Effect of Arrest on Citizenship


Registered Users (C)
Hey Guys, This is serious. Please Please help. One of my friend has 4 years and 9 months since green card issue date and elidible to apply for Citizinship next week. He has very good record except one arrest in Jan, 2007. He was with his friends in 2007 and watching a game in a stadium. The liquor was served on the counter of the stadium and he drank little more and had some argument with one of his friend. In the mean time, policeman saw him and they arrested him for drinking in public and he spent one night in custody. They released him next morning but didn't charge him. He got a report from sherrif's office which shows that he has "no known probabtion" and "Not in Custody". They said this document should be enough.

Do you think this document is enough or does he need anything else to show in his application? How serious this arrest could be? Can he be denied citizinship and deported back to his country? We will appreciate your reply.
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Hey Guys, This is serious. Please Please help. One of my friend has 4 years and 9 months since green card issue date and elidible to apply for Citizinship next week. He has very good record except QUOTE]

He will be Ok. My friend was arrested for DUI, he applied for citizinship 2 years after that, they sent him a letter request for more info about his court and just a week after that he receive his citizinship.
As far as I see there's no such a serious issue involved. If you see no evidence why are afraid of it. Don't mention the arrest any where...