FBI & USCIS will end the name check blockage by 9/30/06

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I believe your views are too extreme and flat wrong.
Similar views existed before the WW II which led to the killing of Millions of Russians, EU and Jews. Again these viewed existed in the 50s and 60s and resulted in the killing of millions of people in Algeria.
If, an Arab or Indian got discriminated today, like African American got discriminated in the past centuries, which mean it could happen to Jews and other minorities in this country in the future.
Oppose the discrimination period.
You will find many terrorist among every ethnic group, between Jews, Christians, Hindus and Muslims.
When Israeli extremist assassinated PM Rabin, these extremist were terrorist however it is wrong to brand Jews as terrorist.
When the PM of India got assassinated, the killers were terrorist however it is wrong to brand Sheikhs as terrorist.
Discrimination is one of the worst crimes on earth and leads to disasters.
My suggestion...

airlift discriminators and put them in antartica where they can live happily in qilicountry....
:D :D

Sams68 said:
I believe your views are too extreme and flat wrong.
Similar views existed before the WW II which led to the killing of Millions of Russians, EU and Jews. Again these viewed existed in the 50s and 60s and resulted in the killing of millions of people in Algeria.
If, an Arab or Indian got discriminated today, like African American got discriminated in the past centuries, which mean it could happen to Jews and other minorities in this country in the future.
Oppose the discrimination period.
You will find many terrorist among every ethnic group, between Jews, Christians, Hindus and Muslims.
When Israeli extremist assassinated PM Rabin, these extremist were terrorist however it is wrong to brand Jews as terrorist.
When the PM of India got assassinated, the killers were terrorist however it is wrong to brand Sheikhs as terrorist.
Discrimination is one of the worst crimes on earth and leads to disasters.
lt1GM said:
Am I the only one here thinking this thread is now WAY off-topic? I actually thought there would be discussion of the thread topic... :rolleyes:

MR QILI, here is my answer to you, read it well:

The reason I started this thread is because I heard through several channels that the FBI will finish the name check blockage by the end of this year, and I would like to share this information with every body, and have discussion about it, may be some folks heard the same thing, or different things.

This “Thing” who named him self as qili is calling for discrimination against Arabs or Muslims and middle-easterns. Let me tell this ”Thing” something, at least I was brave enough to tell you were I’m from, because I’m really proud of my roots, and my religion.
I don’t think you feel the same regarding where you from, I’m sure you’re just a trash, S.O.B, how doesn’t even know who is your father is” and the reason for this is clear”

Terrorists are not Muslims, they are criminals. They have a political, not religious, agenda. And there resources are violence and crimes and pumps and so on.

Oklahoma city building was attacked by an American, Christian criminal. Is that’s means Americans or Christians are terrorists, ofcourse not. But a sick person like you would think so.

About Islam, when you don’t know anything about this great religion, you should keep your mouth shut. This religion is calling for peace, and nothing else. At least in the Islamic religion, nobody has the right to take any body else’s life out by any way, and if he did so, he should be killed too”eye by eye, life by life”. And in the Islamic religion too, the only way that the women can be pregnant is through marriage, and that’s way I know who is my father, and I am sure you don’t, qili.
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alrite ppl enough said and done,lets not make this a religious issue now....
from uscis to fbi to discrimination and now to religion..i suggest we stop it here...

meshmesh said:
MR QILI, here is my answer to you, read it well:

The reason I started this thread is because I heard through several channels that the FBI will finish the name check blockage by the end of this year, and I would like to share this information with every body, and have discussion about it, may be some folks heard the same thing, or different things.

This “Thing” who named him self as qili is calling for discrimination against Arabs or Muslims and middle-easterns. Let me tell this ”Thing” something, at least I was brave enough to tell you were I’m from, because I’m really proud of my roots, and my religion.
I don’t think you feel the same regarding where you from, I’m sure you’re just a trash, S.O.B, how doesn’t even know who is your father is” and the reason for this is clear”

Terrorists are not Muslims, they are criminals. They have a political, not religious, agenda. And there resources are violence and crimes and pumps and so on.

Oklahoma city building was attacked by an American, Christian criminal. Is that’s means Americans or Christians are terrorists, ofcourse not. But a sick person like you would think so.

About Islam, when you don’t know anything about this great religion, you should keep your mouth shut. This religion is calling for peace, and nothing else. At least in the Islamic religion, nobody has the right to take any body else’s life out by any way, and if he did so, he should be killed too”eye by eye, life by life”. And in the Islamic religion too, the only way that the women can be pregnant is through marriage, and that’s way I know who is my father, and I am sure you don’t, qili.
I am sure it is a great religion, especially creating most of today's terrorists, banning woman from education and voting, making them into 2nd class citizens, promoting violence in and around the globe, calling for the elimination of anyone who doesn't believe in that religion, and producing this particular poster who would not tolerate dissenting views and making personal insults just because people disagree with his view.

