FBI & USCIS will end the name check blockage by 9/30/06

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QILI..poor baby,i am pretty sure you are calling out for ur gang(gimgclord*naturaliz)

i just got one reply....
A person who thought he was a smarta$$...the guy who has called so many ppl as racist,truely is a racist by himself....
this complex in him has led to blame everyone else...sorry there is no n400application to defend you this time around....
wether it was u or n400application...u are racist and nothing else...
no matter how u try to defend yourself the writing is on the wall.....
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brb u just made the best case against uscis/fbi...which no had thought...u r infact right what if a guy who is infact a guy of interest gets stuck in name check for years and no one cares while he has legal status and time on his hand.

brb2 said:
Qili, you have a point, but this is exactly what the Israeli security force does NOT do. That is why they offloaded the shoe bomber, but the western system let the shoe bomber through! Because the western system was looking (and unfortunately continues to look) for a middle eastern man with a beard and likewise name - not a caucasian Christian male. Terrorists would love to have the security agencies to do profiling based on known factors such as race, age, religeon or sex or what have you. It makes their job easier to slip through the net. Israeli's are the only security forces which study all the risk factors and have been very successful. India has done an equally good job but the problem continues in Kashmir and now the naxal affected areas in the north east, north and south as well.

But my point is that delaying the name checks for thousands of otherwise law abiding permanent residents, in most cases who have never had any tiffs with the police is waste of FBI resources -that is when any one can walk through the southern border and live for decades in a parallel cash economy with no electronic trail.

I personally see the delays in security checks as a national security issue. If the background check process can not determine in 2- 4 years if the applicant is not a threat to the US, then it is time to offload this work to a private agency who can do a more effective job. God forbid, if a terrorist is stuck in name check for 2 years and committs a crime the politicians will take USCIS to the cleaners! There will be no place for USCSI to hide. At the end of the day, they give the work to FBI and it is their job to ask for expedite but they have no means to track the delays.
You have a point about Latinos. But on this board we have an under representation of Latino's and have no annecdotal reports as to how wide spread the name check delay is for people from say columbia. Most legal skilled immigrants are from China/India/Middle east and they seem to be able use bulletin boards and report their situations. It could well be that they too have a widespread FBI name check delay problem.

query11 said:
i agree with you regarding name checks...
To ensure that immigration benefits are given only to eligible applicants, USCIS adopted procedures that address a wide range of possible risk factors. Different kinds of applications undergo different levels of scrutiny. USCIS normally uses the following three background check mechanisms:

Inter-Agency Border Inspection System (IBIS) Name Check – IBIS is database of lookouts, warrants, arrests, and convictions consolidated from over 20 agencies.USCIS can quickly check information from these multiple government agencies to determine if the information system affects the adjudication of the case. Results of an IBIS are usually available immediately. In some instance, information found during an IBIS check will require further investigation.

FBI Fingerprinting Check – The FBI’s Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) matches criminal history records from federal, military, and most state apprehensions.It provides information relating to criminal background within the United States. Generally, the FBI forwards responses to USCIS within 24 to 48 hours. If there is a record match, the FBI forwards an electronic copy of the criminal history to USCIS.At that point, a USCIS adjudicator reviews the information to determine what effect it may have on eligibility benefit. About ten percent of the inquiries submitted by USCIS uncover criminal history, including immigration violations.

FBI Name Checks –The FBI name check is totally different from the FBI fingerprint check. USCIS electronically submits the applicant’s name to the FBI National Check Program.The records maintained in the FBI name check process consist of administrative, applicant, criminal, personnel and other files compiled by law enforcement. Initial responses to this check generally take about two weeks. In about 80 percent of the no match is found. Of the remaining 20 percent, most are resolved within six months. Less than one percent of cases remain pending longer than six months.

