
Originally posted by Edison
I think John Ashcroft also tried to do the same just like most of the Republicans but indirectly we were affected.

Ashcroft is just a racist bastard! It has nothing to do with being Republican or Democrat, he is anti-people! Look at the Patriot act I & II, look at his attitude towards Guantanamo bay, medicinal marujana and his latest policy statement to all prosecutors. This is after the governor of Illionois commuted the death sentence of all the people on the Death row due to fallacies in forensic testing procedures.

Don't pull cotton in your eyes over guys like him. This has nothing to do with party idealogue.
Originally posted by Shazam
Japanese American was interesting..
Strange are the ways of the world... We have asian americans, african americans..etc. How about polish americans, irish americans, british americans, italian americans.... how come they are not segregated!!! All they did was probably come a little earlier than the rest of the <variable>americans...


Very interesting observation

What about the random cases being approved? How would this lady explain the few cases with ND of April/May/June of 2002 getting approved? From the posts on this website, these do not appear to be special case applications. I would like to believe this lady, but processing applications based on mathematical analysis is STILL UNFAIR.

Damn you. Playing with people's emotions like that you liar.
A Japanese American lady who goes to social gathering does
not fit the profile of BCIS person.

People , please do not get your hopes too high. I know hope
is all we got but please do not listen to such horse dung.

Now here is what is going to happen.

Come October, the BCIS will have their yearly audit. They will
stop all work and smoke weed for a month.

Then some stupid politics will force the BCIS to make a few
million illegals to be made legal. Ofcourse these illegal people
cannot wait, can they? So they will get in to queue before us.

So assuming a half a million illegal farmers must get green
card before me I will continue to rot for next 20 years before
I get my gc approved.

So I am not much hopeful. Trouble is, Nobody wants us here.
No sir, Legal immigrants with good degrees and educational
background are not needed anymore. That is why all these
delays in employment based cases. But to keep that price of
burrito from going to $10 you need lot of illegal immigrants.

Since there are millions of these illegal immigrants there is
no way for legal immigrants to get their green cards.

Meanwhile...all security measures are being applied to legal
immigrants while millions of illegals freely roam this country
without getting their fingerprints checked against FBI database
or anything like that.

Don't you people get it? You are legal immigrants. You have
no rights and you certainly should have no hope. So shut the....
Buddy extra dry gin,
Sorry for shaking you up. But see, I stirred up your interest.
Yes I am frustrated but I will stick around here till I get crisp
green dollar bills.

One day they will kick us all out anyway. Make hay while the
sun shines.

Originally posted by extra_dry_gin
Whoa, whoa!! If such is your frustration at the state of affairs, why don't you save yourself some stress and go home.

but pretty much the truth isnt it? how else can u explain that we pay taxes etc & all legal & above the board...but no one bother to say - hey these chaps need to get their GCs etc processed in decent acceptable time with good customer service...

but lawmakers do discuss & propogate bills for amnesty / legalizing illegal immigrants...We legals dont count...

you said "Encounter" in your thread subject. If I were you I would have done exactly that....

If you dont understand then ask bombay police what it means...:D :D :D
I'm wondering why jokerpoker_us is so frustrated and removing his anger at the wrong people.. like me.

If hes so sure of illegal people getting all the benefits maybe he should go to Mexico and come back jumping a wall as a illegal .

I'll leave the job to the Bombay cops to carry out:)
Dr Kamath,
Just noticed your use of word "chaps". Just reminds me how
we picked our English from Britishers. Here they say..."Dude"

We belong to the same wac number series.
I am 02-161 - xxx and I filed in April 2002. I bet that is the
same with you too. Apart from having that in common we may
both be Maharashtrain and speak Marathi. Can't say that for
sure but maybe....

Originally posted by jokerpoker_us
Damn you. Playing with people's emotions like that you liar.
A Japanese American lady who goes to social gathering does
not fit the profile of BCIS person.


Why would you take your frustration about BCIS on Soumy, who is only passing on the information she received? If you don't believe in the information or feel the Japanese-American story is humbug, let the thread alone. If you still feel the need to air your opinion on the thread, you are most free to do so, but must you make a personal attack on Soumy to prove your point?
Re: jokerpoker_us

140_takes...hope not too long..

let the poor soul take his frustration here instead of somewhere else...

we all understand that it is hard enuff as it is.....try to help rather than supress the frustration....

Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever

Why would you take your frustration about BCIS on Soumy, who is only passing on the information she received? If you don't believe in the information or feel the Japanese-American story is humbug, let the thread alone. If you still feel the need to air your opinion on the thread, you are most free to do so, but must you make a personal attack on Soumy to prove your point?

