Feb/March Interview in Chennai - Tracking details


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I am trying to track how long it takes to enter into the system after the consulate receives P3 and also to find what is the cut-off date for Feb interview. I have given all my details, please give yours too so that we can track on how it works.
My Packet 3 was received on Dec 6th, but not yet entered into the system.

Sequence of details...

Sent P3 - Dec 1st

Received P3 at Chennai Consulate - Dec 6th

Mailed Cons on 10th Dec - Reply \'Enquire after a week\'

Relative called Cons 14th - Cons gave the name after getting our Case No, Said we do not have Jan interview and asked us to call back after 10 days (We assumed our case was entered into the system as Cons gave the name after getting our case no.)

Mailed Consulate on 17th Dec to confirm entry into the system - Reply on 18th \'No information on P3\'

Relative called again to check the entry into the System 19th - Reply \'not received P3 yet, call after a week\'

We have mailed Consulate again giving the fedex details and asking if we should Fax the info. - No reply yet

Please post your case details,
Costa, we are in the same boat

Packet III mailed to chennai - Nov 29.
Chennai Received according to Fed Ex - Dec 4th.
Sent e-mail to chennai on Dec10, Dec 14, Dec 17 for confirmation - reply is "Pkt 3 - no information" all the time.

Yesterday night I spoke to the chennai customer service representative. The following is the conversation summary between her and me:

Me : Case# MDR2001XXXXXX
Her : Is the name ____________ (Given my name correctly)
Me : Just wanted to know if you have received my pkt 3 and when can I expect the interview
Her: When did you send?
Me : Dec4 - reached consulate.
Her : Yours is an incomplete Pkt 3 information. Somebody has to update the system. Unless it is done I cannot give the possibility of interview date.
Me : What do you mean by incomplete information. who will update the information should it be done by Chennai consulate? Can I assume that the pkt3 information is available with you?
Her : Sorry I cannot say.
 and hung up

I could not make out anything out of the conversation?

Any ideas as what does it mean will be welcome.
Give me some place on the boat -

Mailed PKT3 Dec-5th
Chennai Recieved via FedEx - Dec 10th
E-mailed 15th, Reply "Pkt3- No information"
E-mailed 19th(ISO), Reply "Please inquire us in 1st week of Jan"

Great !
No Title

I am not sure i have some place in your boat.
NVC sent case Dec-18th
Mailed P3 - Dec 14th
Chennai recieved P3 - Dec 18th

No Title

chennai generally takes anytime between 3 business days to 4 weeks to enter the p3 information into the system. dont worry this is normal process how chennai works.
costa i guess you should be fine for feb interview

chennai_anu, you should be under feb bracket. but generally if the p3 information which they recieved is not sufficient they will send them back but in your case it hasnt happened. the best alternative you is educate some body in india about your case and ask them to call consulate just to find out whether you have to p3 again.

Dandelion, you have also chances for feb interview.

rajabuttareddy, you have very less chances for feb you can expect it in march.

dont worry guys it takes anytime between a week to four weeks to enter the information into the chennai consulate. its a normal process dont be panic.

best of luck for all of you
Thanks for responding

chennai_anu, I am wondering if they said incomplete info because they have not received the documents from NVC. Anyway, why don\'t you review your P3 forms and also consult with someone.
I am assuming our names come into the system just after they receive the electronic version from NVC, so this does not mean our P3 info are in the system.

Dandelion, please keep us updated if you know anything further from the Consulate.

Raja Buttreddy, I know many cases whose P3 was received around 27th and still called for Jan interview. Keep your fingers crossed.

Samind, thanks for giving confidence. what about you?

- I will keep you all updated if I get any reply for my last mail, regarding faxing them the documents.
My details ..