Yes, that is a sign of a great religion.
Sams68 said:
When Israeli extremist assassinated PM Rabin, these extremist were terrorist however it is wrong to brand Jews as terrorist..

you are absolutely right on that. Just because meshmesh has extreme views about people who do not believe in his religion and call for intolerance doesn't mean muslims are such. I agree completely with that.

My definition of "discrimination", if you have gone through the thread earlier, is prioritizing based on scientific data. If most attacks are committed by Jews, it makes sense from law enforcement point of view to put more resources in scrutinizing Jews - that doesn't by itself suggest that all Jews are terrorists. However, it would be stupid in that case to for example equally focus on Muslims 1st graders because such a focus wouldn't be supported by common sense and data.

Again, understanding the context of this discussion is very important. and it is after you understand the context that you will realize that discrimination is something we do everyday and something a modern society cannot function without.
It is quite interesting and enlightening to look back at this thread.

We live in a diverse society where not eveyrone shares our particular view of the world. and the secret to greatness and peaceful co-existence is to understand the diversity and tolerate the inherent incohesiveness.

Yet, in this thread, we have a person who demonize and dehumanize a poster who doesn't share his particular view, whose intolerance is highlighted by repeated personal attacks on that poster. Yet, he proclaims his allegiance to a great religion.

I don't know Islam well enough to speak intelligently about it. But one thing I know for sure: no evil things could have survived this long. The fact that you have billions of people believing it today tells me that Islam has great values to offer to a lot of people and there must be something right about it.

At the same time, I hope this particular person on this very forum needs to understand that his intolerance, demonization and dehumanization of different view points are only shared by the Nazi Germany, Starllion's USSR, and the North Korean dictators. It is extremists like you and those on 9/11 that give Islam a bad name. You are not true believers of that great religion.

and you will remain as backward as you are today if you don't change.
You have moved the discussion from targetted terrorist investigation to the status of Islam today. There are some truths to what you say if one looks at time in a frame of 10 years or so. But if you look at religeon from a say 2000 year time perspective, all religeons went through violent periods, including the Christian Crusades. So, one can never compare religeons in short time frames. That said, most religeons have gone through a period of self introspection and led to separation of church and state. Islam unfortunately has not and hopefully in the next 100 years will go through it as well. You do have a point that most terrorist activity (including the UK and Canada) originate from people who profess to be Moslem but these have hijacked the religeon as meshmesh points out and they are NOT islamic. That said, one of the reasons the Moslem religeon will take a longer time to exorcise the terrorists using its name is because there is a glorification of suicide (Jihad) and reluctance to differing view points (declaration of death - Salman Rushdie) and lower education level and poverty in some islamic countries. This has allowed the terrorists to hide within the community. More moslem countries suffer from these problems than any other country - Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia, Indonesia etc. However there are countries such as UAE, Malaysia etc which are doing well. But authoritarianism and intolerance to other religeons is widespread. Any non moslem who has lived or visited Saudi Arabia knows what I am saying. Bible or any religeous book is not allowed to be brought in to the country - absolutely no pluralism. You wont find this in any non moslem country. Even communist china is coming around to allowing people to worship within the confines of the communist party rule.
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this applies to you too as you have been boasting of discrimination and communism.
also u dont need to say that ppl in this forum know how intelligent(cunning) you and ur partner naturalizer are....
i dont see much of a difference between ur ideology/cunningness from oppurtunist islmic militia.

i am done with this thread
qili said:
It is quite interesting and enlightening to look back at this thread.

We live in a diverse society where not eveyrone shares our particular view of the world. and the secret to greatness and peaceful co-existence is to understand the diversity and tolerate the inherent incohesiveness.

Yet, in this thread, we have a person who demonize and dehumanize a poster who doesn't share his particular view, whose intolerance is highlighted by repeated personal attacks on that poster. Yet, he proclaims his allegiance to a great religion.

I don't know Islam well enough to speak intelligently about it. But one thing I know for sure: no evil things could have survived this long. The fact that you have billions of people believing it today tells me that Islam has great values to offer to a lot of people and there must be something right about it.

At the same time, I hope this particular person on this very forum needs to understand that his intolerance, demonization and dehumanization of different view points are only shared by the Nazi Germany, Starllion's USSR, and the North Korean dictators. It is extremists like you and those on 9/11 that give Islam a bad name. You are not true believers of that great religion.

and you will remain as backward as you are today if you don't change.
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"lower education level "

while that is overall true for muslims in general, I am not sure if it applies to the terrorists that we saw on 9/11. Those guys are all highly educated, mostly in the west to boot. they also came from wealthy families / country we always. Yet they still commited such an atrocity.

You can argue that they are more exceptions to the rule but it is still puzzling and disturbing.
brb2 said:
all religeons went through violent periods, .

any religion, or any group that promot violance should be more scrutizinied (or discriminated).
query11 said:
this applies to you too as you have been boasting of discrimination and communism.
also u dont need to say that ppl in this forum know how intelligent(cunning) you and ur partner naturalizer are....
i dont see much of a difference between ur ideology/cunningness from oppurtunist islmic militia.

i am done with this thread


Leave him alone man, this will make him even more stupid, and posting/ replaing to his self.