Nice going. This is the first rational explanation I have heard for the disaster that is unfolding before our very eyes.

I understand that it is necessary to take the prescribed action but I do NOT agree with the way it was communicated (or in this case, not communicated).

Ashcroft seems to be pretty competent in handling security issues but the man is utterly clueless when it comes to diplomacy and communication skills.

Maybe they should lock him in a back room where he can do his job but get somebody else to handle the communications side of things. I think the USA will be better off.
Re: Useful

Originally posted by FunkyJunky
Ashcroft seems to be pretty competent in handling security issues but the man is utterly clueless when it comes to diplomacy and communication skills.
Maybe they should lock him in a back room where he can do his job but get somebody else to handle the communications side of things. I think the USA will be better off.

Benjamin Franklin one of the founders of the US constitution once said
If you give up freedom for security, you end up with neither freedom nor security!

Profound words indeed! If you think the Patriot Act I & II and the rest of Ashcroft's rulings are good then you are obviously smoking something! This harks back to the days of Joe McCarthy and the anti-red crusade he ran, in which hundreds of people were discredited and lost their career's thanks to paranoia and suspicion! If you go back in history a little more, you will come across a slightly more intense verson of this in the Salem Witch trails!

Ashcroft is a bloody moron, who is so conservative and so bloody minded he is going to be the cause of the ruin of American values and culture! He feeds on fear and insecurity of the people to stay in power and push his agenda through. Wait till he is at the receiving end of this injustice. If he or one of his relatives is captured and held without trail, or his telepone lines are tapped at will!
Ashcroft lost to a dead man

in Missouri gubernational election. That's how much people
love him in a conservative state.
Originally posted by Soumy
No I'm not talking about the Naseeruddin Shah movie( a good one by the way if people like Parallel cinema).

I had a suprise encounter with a BCIS adjugator at a Social gathering - Ofcourse I jumped in to ask what was really happening .. here is the gist

This is a lady(Japanese American) . She had an alltogethr diff story to tell.

" BCIS(ins) had done a great job upto Dec2001 when they were adjugating June 2001 cases in Dec2001(6 months) , they had 15 officers on the job for 485 alone, each were doing 15-20 cases a day. It all went wrong with the news breakout of the issuance of visa 's to dead people( u know who). She says John Ashcroft sent a letter to all adjugators to go back and look at all cases approved from 1999 to that point and also announced a Zero tolerance policy. So 12 of the 15 officers were going through each case by case of approved 485's ( family, employment everything)1999-2001to make sure there were no more goofups set to resurface.... that took 1 year. So the backlog started and then TPS was given to them as a priority. She says they are Elbow deep in paper.Each officer has to go through 35-40 pages for each applicant
including BC,MC,I140,Emp letter etc etc and because of zero tolerance have to be very meticulous. This is killing them.On top of it since most cases have crossed 12 months atleast in CA they have to issue a RFE (thats a local CA rule she says.. not applicable to other centers).

Just as this was being done, came the Sunrise program and another diversion. Inbetween because of FP expiration problems they tried to adjugate cases whose FP were within expiry range but that didnt work as people have taken FP at diff times and didnt co-relate to their ND. ( At this point ..for once I felt some sympathy).

She says they try their best ,but in most cases their hands are tied from the top.Every week there is a meeting and a new thing added to the process. If everything goes well starting Oct 1st they will have the 15 officers back on the job and we will see the difference.

I couldn't resist asking her .. what about my case? Dec2001. Come October you will see tremendous progress she says.Can't take up a partiucluar case.. but things are going to improve unless there is a fresh directive.

I had mixed feelings .. Anger sure .. some sympathy sure she seemed genuine and very knowledgeable.

Damn! I had the same dream. That Japanese-American adjudicator was cute too!
It's now 10/15...

...and still no change in the approval scenario - maybe they did get some new crappy directions to do some other, non-important, 'busy' work.

Frankly, I'm hoping the legal initiative that seems to be shaping up on some of the other forums is taken through to it's logical conclusion (class action law suit) and then these adjudicator guys get directions 'from the top' to focus on legal, tax paying 140 and 485 applicants (who are also people with hopes, feelings and dreams!)

This whole situation just sux!

these guys spin more bullshit than politicians

at the end of the day they are goverment workers....i know, i know that is a contradiction of terms

i was offered a job just recently to manage a government organizations it department....

4 1/2 weeks vacation and every second friday off....sounded great

then i smacked myself on the side of the head to remind me that i'd be working with government workers.....couldn't bear the thought and i wasn't ready to retire yet

the reason it's slow is because they don't know how to work...it's inbred