired on monthly basis, there we were treated badly, all the time escorted by someone when going for lunch or dinner, had bad times with food.
This is my expereince while I was going to India and exactly same happened while comming back from India, flight dealyed at IGI Delhi, missed the connecting flight same security gauard at Novotel hotel and everything was same, it looked like I am seeing the movie by rewinding the tape. So my expereince never fly thru Aeroflot even if they are willing to give you free tickets.