He is twisting things aroud, thinking that we are fighting with him, which is not true, matter fact is i defended him before when somebody said he is a racist. But such a sick person like him would never understand, even if you spend your whole life talking to him.

Almost evrybody here is strongly disagrees with his stupidity.

He's thinking that i'am promoting for my religion, which i never did. matter fact is i have a great respect for all religions, and all backgrounds, because i belive that every background has its own pros & cons.

But when such a person try to insult all muslims and arabs by categorizing them as TORRIRSTS, i would stand for my religion, and defend it.

God bless you all, and let us wish our petitions will be approved soon.
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meshmesh said:
But when such a person try to insult all muslims and arabs by categorizing them as TORRIRSTS, i would stand for my religion, and defend it.

I specifically used very simple sentence structures to make sure that a 1st grader can even read and comprehend what I wrote but apparently I failed. For the record, i specifically said that not all muslims are terrorists, as not all Jews / christians / etc. are terrorists.

I also said that it is people like you who promot hatred, intelerance and dehumanization of others who disagree with you that put a bad name on Muslims and you are not a true believer of that great religion - as a matter of fact, you are destroying it. On that account, you are no different from the terrorists.

On the flip side, i also said that it is a matter of fact that most terrorists we have encountered have a muslim background. As such, it is more efficient and justifiable to spend more resources to scrutinize Muslim applicants to help identify people with extreme views like you.
background check, cosulate involvement!!

I asked for an infoPass, I went to discuss my case, all what CIS officer said, you case is pending 'background check'. FBI has sent 'your cosulate' a request, but they haven't received any reply yet.

Is this normal? Can anybody post his/her experience about this background junk?
wgarosh said:
I asked for an infoPass, I went to discuss my case, all what CIS officer said, you case is pending 'background check'. FBI has sent 'your cosulate' a request, but they haven't received any reply yet.

Is this normal? Can anybody post his/her experience about this background junk?

This is the first time I hear this. Agian this confirms that no one knows what goes in the bame check....

I really do not believe that the FBI works with your consulate on this....
not to reopen the discussion, but they just arrested 7 guys who tried to blow up the sears tower in chicago. all 7 are muslims younsters.

so here is the question to you to ponder: given what has happened, who should you focus more on in order to more effectively prevent terror attacks: muslim young men or 1st graders?

It is not a racist thing to discriminate a certain portion of the population, if it can be proven based on sound methodology that such discrimination is the more effective deployment of resources. In this case, muslim young men have proven to be a more fertile ground for terrorists. and it would be racist to look otherwise.

meshmesh, wish you the best luck in your application process, given what has heppened. but it is just an unfortunate but necessary fact of life that you are being scrutinized not because of what you have done but what you people, or people like you have done. I guess that's collateral damage.
qili said:
not to reopen the discussion, but they just arrested 7 guys who tried to blow up the sears tower in chicago. all 7 are muslims younsters.

so here is the question to you to ponder: given what has happened, who should you focus more on in order to more effectively prevent terror attacks: muslim young men or 1st graders?

It is not a racist thing to discriminate a certain portion of the population, if it can be proven based on sound methodology that such discrimination is the more effective deployment of resources. In this case, muslim young men have proven to be a more fertile ground for terrorists. and it would be racist to look otherwise.

meshmesh, wish you the best luck in your application process, given what has heppened. but it is just an unfortunate but necessary fact of life that you are being scrutinized not because of what you have done but what you people, or people like you have done. I guess that's collateral damage.


U.S. of America it's a free country, where people can chose their own priorities:



-Politically correctness

I just hope, everyone will get exactly what they've chosen...
...and people won't suffer because of the wrong choice of others
qili said:
not to reopen the discussion, but they just arrested 7 guys who tried to blow up the sears tower in chicago. all 7 are muslims younsters.

so here is the question to you to ponder: given what has happened, who should you focus more on in order to more effectively prevent terror attacks: muslim young men or 1st graders?

It is not a racist thing to discriminate a certain portion of the population, if it can be proven based on sound methodology that such discrimination is the more effective deployment of resources. In this case, muslim young men have proven to be a more fertile ground for terrorists. and it would be racist to look otherwise.

meshmesh, wish you the best luck in your application process, given what has heppened. but it is just an unfortunate but necessary fact of life that you are being scrutinized not because of what you have done but what you people, or people like you have done. I guess that's collateral damage.

qili where r u from....
query11 - how's it going....looks like you are on a roll here. Speaking of racial profiling and India, whats your opinion of the "caste system"? Is this something everyone faces in India today? Since you appear to be an upfront guy, is that something you faced too?
Fom the name , I may try to guess that qili is from Communist China. Please corect me if I am wrong.
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