F1 Refused at Chennai -Please help


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I was on H1 and Changed to F1 and I have only one semester left to graduate, I needed visa to reenter US. I had to come back to India due to a death in my Family, I went to the embassy today and they denied my visa saying I have not proved that I have intention to come back, they did not even look at my documents! My school starts on Jan 18, what should i do?
Please guide me if any of you have some idea.
Did you get the visa later

My husband fell into the same kind of situation. What is your plan for now? Did you apply for second time later? Please let me know. Thanks.
go again. I got refused twice in one month, and the third time was a charm.

Do bring proof of your non-immigrant intent.
Thank you

so much for the information. I hope he makes it this time. He has got all kinds of non-immigrant intent proofs this time (Last two times they denied to see any documents though). Papers for property in home town, some wills, bank accounts and all. We are showing bank accounts from here too. My dad also gave my husband a notarized copy that says that he will hand over his business to us once we return. I went over all the channels to be sure of the right kinds of non-immigrants intent proofs. If you have any thing particular in mind please share it with me. It will be a great help in the last minute preparation. Thanks again.
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