Expedited Passport

Updated timeline. The checks have not been cashed though. I am travelling in another 5 weeks and called the toll free # (since it has been 4 weeks). They put a request for me and my wife since I need to get a visa for my travel. They said it if I don't see any progress by next Fri, asked me to call them.

4/4/07 Oath
4/5/07 Apllied for Passport (expedited).
5/4/07 Case status shows up online
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Rama -

They are usually very good at situations such as what you have mentioned. Essentially they upgrade the processing to expedited for no charge and also use next-day fed ex to mail the completed passport and additional evidence submitted along with the passport application form.

Good Luck!
Rama -

They are usually very good at situations such as what you have mentioned. Essentially they upgrade the processing to expedited for no charge and also use next-day fed ex to mail the completed passport and additional evidence submitted along with the passport application form.

Good Luck!

I certainly hope so. But the whole fact is I applied with expedited processing and it is 4 weeks today - I should have had my passport by now (based on their website). I did pay for overnight delivery.
Applied for US passport on 04/24/07 (Expedited)
Received US passport today (05/04/07) - USPS tried to deliver yesterday.
I applied for US Passport on 04/23 which they recieved on 04/24 untill today no info on https://passportstatus.state.gov/opss/OPSS_Status_i.asp so I called and they informed now expediated is taking 4 weeks and regular 10 weeks. So basically I wasted money on expediated. If you don't really need your passport right away than don't bother expediated service. Some how the demand has increased dramatically that they have hired lot of new personal and lot of them are even working over time :).
Since there are different passport creation facilities in different parts of the country, requests for passports get processed differently.

I think paying by postal money order helps with speed if you do expedited at the post office. There is no worry about how long it will take a check to be cashed. As I said before, the post office lady threw in free shipping overnight one way for me.

I got the passport delivered in a little over 1 week. So paying a little extra was worth it to me.

I notice that passports seem to be created and delivered more quickly to the NYC area. good luck to all waiting for their passports.

p.s. used the passport last weekend for a trip and it was amazing how fast it is on the customs line with a US passport!!!:)
Both my wife and I got our new rfid passports yesterday.

Our timeline
Apply date - 4/5/07, Suburb of Dallas, TX postoffice
Status appeared ~ 4/12/07
Called for status on 5/4/07 - No information available
Passport recd. 5/8/07

Onto the next step.


I am curious to know whether anyone has received an old style non-RFID passport lately. Have they completely switched all passport production to the RFID e-passport? I believe I read something about it recently (indicating that all news passports were RFID now), but I am not sure and I would like to hear from people's experience.
My daughter who applied in March got an old style passport issued April 13, 2007. So I guess they are still issuing non-RFID passports. Complete phase out of old style passports may have already happened in the interim or WIP.
Updated timeline. The checks have not been cashed though. I am travelling in another 5 weeks and called the toll free # (since it has been 4 weeks). They put a request for me and my wife since I need to get a visa for my travel. They said it if I don't see any progress by next Fri, asked me to call them.

4/4/07 Oath
4/5/07 Apllied for Passport (expedited).
5/4/07 Case status shows up online
5/4/07 Check cashed

I recieved my passport today (along with my wife's) - the dates are the same for both. It is the old style passport and was sent from NH.
I checked just now at the website and it is still showing that it is being processed (for both).
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My TimeLine
10 Nov 06 Mailed N400 to TSC
05 Dec 06 FP in NOLA
20 Dec 06 IV letter rcvd
29 Jan 07 IV in JAX, passed
29 Mar 07 Oath letter date (from TSC Mesquite)
03 Apr 07 Oath letter post-marked
05 Apr 07 Oath letter recvd
27 Apr 07 Oath date in Pensacola, FL, nice ceremony, very well done

27 Apr 07 Mailed Passport Expedite Application, used express mail/moneyorder
03 May 07 (appox) Passport processing number showed online
11 May 07 Passport arrived, (exactly in 14 days)
Note, my passport application went to Philadelphia, but my passort arrived from Miami. The tracking of my next-day envelopes is shown below.

Label/Receipt Number: EB32 0387 485U S
Detailed Results:

Delivered, April 30, 2007, 11:40 am, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19101

Arrival at Pick-Up-Point, April 30, 2007, 11:18 am, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19101

Arrival at Unit, April 30, 2007, 9:27 am, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104

Enroute, April 28, 2007, 7:40 pm, PENSACOLA, FL 32501

Label/Receipt Number: EB32 1560 445U S
Detailed Results:

Enroute, May 11, 2007, 9:02 am, PENSACOLA, FL 32501

Enroute, May 11, 2007, 7:08 am, MOBILE, AL 36675

Enroute, May 10, 2007, 1:05 pm, MIAMI, FL 33152

Acceptance, May 10, 2007, 6:16 am, MIAMI, FL 33101
Applied on 04/28 (expedited), still no sign of PP

Thank you pss, where did you apply for passport.


I appiled on April 28th with expedited processing at my local post office. I guess it is just 2 weeks since I applied. I hope I get it in 4 weeks as I need to plan travel soon. The web site tracker still says following:

"Thank you for submitting your passport application! It is currently being processed.

Your passport application locator number is XXXXXXXX.

Note: We have been experiencing a problem with the online status check system affecting only the application locator number. This does not affect the processing of your application. If the number above is 10 digits long and starts with 10000, please do not worry. If you need to contact the National Passport Information Center, you will have to provide at least your name and date of birth instead of the application locator number. Otherwise, please provide the locator number above.

When you applied, you requested Expedite Service and Routine Delivery of your passport. Passport Agencies use Priority Mail.

You should receive your passport within 4 weeks from the date you applied. However, if you are traveling within 2 weeks and have not received your passport, please contact the National Passport Information Center."
new ePassport vs. old style

Does anyone know if the Miami and Philadelphia passport offices issue the new ePassports (w/RFID chips)? Seems like some here are still getting the old style passports.

The reason I ask is that recently a friend of mine who was touring Europe told me that he was hassled a few times during border crossings because according to the new VWP guidelines, all countries who partcipate must issue epassports and since his was new it became a problem. Ironically, it was the U.S which mandated these new ePassport requirements post 9/11
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Hi Mario,

Don't have an answer for your question. I myselfe asked the passport agency about a week ago about if or when they were going to complete the transition to the e-passport. This is the first I hear about hassle. By the way, the U.S. is not a VWP country, the European and some other countries are ;) and there should not be a problem to travel to Europe with a recent passport that is non-RFID. However, I understand that an uninformed or vengeful border officer could try to hassle or make a comment about the non-RFID passport. However, this should still be legal and fine to be used in Europe, it's just the U.S. that demands the e-passport as far as I know.

My 2 cents.