Eligibility date for applying citizenship and travel


Registered Users (C)
I am LPR since Sep 1 2007 and my 5 years will be Sep 1 , 2012. I have been outside the US on vacation 3 times each around 4 weeks.
1. First question, do I need to add this time to Sep 1,2012 and go back 90 days to figure out the date on which I can apply for citizenship ? Or can I mail the application anytime after June 4th ,2012 (90 days before Sep 1, 2012) ?
2. Second question, I have to travel outside the US in July/Aug 2012 for 4-5 weeks on some personal business. Do I time this travel after my fingerprinting and before my interview/oath ? Is the interview/oath typically done after the 5 years is actually completed or is it done anytime after I mail in my application ?
I am LPR since Sep 1 2007 and my 5 years will be Sep 1 , 2012. I have been outside the US on vacation 3 times each around 4 weeks.

#1. You can take vacations without impacting the 5 year calculations. So you 90 days before Sep 1, 2012 is correct. It is better to apply 2-3 days after you are due just in case you or CIS miscounts the dates.
#2. The travel depends on you. Oath is always after 5 years, but interview could be before. If someone will be checking your mail and you are in a position to return and complete the formalities (FP, interview) then it does not matter. Usually, you will get 2-3 weeks notice for both of these appointments.
I am LPR since Sep 1 2007 and my 5 years will be Sep 1 , 2012. I have been outside the US on vacation 3 times each around 4 weeks.
1. First question, do I need to add this time to Sep 1,2012 and go back 90 days to figure out the date on which I can apply for citizenship ? Or can I mail the application anytime after June 4th ,2012 (90 days before Sep 1, 2012) ?
2. Second question, I have to travel outside the US in July/Aug 2012 for 4-5 weeks on some personal business. Do I time this travel after my fingerprinting and before my interview/oath ? Is the interview/oath typically done after the 5 years is actually completed or is it done anytime after I mail in my application ?

Is the trip simply an annual or almost annual vacation? USCIS may question whether you have gone abroad to arrange for a permanent move the minute you naturalize and get a passport. It is something to consider and be prepared for.
Thanks for the responses. Trip I am planning next year is vacation but does it really matter the reason for my traveling, just curious ? Is that something they will ask during interview ?
Appearances count

Thanks for the responses. Trip I am planning next year is vacation but does it really matter the reason for my traveling, just curious ? Is that something they will ask during interview ?

It depends on the particulars of your case. Are these trips annual one month vacations or have they all been bunched up back-to-back and quite recent?

Be objective and look at it from a distance. How does it appear from that perspective?
Ya just annual vacations so I dont think they should have any doubts there. Also how long does it typically take to get a FP appointment and interview appt after mailing in the application ?
Ya just annual vacations so I dont think they should have any doubts there. Also how long does it typically take to get a FP appointment and interview appt after mailing in the application ?

It varies. Some say a matter of days and others report 2 to 3 weeks.
Be objective and look at it from a distance. How does it appear from that perspective?

My own objective reaction from a distance (not being the OP) is that it just would make a lot more sense to apply AFTER you return from the trip. My experience is that they usually give about 4 weeks' notice for the fingerprinting and interview appointments. And you can always ask to postpone those--but the trip (4-5 weeks) is long enough that it COULD complicate things needlessly.

If I have a choice between doing something the simple way vs the more complex way, I always do things the simple way--but maybe that's just me.

Of course if OP's motivation in wanting to apply sooner rather than later is to be able to vote in the Nov 2012 presidential election, I won't argue with that motivation. Voting is important, and certainly applying sooner will increase the chances. But if the motivation is anything else, why not wait a month or two until you get back?