FBI & USCIS will end the name check blockage by 9/30/06

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qili said:
I was watching the news on the arrests of suspected terrorists in Canada. Those are youth who allegedly were mad at the treatment of muslims worldwide and had watched by the canadian mounted police.

the fact that the police watched those groups not a bunch of 1st graders is a form of discrimination: by age (clearly), by religion (those arrested are all muslims), by gender (the arrested are all male), etc.

and that is good that the police discriminated in this case.

You again,
Following qili limted resources logistics system:
If the local police is watching a black, male, christian man because he is known as a criminal, that's means that the goverment is disrcemnating aginst:
1. Blacks
2. young peopl.
4. mens

It seems like you was drinking your poor beer brand last night. no wonder, it's friday night.

qili, would you please give us a fucken break, and change your beer brand, pleaaaaase.
not to forget if there is rape and if the cops are looking out for suspicious men thts a discrimination too coz cops are not looking for 1st graders and women..... :eek: :eek:
dont you know its common sense 1st graders can be involved in rapes too... :D :D

I was watching the news on the
arrests of suspected terrorists in Canada. Those are youth who allegedly were mad at the treatment of muslims worldwide and had watched by the canadian mounted police.

the fact that the police watched those groups not a bunch of 1st graders is a form of discrimination: by age (clearly), by religion (those arrested are all muslims), by gender (the arrested are all male), etc.

and that is good that the police discriminated in this case.
We are the junkies who pay taxes and get no serivce

query11 said:
lets talk commons sense...where is discrimination here....
do you have any idea what discrimination stands for???

now lets see,
you dont expect fbi or canadian intelligence agencies to stand in front of churches hoping to catch something fishy do you?

We don't expect police to stand across the street from any worship place, however we exepct police to track all terroist groups! every community, no exception, has some.

If you want me to desmonstrate to you that descrimination against Arab and Muslims exceed stereotyping to organized witch haunting, I can tell you real stories to cause you goosebumps.

Are there any people out there got arrested for only making jokes, that silly talking no action, over the phone. Many others were arrested, charged without any knoweledge of evidence used against them (secret evidence).

We have no problems if any goverment including US shoot at terrorists, but we are not terrorists. We are the junkies who pay taxes and get no serivce, and harassment is a bonus.
wgarosh said:
We don't expect police to stand across the street from any worship place, however we exepct police to track all terroist groups! every community, no exception, has some..

that is a fair statement. And it goes with my example. If, for whatever reason, you are more likely to find a terrorist among a certain sub population, would it be wrong to focus on that sub population (aka "discriminate" against that sub population)?

Go back to my example. The police watched / monitored the muslim populuation in Canada - the arrests yesterday showed that.

and it is probably safe to assume that they don't monitor 1st graders as much, if at all.

Does that mean that a 1st grader cannot be a terrorist, commit a crime, or be a means in a terrorist / criminal act? Probably yes. However, why didn't the police watch them as intensely?

Would that constitute discrimination against the muslim male population? yes.
Is that discrimination justified? yes.

As I said earlier, "discrimination" as broadly defined is a good thing and is a necessity. we cannot function without it.

What you touched on is discrimination without justification, and that is wrong. But if intense monotoring of the muslim population can be objectively and scientifically justified , for example, based on historical experience, email monitoring, or human intelligence, I support such "discrimination".
qili said:
that is a fair statement. And it goes with my example. If, for whatever reason, you are more likely to find a terrorist among a certain sub population, would it be wrong to focus on that sub population (aka "discriminate" against that sub population)?

Go back to my example. The police watched / monitored the muslim populuation in Canada - the arrests yesterday showed that.

and it is probably safe to assume that they don't monitor 1st graders as much, if at all.

Does that mean that a 1st grader cannot be a terrorist, commit a crime, or be a means in a terrorist / criminal act? Probably yes. However, why didn't the police watch them as intensely?

Would that constitute discrimination against the muslim male population? yes.
Is that discrimination justified? yes.

As I said earlier, "discrimination" as broadly defined is a good thing and is a necessity. we cannot function without it.

What you touched on is discrimination without justification, and that is wrong. But if intense monotoring of the muslim population can be objectively and scientifically justified , for example, based on historical experience, email monitoring, or human intelligence, I support such "discrimination".


qili just bought his 12 pack of his beer, and turned in his computer.

watch out for your posts.

The big brothe qili is watching you :eek:
one thing for sure is canadian authorities wont just say o there are 17 guys lets go arrest them!

and for qili where in everystatement says discrimination is right,maybe he should just step into the shoes of the discriminated before he prophess his moronic theory's.....

wgarosh said:
We don't expect police to stand across the street from any worship place, however we exepct police to track all terroist groups! every community, no exception, has some.

If you want me to desmonstrate to you that descrimination against Arab and Muslims exceed stereotyping to organized witch haunting, I can tell you real stories to cause you goosebumps.