For petitions and application filed in consulates, there are other security checks involved.These are: (1) Visa Condor checks which arise from information disclosed on a Form DS 157 or because a person is from designated terrorist countries like of Iran, Cuba, Syria, Sudan, North Korea or Libya; (2) Visa Mantis checks relating to an applicant, who because of his actions or background, may be involved in the transfer of sensitive technology; and (3) criminal background checks which arise from a hit in the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database or from other sources.

there are as probably as many gonzalvez in this world as Mr rao's.
there are as many lopez in this world as Mr. singh's.
there are as many antonio's in this world as Kumar's.
there are smith's,Gutierrez,barera's .
And the number of gonzalvez,smith,lopez antonio,barera's migrating to u.s.a is far more than singh's,rao's,kumar's,khan's....
there are more hispanics migrating to america than asians(not to forget the additional 6-7 million in line for legalization)...so plz do not just talk about asians.
like i said asians are definitely targeted but then the chances of a hispanic guy getting cought in a name check is far more than a asian...because name check does not pertain to terorism only....

there are more number of lopez,antonio's,smith's wanted by the authorities than zhang(which happens to be the 3rd most poppular surname in the world)
also,the number of zhangs migrating to u.s.a is far less than a lopez or martinez ;)
remeber the othr guy krishna498,he was not a terrorist but he had a case in india and alerted by interpol...
name check does not only check for names matching with terrorists...
the system gives a hit when ur name matches with a criminals/wanted by local authorities....and there are far more drug peddlers/criminals wanted by fbi who have non-terrorist names.

krishna sorry to take your name,plz remember i know your problem and i support you.but i am just defining name check with your example.
well it realy doesent matter which ethnicity represent this forum,we were talking of policies of uscis and them profiling asians.
when you go to the broader perspective i am sure there are as many latinos cought in the name check and as many europeans stuck in the name check as the number of indians
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query11 said:
i just got one reply....
A person who thought he was a smarta$$...the guy who has called so many ppl as racist,truely is a racist by himself....
this complex in him has led to blame everyone else...sorry there is no n400application to defend you this time around....
wether it was u or n400application...u are racist and nothing else...
no matter how u try to defend yourself the writing is on the wall.....

I personally don't think qili is a racist. he is just wrong.
He's claiming the same stupid urgument of the FBI&USCIS.
Do you think FBI/CIS is not well informed with what Barb just said?
they know that torrirst would never ever apply for immigration benifits.
they know that these folks successfully sued thier asses made them like a strippers in front of the whole nation.
I would respect them more if they come up with a diffrent scope of screaning applicants, deny who ever desrve denail, and approve who ever deserve the benifit, in a timly and proffessional manner.
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well if he wouldnt have been a racist he wouldnt have supported the issue of racial profiling with regards to asians...just read the bold sentence where he has stated there is nothing wrong if you just totally decline the applications of ppl of certain countries because they come from a country know to harbour terror???

meshmesh said:
I personally don't think qili is a racist. he is just wrong.
He's claiming the same stupid urgument of the ICS&USCIS.
Do you think FBI/CIS is well informed with what Barb just said?
they know that torrirst would never ever apply for immigration benifits.
they know that these folks successfully sued thier asses made them like a stripper in front of the whole commuinty.
I would respect them more if they come up with a diffrent scope of screaning applicants, deny who ever desrve denail, and approve who ever deserve the benifit, in a timly and proffessional manners.
brb2 said:
You have a point about Latinos. But on this board we have an under representation of Latino's and have no annecdotal reports as to how wide spread the name check delay is for people from say columbia. Most legal skilled immigrants are from China/India/Middle east and they seem to be able use bulletin boards and report their situations. It could well be that they too have a widespread FBI name check delay problem.
My strong advise for evry legal immigrant seeks Citizenship:
1.Through out your green card&your stamped passport in the closest trash cans. don't forget to withdrow from your 2,3,4 YEARS Pending N-400 APPLICATION.
2. Send your family back home.
3. get a visa & flight ticket to Mexico.
4. Look for the group of Mexican's thoes trying to sneak Illigally to the U.S. border, GOIN THEM.
5. Sneak into the U.S borders throgh Texas/ California/ New Mexico.
6.Guess what: you just became elligable for the Citizenship.
meshmesh said:
My strong advise for every legal immigrant seeks Citizenship:
1.Through out your green card&your stamped passport in the closest trash cans. don't forget to withdraw from your 2,3,4 YEARS Pending N-400 APPLICATION.
2. Send your family back home.
3. get a visa & flight ticket to Mexico.
4. Look for the group of Mexicans those trying to sneak Illegally to the U.S. border, GOIN THEM.
5. Sneak into the U.S borders through Texas/ California/ New Mexico.
6.Guess what: you just became eligible for the Citizenship.

