February 2004 - Visa Revalidation Tracking

Applied on 02/20/2004

Documents mailed : 02/09/2004
SL Rcvd: 02/21/2004

Can anyone guide me when should I call DC to check in there.
Delivered to SL - 1/7/04

Recieved by SL - 1/7/04

Who validates the payments. etc? SL or DC?
Is there a way if we could find if the cashier's check were cleared?

I *believe* that SL cashes the cheque. I also read somewhere that someone called up their bank to find out if the check was cashed or not. Maybe you can try that but I am not sure what it means in the larger scheme of things (besides that they've got your application packet)

I may call my bank in a few days to ask them if it was cashed.

Any Idea how long it takes for visa revalidation , or when should i expect my stamped passport

My papers were recv. SL - 02/11/2004
checks were cashed on 02/18/2004

couple of people i know it took them 3 months last year .
Feb 18 2004

I sent my application on Feb18. Not sure if it has reached DC yet. This is the second time I'm getting a revalidation from Washington. Would that help in faster approval?
About DS-156

Hey guys need clarification ,

Are you guys using the e-form or hard copy
Now is it apply to hardcopy is ok or they return the passport if you dont use the e-from
and one more Question
as we are in us how you are answering the Question no 22
when do you intend to arriave in the U.S ,
IN the electronic form we got just dates .. no option for putting "already in usa" ,
how to fill those types of Questions ..
I used the online form.

yes, you can't enter n/a on the online form so i left those fields blank and entered the information with a pen on the hardcopy. you *are* supposed to mail in the hardcopy too with your application packet.

when do you intend to arrive in the U.S:
write "already in U.S." (this is what i did)
I know there are many names I have left out. Please update the list. I know it is very early though.

Name---------------SL Recv-------------PP Recv
hudakchullu--------05 Feb 2004---------Pending
gajavada-----------06 Feb 2004---------Pending
Feb10--------------10 Feb 2004---------Pending
I have added my info to the list, please add your info:

Name---------------SL Recv-------------PP Recv
dreamer_ny--------04 Feb 2004--------Pending
hudakchullu--------05 Feb 2004---------Pending
gajavada-----------06 Feb 2004---------Pending
Feb10--------------10 Feb 2004---------Pending
Name---------------SL Recv-------------PP Recv
dreamer_ny--------04 Feb 2004--------Pending
hudakchullu--------05 Feb 2004---------Pending
gajavada-----------06 Feb 2004---------Pending
Feb10--------------10 Feb 2004---------Pending
Siddharth-----------18 Feb 2004---------Pending
Updated list...Not sure if I missed anyone..

inderp ---------------02 Feb 2004 ----------Pending
dreamer_ny-------04 Feb 2004--------Pending
hudakchullu-------05 Feb 2004---------Pending
gajavada----------06 Feb 2004---------Pending
Feb10-------------10 Feb 2004---------Pending
Indigc-------------11 Feb 2004---------Pending
anna72---------- --17 Feb 2004---------Pending
Siddharth-----------18 Feb 2004---------Pending
sriram1975----------19 Feb 2004--------Pending
intezar_imtehan----19 Feb 2004--------Pending
annu_vinayak--------21 Feb 2004-------Pending
visailrevalid----------24 Feb 2004 -------Pending
My infi

Updated list...Not sure if I missed anyone..

inderp ---------------02 Feb 2004 ----------Pending
dreamer_ny-------04 Feb 2004--------Pending
hudakchullu-------05 Feb 2004---------Pending
gajavada----------06 Feb 2004---------Pending
Feb10-------------10 Feb 2004---------Pending
Indigc-------------11 Feb 2004---------Pending
anna72---------- --17 Feb 2004---------Pending
Siddharth-----------18 Feb 2004---------Pending
sriram1975----------19 Feb 2004--------Pending
intezar_imtehan----19 Feb 2004--------Pending
annu_vinayak--------21 Feb 2004-------Pending
visailrevalid----------24 Feb 2004 -------Pending
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is W2 also required for visa revalidation

Hi All

I am sorry if I am asking this question at wrong thread. I have just received my H1 Extension approval(after 7 months wait??)
As you guys already submitted for renewal , can any of you suggest me what are the required docs for visa re-validation at SL/DC.

Is W2 also required? or just current payStubs enough? I have only 10months W2 as I joined in March2003( I have not used 2.5 years visa time. I came to US in Feb2003). I am worried, if I send W2 also, they may say it is less than LCA and throw query.

Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.


February Visa Stamping


I sent PP to St.L on Feb16th and they received on 17th. I called DC Phone # on March 10th they said it will take a month for them to receive it from St.Louis from the day St.L received. And also they said it will take 3 months from the date they received in D.C. for stamping.

Does this process take so long (4 months) ? or its just an average time ?

P.S. My friend sent on 1st week of December and received it on first week of March, exactly 3 months. Also he did not use the Bar Coded DS-156, but still he got his stamping done.

Updated list...Not sure if I missed anyone..

inderp ---------------02 Feb 2004 ----------Pending
dreamer_ny-------04 Feb 2004--------Pending
hudakchullu-------05 Feb 2004---------Pending
gajavada----------06 Feb 2004---------Pending
Feb10-------------10 Feb 2004---------Pending
Indigc-------------11 Feb 2004---------Pending
anna72---------- --17 Feb 2004---------Pending
Siddharth-----------18 Feb 2004---------Pending
sriram1975----------19 Feb 2004--------Pending
intezar_imtehan----19 Feb 2004--------Pending
annu_vinayak--------21 Feb 2004-------Pending
visailrevalid----------24 Feb 2004 -------Pending
LSaspirant ------------24 Feb 2004 ------Pending