Are there any people out there got arrested for only making jokes, that silly talking no action, over the phone. Many others were arrested, charged without any knoweledge of evidence used against them (secret evidence).

We have no problems if any goverment including US shoot at terrorists, but we are not terrorists. We are the junkies who pay taxes and get no serivce, and harassment is a bonus.
query11 said:
and for qili where in everystatement says discrimination is right,maybe he should just step into the shoes of the discriminated before he prophess his moronic theory's.....

Do you think he's belong to the FBI or CIS :eek: , :mad:
In my view, it is nice to see that the FBI and CIS are focusing on those sub groups that pose the biggest security threats to all of us, rather than bowing to the political pressure.

I sure hope they continue to do the right thing.
why do you keep distancing from the statements you make so proudly once in a while.Is it because you are scared that if the fbi/uscis come to know about your comments and in their need for some good publicity might discriminate you???? :confused:
discrimination,is not a accepted way of life in america and will never be...So your thoughts is more secure in your brains, where it does not come under scrutiny.So keep your ideology to yourself.

qili said:
In my view, it is nice to see that the FBI and CIS are focusing on those sub groups that pose the biggest security threats to all of us, rather than bowing to the political pressure.

I sure hope they continue to do the right thing.
qili said:
In my view, it is nice to see that the FBI and CIS are focusing on those sub groups that pose the biggest security threats to all of us, rather than bowing to the political pressure.

I sure hope they continue to do the right thing.

I wouldn’t insult you like you just insulted thousands of people here in the U.S, simply because filthy animals don’t deserve wasting my time.
I would just strongly recommend you to find a good psychiatric to treat your stupidity, and fined another beer brand. :D :D
qili said:
I think the only way to effectively fight terrorism with limited resources is to discriminate the populations where the terrorists are most likely come from. If you got mob'd in downtown Chicago, you wouldn't search New York for your suspects: they are likely in downtown Chicago - that is a form of discrimination by geography. Similarly, a lot of the terrorists so far have come from mid eastern countries and if your goal is to catch terrorists, you are likely pay more attention to people from that part of the world, unless you have unlimited resources.
I think discrimination (or focused search?) by race, nationality, gendar, age, and etc. are good practice, as long as we can back it up with solid science and great implementation.

someone made a good point earlier: the terrorists aren't going to be interested in putting themselves under the scrutiny of the law enforcement here and becoming an US citizen. If anything, they would try to hide away from the FBI, INS, etc. so putting citizenship applicants under this same security check doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. Or the INS/FBI should be more discriminant in their handling of security checks for different types of applications.
however you dislike it, discrimination is being done correctly here. and I like it to stay that way.
qili said:
and it is probably safe to assume that they don't monitor 1st graders as much, if at all.

Depends, there are some people who stay in the 1st grade until they're...eligible to vote :D :D :D

...and I'm pretty sure, those who blow themselves out in public places never passed the level of 1st grade, education
who blow themselves out in public places never passed the level of 1st grade, education

judging from the way they read and think, some posters in this thread isn't too far behind, :).
The fact that the arrested in Canada are either Canadian citizens or permanent residents raise the issue that we should do security checks on PR or citizenship applicants.

And the fact that all the terrorists we have caught so far are muslims support the notion that we should scrutinize muslim applicants more than anybody else.

That's just common sense.
Am I the only one here thinking this thread is now WAY off-topic? I actually thought there would be discussion of the thread topic... :rolleyes:
Guys, I think you are getting out of topic with un-constructive argue.
I believe FBI will clear most of the cases by end of this year.
It is big mistake to try to solve a problem by wrongful ways. I believe this country without immigrants will not be able to compete neither in the mid to long run and I hope congress understand this fact clearly.
Most of immigrants are highly educated except people from South America and Philippines and if they start to single out Arabs, Muslims, SEA, ME, Indians, Chinese. etc; then they will get only people from Mexico and other SA countries who usually have low paying jobs and they will become huge liability on US on the long run.
US need scientists from India, China, Turkey, France, Egypt, Mexico, etc to keep itself as a super power.
Sams68 said:
Guys, I think you are getting out of topic with un-constructive argue.
I believe FBI will clear most of the cases by end of this year.
It is big mistake to try to solve a problem by wrongful ways. I believe this country without immigrants will not be able to compete neither in the mid to long run and I hope congress understand this fact clearly.
Most of immigrants are highly educated except people from South America and Philippines and if they start to single out Arabs, Muslims, SEA, ME, Indians, Chinese. etc; then they will get only people from Mexico and other SA countries who usually have low paying jobs and they will become huge liability on US on the long run.
US need scientists from India, China, Turkey, France, Egypt, Mexico, etc to keep itself as a super power.

i don't want to argue, but discrimination is just wrong.
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