You forgot Arizona :D :D :D

And not only you become eligible for citizenship but you have the rights to kick the other Americans out of the country, read this:

Suzy977 said:
You forgot Arizona :D :D :D

I'm sorry Suzy, i did'nt rialize that the government is offering me 4 convenient locations.
but as usual, you're the most funniest one in this forum.
:D :D

And not only you become eligible for citizenship but you have the rights to kick the other Americans out of the country, read this:[/COLOR]


Well, thanks for whoever brought the debate again after the congress rejected it. You know how i'm talking about :eek:
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meshmesh said:
I'm sorry Suzy, i didn't realize that the government is offering me 4 convenient locations.
but as usual, you're the most funniest one in this forum. :D :D

And you have then a few entertaining choices of transportation too;

The most popular are:

1. A overnight safari crossing the Southern California desert.

2. A cruise (also overnight) crossing Rio Grande.

Not to mention that these luxury accommodations benefit of duty free advantages.

One word of caution though: The accepted limit is 100 lb. of cocaine per person...bigger quantities are not allowed, because the poor illegals may break their backs and then apply for disability in the US.
True or false, Profiling Arab & Muslims (Name and background check)?

I tend to agree and disagree with those who raised their voices complaining about profiling. This is why I'm telling my story.

I live in this country for over 15 years, legal at all times. I'm Arab and Muslim as well. I have applied for my citizenship on 09/2005, did my fingerprints and have received my appointment letter on Jan 2006.

Two weeks before appointment, received another letter stated that due to "unforseen ... bla bla..." your appointment is cancelled. Since then, I never heard from CIS.

On Feb 2006, I applied for my wife, who is Arab and Muslim as well, using same supporting documents. She did her fingerprints, and passed civil test on May 25, 2006 and waiting for oath.

I can't conclude for sure that all Arabs and Muslims are targeted but I can say without doubts that certain profile is in place to refer people to name check. Obviously, there is gender discrimination here.

From other stories I heard, there is also, age discrimination. A friend of mine got his father a citizenship in about 3 months. He is Arab and Muslim too, but his age is over 65.

It seems to me if you are Arab, Muslim, male, between 18 and 55 you will have tough time with CIS.

What I should do? it seems like I'm stuck with CIS now? should I sue? any recommendation.

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Suzy977 said:
You forgot Arizona :D :D :D

Arizona currentlly use the Pre paid toll system,(Sun Pass) which is legal and expenssive. Mexicans don't use the legal system, it has to be Illigal :D :D

And not only you become eligible for citizenship but you have the rights to kick the other Americans out of the country, read this:


Now, and after reading this, i know why my application is stucked. i should've file for the U.S. Citizenship in the Mexican immigration office. Damn it, what a stppid i'm.
Suzy977 said:
You forgot Arizona :D :D :D

Arizona currentlly use the Pre paid toll system,(Sun Pass) which is legal and expenssive. Mexicans don't use the legal system, it has to be Illigal :D :D

And not only you become eligible for citizenship but you have the rights to kick the other Americans out of the country, read this:


Now, and after reading this, i know why my application is stucked. i should've file for the U.S. Citizenship in the Mexican immigration office. Damn it, what a stppid i'm.
wgarosh said:
I tend to agree and disagree with those who raised their voices complaining about profiling. This is why I'm telling my story.

