EB3 India - Democrats win on Nov 7


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I think there is a good chance for EB3 India movements if democrats win on Nov 7 and take over the house. This way some sort of immigration reform gets passed. Comments?
Not sure. I think :rolleyes: Republicans are in more in favor if Immigration than Democrats. It does not matter, I think immigration least priority for democrats or republicans :confused:
No way

Traditionally Republicans are good for Immegration. Dems are always anti-immegration. If Dems come majority I think the entire EB process will be in big trouble.

Already 1+ years in retrogression and no stopping of very fast PERM LCs and super fast I140s, I would really like to know number of applicants waiting to file I485 in last couple years.

Dems coming to majority they will have diff agenda on their mind(socialism) forget about fast green cards.
Not true. It's the other way. Bush is an exception.

ppk_walther said:
Traditionally Republicans are good for Immegration. Dems are always anti-immegration. If Dems come majority I think the entire EB process will be in big trouble.

Already 1+ years in retrogression and no stopping of very fast PERM LCs and super fast I140s, I would really like to know number of applicants waiting to file I485 in last couple years.

Dems coming to majority they will have diff agenda on their mind(socialism) forget about fast green cards.
Its pure politics ..

PHSESAaug said:
I think there is a good chance for EB3 India movements if democrats win on Nov 7 and take over the house. This way some sort of immigration reform gets passed. Comments?


This whole immigration issue is caught in pure politics. The Republicans have tried to use the CIR in their favor by bringing up security issues (open borders, criminal illegals etc etc) because that has been the "bread and butter" of the Republican party for the past 5 years. The Republicans always try to twist everything into a "security" issue. The Dems on the other hand have tried to use the CIR to swing the Hispanic vote by appearing sympathetic and painting the Republicans as bigots who dislike immigrants. The truth is that neither party is concerned about "immigration" as such. It was identified as a a convenient issue that could sway the "average" voter one way or the other and it was used accordingly. This is not to say that there aren't genuine politicans that care about immigration issues, there are a handful. Most others just use immigration to further their own agenda.

As for what might happen to immigration if Dems come into power, it could go either way. They may try to push through a pro-illegal bill in the hope of securing long term Hispanic votes. They might end up doing nothing either. They will do what brings most politican traction to their parties. If Republicans stay in power then the deadlock will probably continue.


Economy will speaks out much louder than anything. If there is a boom, labors will be in shortage and immigration will be in much better position. Look what happened in 2000? :p
If Democrats win, it will be harder for the SKIL BILL

I am not sure if I agree with you on this. From my empirical research, I talk to American friends a lot about politics;it is my feeling that the people - not only politicians - are making the border security and illegal immigration a priority. I think that makes sense, as you can see, the threat of terrorism is very real. That same feeling is reflected by various polls and the 'immigration hearings' performed during Summer. You really have figures such as Sen. Tacredo, Sen. King, Sensenbrenner that honestly, I don't think those folks are only playing politics. I think that's about a real ideology. More Republican senators than Democrat ones value security. I hope I am right, because if not, then this country's name should be renamed to "India" or "Mexico" or something like that.

That said, I think a Republican controlled congress would be to our advantage. It is very simple. Republicans are more inclined towards business, that's why they have a tendency to let in more skilled professionals. On the other hand Democrats are more known for their social services approach. Ironically, Democrats are in favor of illegal immigration for one reason and one reason only:they bet that as time progresses, if they grant permanent residency for millions and millions of illegal aliens that would turn them into potential voters who could guarantee success for Democrats for years to come. Same principal applies to the catholic church. The catholic church has lots of empty seats and they need the illegal aliens to boost membership and keep the declining church alive.

That said, I think if Democrats win and you can expect to see the illegal immigration debate eventually brought up to the surface again. I believe that Democrats would not consider the SKIL bill though. It would be more strategical if they keep the employment based greencard and H1B issues attached to the illegal alien amnesty bills, in order to keep the pressure on.

I may be wrong about that, but let's watch and see.



saras76 said:

This whole immigration issue is caught in pure politics. The Republicans have tried to use the CIR in their favor by bringing up security issues (open borders, criminal illegals etc etc) because that has been the "bread and butter" of the Republican party for the past 5 years. The Republicans always try to twist everything into a "security" issue. The Dems on the other hand have tried to use the CIR to swing the Hispanic vote by appearing sympathetic and painting the Republicans as bigots who dislike immigrants. The truth is that neither party is concerned about "immigration" as such. It was identified as a a convenient issue that could sway the "average" voter one way or the other and it was used accordingly. This is not to say that there aren't genuine politicans that care about immigration issues, there are a handful. Most others just use immigration to further their own agenda.

As for what might happen to immigration if Dems come into power, it could go either way. They may try to push through a pro-illegal bill in the hope of securing long term Hispanic votes. They might end up doing nothing either. They will do what brings most politican traction to their parties. If Republicans stay in power then the deadlock will probably continue.


