Fee for uninsured vehicle


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Hi folks: I have interview on 11th of sept 2008 at arlington DO va. I have a question, couple of years back i went out of country and didnt turned back my licence plates but cancel my insurance, when i came back i got a letter of suspension of my drivers licence dueto uninsured vehicle thing , and dmv asked me in order to resume my driving prvillages i have to pay a uninsured moterist fee which is 500$. I paid that fee and get my licence back. i never had a moving voilation ticket ever nor anything accept some parking paid tickets. i didnt disclose that stuff on N400 form.wot you guys think, is that gonna be a problem or not?????/

Disclose this during interview and make sure you take along necessary paper work showing the fine was paid, since the fine was $500 but frankly speaking I don't see you having any problem. Most problem are due to criminal citations and DWI/DUI e.t.c But not disclosing this can be a problem.
This sounds more like a DMV license reinstatement fee rather than a traffic ticket. I wouldn't worry about mentioning it since its not a citation.
I concur - you shouldn't mention this during the interview. However if it makes you feel better, take the paper work (proof) in the event it comes up - which I doubt it will.
Your problem might with breaking continuous residence. If you left the US for a long time and even went to the extent of canceling your insurance, that could be seen as a break in continuous residence, resulting in possible denial of naturalization.
well its not something about residing period, i was out only for one and a half. so its not the residence criteria.
Sounds like an administrative penalty - rather like a very large library fine - nothing that needs to be disclosed on the N-400. Hope you've done your homework with regard to the (presumably) long absence from the US.