I live in this country for over 15 years, legal at all times. I'm Arab and Muslim as well. I have applied for my citizenship on 09/2005, did my fingerprints and have received my appointment letter on Jan 2006.

Two weeks before appointment, received another letter stated that due to "unforsaken ... bla bla..." your appointment is cancelled. Since then, I never heard from CIS.

On Feb 2006, I applied for my wife, who is Arab and Muslim as well, using same supporting documents. She did her fingerprints, and passed civil test on May 25, 2006 and waiting for oath.

I can't conclude for sure that all Arabs and Muslims are targeted but I can say without doubts that certain profile is in place to refer people to name check. Obviously, there is gender discrimination here.

From other stories I heard, there is also, age discrimination. A friend of mine got his father a citizenship in about 3 months. He is Arab and Muslim too, but his age is over 65.

It seems to me if you are Arab, Muslim, male, between 18 and 55 you will have tough time with CIS.

What I should do? it seems like I'm stuck with CIS now? should I sue? any recommendation.


Yes my friend, you're stucked in the corrupted government system, wellcome aboard to our club.
They cancelled your interview, so you're in my same boat. you can't sue them since the 120 days rule is not applied to your case.
you have nothing to do except waiting, or you may need to consider immigration to Mexico, as detailed above.
buddy i have told this before,living in houston(the largest pakistani poppulation in u.s.a)i have a lot of pakistani friends most of them have had no problem whatsoever with uscis,there are a few who have had problems ...
now if they manually raise an alarm when u apply,i have no idea about it.
in 2004 when i was trying to fly to d.c from houston,a lady stopped me and put a red band on my wrist before screening and i got pissed man...u know the reason i am brown...i am a hindu..well not a true hindu i eat beef... i am a moderate hindu...but anyways i got really pissed at her coz this b was about to ruin my day....
i was still in the line for security check when she walked back and put the same red band on 2 hispanic guys.
i dont think with everything going against u.s right now the uscis could afford to have a racist approach...
i strongly believe it is a fair process may be there are a couple of losers in the dept.
but u have them everywhere wether in india or pakistan or england...
atleast the decsion makers in uscis are clean.
i strongly doubt uscis would do such a thing

wgarosh said:
I tend to agree and disagree with those who raised their voices complaining about profiling. This is why I'm telling my story.

I live in this country for over 15 years, legal at all times. I'm Arab and Muslim as well. I have applied for my citizenship on 09/2005, did my fingerprints and have received my appointment letter on Jan 2006.

Two weeks before appointment, received another letter stated that due to "unforsaken ... bla bla..." your appointment is cancelled. Since then, I never heard from CIS.

On Feb 2006, I applied for my wife, who is Arab and Muslim as well, using same supporting documents. She did her fingerprints, and passed civil test on May 25, 2006 and waiting for oath.

I can't conclude for sure that all Arabs and Muslims are targeted but I can say without doubts that certain profile is in place to refer people to name check. Obviously, there is gender discrimination here.

From other stories I heard, there is also, age discrimination. A friend of mine got his father a citizenship in about 3 months. He is Arab and Muslim too, but his age is over 65.

It seems to me if you are Arab, Muslim, male, between 18 and 55 you will have tough time with CIS.

What I should do? it seems like I'm stuck with CIS now? should I sue? any recommendation.

the essence of discrimination is to place unequal importance, or priorities, on a certain subset of the subject population. and we do that all the time, and we call that prioritizing.

unless we can read minds perfectly, we will have to rely on imperfect proxies, indicators that will incorrectly identify innocent people (false positive) or let bad guys slip through (false negative). But we don't have a choice: we can either screen everyone and slow down or completely destroy any sense of normalcy; or we can selectively screen, or discriminate, a likely subset based on those imperfect but hopefully effective proxies. I think most people will agree that discrimination is the way to go, in spite of the fact that it is not a perfect way.

