Embarassing Police Detention Issue


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Hi Guys,

Last October I was at an asian massage parlor (when I say say massage I mean the whole massage) when there was a police and USCIS raid. I was detained there for 3 hours and after my status check I was let go.

Is this going to be a issue when I apply for citizenship later this year? Do I report this on the N-400 form..

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I wouldn't worry too much about your incident. If you've gotten fingerprinted
by USCIS authorities, then you may be in trouble/watch list. If you were
just detained and let go with NO fingerprinting, then take it easy.

One of my friends was in a similar situation (detained by INS and taken to
INS Office in Dallas for verification - one of his h1 was misspelled but he never noticed it - and he was let go free after they found everything was okay. He was taken a picture but NO fingerprinting) and the Office told him
that "as far as no finger print is taken, the incident need NOT be mentioned to USCIS or any immigration authority".

You are OKAY.

Good luck
ps: I am not an attorney and not planning to be one. Consulting a competent attorney is advised.
tobler1 said:
I don't remember whether I was fingerprinted or not...

Also anybody else has any inputs??

C'mon. Surely you can't expect people to give you advice on something when you can't even remember a fundamental point such as this on something that occurred relatively recently.

But I'll give you my opinion anyway. Whether or not you were fingerprinted does matter, as this will come up as a "hit" even if you were ultimately not charged or arrested. Be prepared with evidence that shows the detention did not result in charges, as the burden of proof to show you are of good moral character is on you, and not with the interviewing immigration officer at your interview. Consult with an attorney if you don't know what to do or still "can't remember."
tobler1 said:
I don't remember whether I was fingerprinted or not...

Also anybody else has any inputs??

I think this post is a joke. He get raided at brothel just
last October and can't remember whether he is finger printed!

Do you remember what you did at the brothel!
Mr. Obongo and Mr. Cantex,

Before posting my query, I had thought a lot about people like u who would want to make fun of the situation rather then giving a helpful advice. What I did was my choice and I will pay for the consequences.

So I would appreciate if u cannot give any advice then keep ur sarcastic comments to yourself.

One more thing that if u had a SWAT team pointing automatic weapons at u, u might also forget what happened..
tobler1 said:
Mr. Obongo and Mr. Cantex,

Before posting my query, I had thought a lot about people like u who would want to make fun of the situation rather then giving a helpful advice. What I did was my choice and I will pay for the consequences.

So I would appreciate if u cannot give any advice then keep ur sarcastic comments to yourself.

One more thing that if u had a SWAT team pointing automatic weapons at u, u might also forget what happened..

Ahh come on! They deployed a SWAT team (SWAT = Special Weapons
Assault Team) into a brothel! SWAT teams are for hostage situations
and other high risk situations.
tobler1 said:
Mr. Obongo and Mr. Cantex,

Before posting my query, I had thought a lot about people like u who would want to make fun of the situation rather then giving a helpful advice. What I did was my choice and I will pay for the consequences.

So I would appreciate if u cannot give any advice then keep ur sarcastic comments to yourself.

One more thing that if u had a SWAT team pointing automatic weapons at u, u might also forget what happened..

I gave you my opinion, even though your story doesn't quite add up. I wasn't poking fun, just questioning the inexplicable lapse in memory.
whatever you do....do not lie on your application about this case or anything else.

good luck
I intend to mention this on the form. But my concern is where do I get a document like the one people get for TICKETS stating that NO CHARGES WERE FILED specially when both local police and federal authorities were involved.
You may not even get asked for that paper, especially if there is no finger prints.

Usually people go to the clerks office in the court house or even the DA office to pull the file.

In your case it seems that it did not go that far so I would trace this back to the place were you were arrested, may be the ploice station.
tobler1 said:
Hi Guys,

Last October I was at an asian massage parlor (when I say say massage I mean the whole massage) when there was a police and USCIS raid. I was detained there for 3 hours and after my status check I was let go.

Is this going to be a issue when I apply for citizenship later this year? Do I report this on the N-400 form..

if they didnt book a case against u or did not ask u to follow up on it in court,that means there was no case against u,coz if there is a case then there has to be a hearing in front of a judge.the cops cant give the verdict.
your case is pretty vaque...shed some more light...whether u were assigned a date at court...
but dude u need to be a bit clear ,the only time i saw a swat team in a brothel was in some movie....messing around... :D
at the same time another thing hard to digest is immigration officers involved in a crime sting operation...they hardly go get illegal aliens how on earth did they find to go to a massage parlor...unless it was a big sting operation like the one in houston last year....
are u talking about the raids in houston????
galroc said:
yes,link works but,as far as i know how can there be a conviction without a court appearance,so you r innocent atleast till found guilty but to prove u guilty there needs to be a court appearance...
i cant figure out after such a big case,no court dates really surprising...maybe they are happy with the big fish...
anyway best of luck.

i have no clue when it comes to declaring this on n400...better get legal help...practically u were not charged,but at the same time one cant lie....so upto your lawyer...

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tobler1 said:
One more thing that if u had a SWAT team pointing automatic weapons at u, u might also forget what happened..

I asked a police friend of mine about your case. If what you say is true,
and there was a *SWAT* team deployed (by your description it seems
to be the case as you said they were carrying automatic weapons
which police tend not to carry), then your name check should return the incident. He says to deploy a SWAT team requires extensive report filing
after the fact since it is a significant event. Even if your finger prints
were not taken if your name was taken it will appear in their reports which
he strongly believes gets sent back to the FBI who may flag you as a
person of interest.

Hopefully this is not the case for you. I think you need to rethink the situation
and recall if it really was a SWAT team (did they have the SWAT insignia on
their arms patches?).

Also recall that on the N400 form that you need to state you are not
a prostitute, so cohabitating with prostitutes could influence the interviewing
agent's opinion of your morality. It's kind of silly that prostitutes get singled
out (hey what about ambulance chasing lawyers), but prostitutes and
communists seem to be targeted in the N400 form.
Again I don't remember wether they had SWAT insignia on their arm patches. But they were definitly dressed like swat and had ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) written on their backs.

What puzzles me now is they just let me go at that time without asking to show up in court??

Thanks guys for all your advice and help
tobler1 said:
Again I don't remember wether they had SWAT insignia on their arm patches. But they were definitly dressed like swat and had ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) written on their backs.

What puzzles me now is they just let me go at that time without asking to show up in court??

Thanks guys for all your advice and help
check this out...

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One more question..if because of the above incident my Citizenship is denied, then would they let me stay in the US on greencard or deport..
