Feb Case Waiting - Spoke to IIO Today

Approved ND 2/14 RD 2/6

Heard on the AVM yesterday .Was told last week by the IIO that case is "UNDER REVIEW" and would hear anytime .

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please post your approval and pending for Feb Cases. Let\'s get together here so that we will come to know the progress. Thanks for the update.
ND 2/14/01, RD 2/7/01, FP 6/29/01, still waiting

I called VSC twice in the past two weeks. two IIOs were nice. They all
acknowledged that my case was a little bit delayed. But they said it
really depends on officer. They all mentioned that a lot of officers
are on vacation at this time and I need to wait. I hope they will speed
up the processing after holiday. Otherwise, I plan to call my senator
for help.
RD 02/16 ND 02/23 Still waiting, Called IIO last week

I called IIO last week and was told that the case is with a person. I asked how long I have to wait and she said that if I don\'t hear from them in 30 days, call back for SUPERVISOR\'s attention.
still pending

case under review late Nov, still pending. guess officier is on vacation and we are on the same boat. called my lawyer and was told calling IIO won\'t help anything. hope things can happen soon.
RD 2/25 and ND 2/22 Still Waiting

My case was assigned to officer on 11/19/01 but still waiting. We all on the same boat.
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what is going on folks? no approvals or other news.

has anyone talked to an IIO and got any information?
Spoke to the IIO Today

Spoke to a IIO in the afternoon,Just the same story ,everything looks fine all the documents seem to be in place and wait for some more time.When i asked how come some feb cases are still pending while March cases are being adjudicated by you guys..he said each case would be different ( as if we don\'t know ) and these holidays may also be slowing up approvals..I just feel disgusted to talk to the IIO\'s anymore ,it looks like they have absolutely no say in the case and that they there only to read out what they see on their screens..

I wish atleast the Newyear would bring approvals for all of us.
Very Slow because of Holiday Season.

I heard from the attorney that processing will be very fast after New year 2002 and will be very slow now because of holiday season. I hope everyone will get approve soon. Assigned officer must have taken vaction for 3-4 weeks. Good Luck to everyone waiting in this Feb Group.