Feb 2002 485 filers summary and new discussion thread

recieved FP notice

MD : 11 Th Feb
RD : 12 TH Feb
ND : 21 Th Feb
WAC 02 116
Location 1000 Oaks,CA ( suburb of Los Angeles)
FP notice recd : 8 th March
Updated Spread Sheet

Here is the updated spreadsheet. BTW, how many days is it taking to get EAD after applying now. Any rough idea based on you research.

2 - 3 months for EAD..thanks for the update.

You can always go to the local office after 90 days of RD if you dont get it by then ..all you need to do is show your 485 recipt.
completed early FP s

MD : 11 Feb
RD : 12 Feb
ND : 21 Feb
FP : recd 7th March scheduled for 26 Mar
Done Early FP on 8 th .
My Details - Ganesh Sawant

My dates are:
MD: 02/22/02 from California
RD: 02/26/02
ND: 03/04/02
for all I-485/EAD/AP same date
WAC: WAC-02-125-*****

Friends what should be the next document I receive ? I am in Massachusetts though...Lets see how it goes...

fp dates ? GCCrusader

Hi GCCrusader,

my dates are exactly same what your dates are. You got your FP done and still wainting. Do you have any idea when i will get my FP notice.
Does it matter if i am not in CA.

Just got my I-485 receipts

MD: 2/14
RD: 2/15
ND: 3/4
Receipt# WAC-02-123-xxxxx
The same for my EAD and AP.
Change in my dates

Thanks GCCrusader for replying to my message.

Received date: Feb 7
Notice Date: Feb 12
WAC 02-109-XXXXX
My EAD WAC number is different and I485 WAC number is different. Does it matter?
Not recd FP notice yet. Anyone else with the same dates? Have you recd FP date?
MD: 02/20, RD: 02/21, ND: 03/04

Category: EB2
Location: San Jose

MD: 02/20
RD: 02/21
ND: 03/04
WAC#: 02-124

Now waiting for FP notice
What is the catgory you put on EAD

Hey GCCrusader,

What is the category you put for your EAD when you file it for first time...like C(9) or C(8)


They Will Be Different

If you Mailed them on the same day you may get the Same Wac ewxcept the last 5 digits
No Title

GCCrusader & CS485,

Thanks for the spread sheets. I am in the process of picking up the info.

- PCee