Examination Call-In Notice ( Citizenship application)

In my case I received a letter from the local office stating my interview was cancelled for unforeseen circumstance after NBC set it up already. I contacted USCIS (national) in which I was told my name check is cleared. The local office still insisting that my name check is pending. My congresswomen contacted the FBI and USCIS regard my name check and was told I have two birth dates in their record (one was cleared and the second pending). Here how I look at it, NBC will schedule your interview and send your application to the local office after the name check is cleared. The local office may find discrepancy in your record (when comparing your N400 and the A-file). If that is the case the information will be sent to FBI for more check. In my situation, a date of birth typo in my Adjust of status application triggers the second FBI name check. Although the typo issue was resolved even before my green card was approved, but there is smart ??? in my local office thought he found something serious and put me through this nightmare.

Excatly true.
Seperation is a background issue as well. Don't think background check is only for criminal act. On the other hand, %99.99 is not too high if you compare amount of people who applied for citizenship vs people having second background check after interview. It is millions vs couple of hundereds.

I am aware that is a lot to be checked and not only the criminal backgrounds. My separation will not show on their computer, files ,etc .because I was not separated before interview, so it would not make sense. I will be the one telling them next time I go there. It would be great if more people with similar issues post their real experiences here ,so we could all benefit from it. I will keep everybody posted with my results at the end of the month.
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Just an update on my case. I went to the office ,and what they needed to complete records was only my name. Thye got confused which one to put on the certificate. They approved same day of interview, but I explained my situation that my husband moved out. They said that they will need sometime to review the case , and make the decision since my situation had changed with the informal separation. There is a chance for denial, but at least I can apply in one and a half year using the 5 year rule.
Yes, she asked me different questions like if I had commited any crimes or had any violations after the the 1st interview, if my marital status had changed, basically all the questions that is on the back of N-445 form. That is when I said that my husband moved out, and she asked me for his new address, and if we were getting divorced. She said that decision will be sent by mail. If we weren't for that ,I would be having the ceremony same day.
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I admire your honesty. I hope I will never be in the same position, but if I were, I would be very tempted to say no if asked if my marital status has changed given the fact that it was not formal or legal yet.

Form N445 requires a legal documentation of the separation. In your situation, it has not even been legally documented.

I would've weighed the benefits of lying and the possibility and repercussion of getting caught and most probably would lie about it.

This is not an advice or suggestion. I'm just revealing my not so moral side :eek:

No bashing please, I'm just being honest about not being honest :eek:
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If they would go to Motor Vehicles Administration records they would see that my husband changed his address. If I lied , and they found out that, they could revoke both citizenship ,and green card probably. I don't mind having the case denied for now, I just don't want to lose my green card at this point.
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I admire your honesty. I hope I will never be in the same position, but if I were, I would be very tempted to say no if asked if my marital status has changed given the fact that it was not formal or legal yet.

Form N445 requires a legal documentation of the separation. In your situation, it has not even been legally documented.

I would've weighed the benefits of lying and the possibility and repercussion of getting caught and most probably would lie about it.

This is not an advice or suggestion. I'm just revealing my not so moral side :eek:

No bashing please, I'm just being honest about not being honest :eek:

When it comes to informal separations, USCIS evaluates the marital union on a case by case basis. For example, if one states their spouse has moved out for a "cooling off period", it won't automatically result in a denial as compared to a statement of their spouse has filed for divorce and are now legally separated. That's why it's recommended to try and hold of any legal divorce proceedings until after the oath, instead of not disclosing an informal separation during the process.
Yes, she asked me different questions like if I had commited any crimes or had any violations after the the 1st interview, if my marital status had changed, basically all the questions that is on the back of N-445 form. That is when I said that my husband moved out, and she asked me for his new address, and if we were getting divorced. She said that decision will be sent by mail. If we weren't for that ,I would be having the ceremony same day.

What did you answer to the "are you getting divorced" part? Your answer here will will be the key in whether the IO will deny your case or not.
I just said that I didn't know ,that it is recent ,and it feels like I am in a limbo at this moment
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I don't think that it would help because if they were to ask my husband for some reason, he would say that is not. Anyway, thanks for your help, and your support Bobsmith. Let's see what is going to happen! I will keep you posted when I find out.
I just received a notice of intent to deny my application, and that I have 30 days to submit a rebuttal or evidence. Failure to respond will result in denial for the reason of loss of marital union.
Your honesty is commendable. You did the right thing. Lying to an USCIS officer would have resulted in possible cancellation of your green card as well. I think you had bit of a bad luck in the name error. That said, if you already knew where things were headed you could have as well waited for the 5 year period, ie if you were sure you were headed for a separation.

I just received a notice of intent to deny my application, and that I have 30 days to submit a rebuttal or evidence. Failure to respond will result in denial for the reason of loss of marital union.
I did the right thing being honest with them. Even if the name were right, the denial was a sure thing due to the situation.When I applied for citizenship, things in my marriage were not great, but I didn't expect to get to separation at that time. Now, I will reapply in one year and 3 months.
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you did a great thing, and i hope your conduct will be an example for every one else here.

You'll be fine in 1 yr when you re-apply, and i am sure USCIS people will definitely take notice of your past (by that time) honesty :)

well done !!! all the best!
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ooops; i meant 1 year! for some reason, the "3" in OP's last sentence got stuck in my head :)
Thanks, BS. (i meant that as initials of your name ;) )