Now, that is assuming that the proxies are effective and have indicative power. the job of the security screeners is to find the most effective proxies and continuely refine them.

like any tools, discrimination can also be incorrectly used, just as cars can be used to kill people and fire can be used to burn down houses. We should not abandon an effective tool just because it is flawed.

Qili, you have a point, but this is exactly what the Israeli security force does NOT do.

Having flown on El Al Israel with a travel companion with Iranian background, i can tell you from personally experience that those guys are the experts on discrimination. Hands down.
Here is my suggestion

wgarosh said:
I tend to agree and disagree with those who raised their voices complaining about profiling. This is why I'm telling my story.

I live in this country for over 15 years, legal at all times. I'm Arab and Muslim as well. I have applied for my citizenship on 09/2005, did my fingerprints and have received my appointment letter on Jan 2006.

Two weeks before appointment, received another letter stated that due to "unforsaken ... bla bla..." your appointment is cancelled. Since then, I never heard from CIS.

On Feb 2006, I applied for my wife, who is Arab and Muslim as well, using same supporting documents. She did her fingerprints, and passed civil test on May 25, 2006 and waiting for oath.

I can't conclude for sure that all Arabs and Muslims are targeted but I can say without doubts that certain profile is in place to refer people to name check. Obviously, there is gender discrimination here.

From other stories I heard, there is also, age discrimination. A friend of mine got his father a citizenship in about 3 months. He is Arab and Muslim too, but his age is over 65.

It seems to me if you are Arab, Muslim, male, between 18 and 55 you will have tough time with CIS.

What I should do? it seems like I'm stuck with CIS now? should I sue? any recommendation.


I would suggest that you call the National customer services and schedule an info pass to check your status. If you followed my posts, you will notice that one of the reasons for descheduling the interview is because the file is not yet sent to the DO from the Service Center, after three follow up calls and one info pass, I was able to find out that they have put my file back in the queue for interview, other reasons vary from the District office being over loaded , the IIO assigned to your case got sick or the Services Center scheduled you without knowing the workload of the local District office. " Unforeseen Circumstances " doesn't not necessarily mean there is any thing wrong with your file.

Good luck.
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I was watching the news on the arrests of suspected terrorists in Canada. Those are youth who allegedly were mad at the treatment of muslims worldwide and had watched by the canadian mounted police.

the fact that the police watched those groups not a bunch of 1st graders is a form of discrimination: by age (clearly), by religion (those arrested are all muslims), by gender (the arrested are all male), etc.

and that is good that the police discriminated in this case.
lets talk commons sense...where is discrimination here....
do you have any idea what discrimination stands for???

now lets see,
you dont expect fbi or canadian intelligence agencies to stand in front of churches hoping to catch something fishy do you?
now on the other hand just to show what democracy stands for i,e not following your mor**ic theory...
so if these guys are from pakistan(their ancestors),does that mean canada will stop issuing visa's to all pakistani's...
this is a free educated,world(west),no one would dare do that coz tht is what differentiate's a democracy from a qili country!

qili i feel sorry for you,get a life.
now for the scums who argue we dont need a fence across our border's...what if these mo**ns were to cross the border?
i am pretty sure these are not the only guys and there are more guys sitting both north and south of border.... :mad:

qili said:
I was watching the news on the arrests of suspected terrorists in Canada. Those are youth who allegedly were mad at the treatment of muslims worldwide and had watched by the canadian mounted police.

the fact that the police watched those groups not a bunch of 1st graders is a form of discrimination: by age (clearly), by religion (those arrested are all muslims), by gender (the arrested are all male), etc.

and that is good that the police discriminated in this case.
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