employer forgot to deduct social security on the paystubs - going for H1 stamping


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I have to go for H1 stamping in New Delhi. My employer did not deduct social security tax from my recent paystubs. Am wondering if the consulate takes a look at the entries in the paystubs and checks for the the social security taxes.
Also, do I have to submit W-2s of last year for stamping
yes, it does. Your employer is more trouble than you. Does last year W-2 have Social security tax deducted? Check OASDI entry

Thanks for the response. I checked in my past W-2s. It seems to be there initially for a few years but seems to have vanished later. What is curious is that I did get one H1 stamp earlier after submitting a W-2 that did not have social security tax on it.
Do they scan W-2s while making decisions on stamping H-1.
My problem now is whether to wait until I get a new W-2 (for financial year 2003) and then go for stamping or submit W-2 (for 2002) and run the risk of getting rejected since that W-2 does not show social security