NVC P3 Created 12/04 .. as per AVM .. which changed to P3 sent to consulate blah .. blah...
As per my attorney the actual P3 forms mailed on 12/11 which he has also received on 12/17 ..
Mailed P3 to Chennai on 12/14.. FedEx confirms delivery on 12/18.
Planning to contact Chennai only in December end or Jan first week.

my packet 3 information was sent by NVC to Chennai yesterday. I have not received my packet 3 yet from attorney. When can i get my interview approximately?
No Title

Pkt 3 received by consulate 12/10
Called consulate same week confirmed receipt of pkt 3. Sya Feb interview.
Called back Monday to check police clearance, asked to mail all info re other residence to consulate ASAP for consulate to do name check.
Called today, they received info via fed ex and said to call Jan 15th for interview date. Aslo said can collect PC now cos it will be valid still in Feb. Told me a visa number had been ordered last week
My Packet 3 received at the chennai consulate

Called Chennai consulate tonight, heard from a courteous lady that our Packet 3 had been received. We sent it on Dec 1st and acc. to fedex it was delivered on Dec 6th. I hope the info has been entered into the system. We are hopefully waiting for Feb interview...
for those who dont undestand

On one of the documents sent in packet 3, it lists the names of countries where police clearance and military certicates cant be attained. It also list a few countries in which the Police clearance will be got from the US consulate there, we obviously fall in one of those so we were asked to send all cities or towns we have lived in that particular country so the US embassy can do the clearance themselves.
Hope this clarifcation works as some of u seem to be so critical of every lillte thing one says
name check?

I think Rashid Truman is doing CP in montreal, name check is probably related to what they do in montreal... when you have lived in more than one place... whatsoever. I am just guessing, probably Rashid can throw some light on it. I am sure it is nothing to worry about.
police clearance

Hello all,
Sent my pkt3 on dec 6th, reached consulate (chennai) according to fed ex on 11th dec. Called yesterday - said no info available.
Q2) Asked if PCC was required - received a major bashing from that lady who talked to me ... man this was some kind of screaming/scolding session. basically said that I was almost stupid to even ask a question like whether pcc was required for a feb interview as the answer is \'NO\'. But the us gov web site says that PCC is required. I guess(i was too humble) when I talked to this lady, however felt really bad after all the scolding :(. I am sorry THAT I became used to the courteous treatment you get when you call some over the phone in this country.
When do you guys think I will receive an interview.
Can we all start listing down stufdf we need to prepare ourselves for the interview.
I am unclear about the vaccinations I need to take. Can some one tell me what vaccinations I need to take (whether here or in India).
In madras where do I need to go (I mean which doctor). I am a little bit ignorant and will appreciate any help in this regard. Probably there are a few others like me that might benefit too...


Experience CPers suggest we do it in Chennai and with Dr Vijayalakshmi in Poonamalee high road. I am planning to do the same.

I believe your P3 would be said to be received somewhere next week. I sent on 6th and learnt on 21st morning that it was received. When they received I believe it means that it is entered into the system.

You take things easy till you get your GC, \'muster up the indian gene\' as someone said.

Just for clarification, they are saying that PCC is not required for Feb interview, right? I am sorry to paraphrase and ask the same question, but it is good to hear good things twice. Infact that is why I mailed the consulate soon after they told me on the phone. Got a reply saying \'P3 received\'.

Good luck to all.
Our packet 3

We sent our packet 3 on 10th Dec. and according to fedex reached Chennai consulate on 14th Dec. at 10:05 am.

Today got a message from Consulate "WE HAVE NOT RECD PACKET 3".

Spoke to the operator at consulate and as usual got curt replies. I told her that I very well understand that I was creating a lot of trouble for her by calling her on phone often but that she should also understand my position and anxiety.

She said ofcourse, she understands everything but what could she do if the system was not updated.

Very well, I wished her a good weekend and finished my call.

This is very frustrating and really making me a nervous wreck. For all purposes I had been hoping for a Feb. interview and now I have my own doubts.

Imagine, calling NVC all these days - pushing the attorney for the packet 3 - pushing him to catch the fedex at the earliest - sighing with relief that my packet made it to the consulate by 15th of the month and now being treated this way at the consulate.

I pray that all of us would somehow scram into the Feb. schedule.

Goodluck to everybody.