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I don't believe either party ...

marlon2006 said:
I am not sure if I agree with you on this. From my empirical research, I talk to American friends a lot about politics;it is my feeling that the people - not only politicians - are making the border security and illegal immigration a priority. I think that makes sense, as you can see, the threat of terrorism is very real. That same feeling is reflected by various polls and the 'immigration hearings' performed during Summer. You really have figures such as Sen. Tacredo, Sen. King, Sensenbrenner that honestly, I don't think those folks are only playing politics. I think that's about a real ideology. More Republican senators than Democrat ones value security. I hope I am right, because if not, then this country's name should be renamed to "India" or "Mexico" or something like that.

That said, I think a Republican controlled congress would be to our advantage. It is very simple. Republicans are more inclined towards business, that's why they have a tendency to let in more skilled professionals. On the other hand Democrats are more known for their social services approach. Ironically, Democrats are in favor of illegal immigration for one reason and one reason only:they bet that as time progresses, if they grant permanent residency for millions and millions of illegal aliens that would turn them into potential voters who could guarantee success for Democrats for years to come. Same principal applies to the catholic church. The catholic church has lots of empty seats and they need the illegal aliens to boost membership and keep the declining church alive.

That said, I think if Democrats win and you can expect to see the illegal immigration debate eventually brought up to the surface again. I believe that Democrats would not consider the SKIL bill though. It would be more strategical if they keep the employment based greencard and H1B issues attached to the illegal alien amnesty bills, in order to keep the pressure on.

I may be wrong about that, but let's watch and see.




Your points are well taken. I was not referring to the SKIL bill. I said that if Dems come into power they will probably try to push through a pro-illegal bill. There is no saying what that might do for us. As for Republicans, they would like us to believe that everything that does not match their political ideeology is a "threat to the country". I do not agree with that either. As far as I am concerned, neither party makes any sense to me. I tend to believe that relief will only come through "piggy backing" onto issues that politicians really care about such as security, hispanic vote, labor demands due to economy etc etc.


I certainly agree with you on that point; If democrat leads, they will push hard the amnesty bill thinking that can make them look in good shape for the presidential elections in 2008. Moreover, as scare and nasty it seems, based on article I read more democrats than republicans support or at least desire that illegal aliens vote - even if it would be illegal to vote. Although that to me seems to be a coffin in the nail and the indication of the ultimate decline of America, that's what seems to be case and sad reality.

I've seen that at ImmigrationVoice.org, many members are hopeful that if the Democrat wins we would be OK. I think they may setting up themselves for disappointment, because the SKIL bill may turn out to be way harder to be considered if dems win. In addition, even if the democrats manage to pass the amnesty and attach our bills to it, there is always the collateral effect that could overhelm USCIS and cause another chaos for the employment base GC folks. When it comes to immigration, I think democrats will be busy working on the Dream Act, social services for illegal aliens and ways to make the country more attractive for illegals and unskilled labor. Business prosperity, competition and hard work, qualities shared among many members of this forum are not topics associated with liberals in general. Either way yes, both parties are not doing a good job I think.

Just my thought.

saras76 said:

Your points are well taken. I was not referring to the SKIL bill. I said that if Dems come into power they will probably try to push through a pro-illegal bill. There is no saying what that might do for us. As for Republicans, they would like us to believe that everything that does not match their political ideeology is a "threat to the country". I do not agree with that either. As far as I am concerned, neither party makes any sense to me. I tend to believe that relief will only come through "piggy backing" onto issues that politicians really care about such as security, hispanic vote, labor demands due to economy etc etc.


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I would say that Democrats in the past were much better for EB immigration right before election than Republicans. If to compare what each of them did for EB immigration: AC21 and portability for foreign workers was approved by Democrats, 245i amnesty for illegals was approved by Democrats.
As for Republicans I remember only one thing, they approved H1B extension beyond 6th year if Labor Cert is pending more than 365 days.

If you take a look what kind of bills Republicans tried to present in the Senate and Congress (recent couple of years), you would not hesitate who is better for EB immigration. I am sure that majority of Republicans do not support immigration, they are agains any type of immigration.

Do not anticipate any good bills kind of CIR or SKIL in the near 2 years,
They had chances to be accepted before election but that did not happen.
If Republicans win election it will be more security checks/steps against immigration.
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You guys are having real good debate and I couldn't stop from throwing in my 2 cents worth opinion.

If one looks at republican voter base, you would see a lot of white faces that reside away from well developed (i.e. cosmopolitan) areas. Having lived in such areas (although these were in labeled "Blue" states) I have come to of opinion that these people do not want change, and immigration brings in the rudest change. Immigrants speak, live, work and think very differently from these complacent and satisfied folks!

So how am I going to imagine, that a politician whose voter consists of such people will ever vote in favor of EB immigrants. Remember unlike illegal immigrants, EB's are well paid and extremely accomplished individuals. Needless to say, their success specially when we are from labeled 3rd world countries, is not taken well in such areas.

On other hand cosmopolitan areas are more diverse and accomodating. And are usually Dem represented. So in fairness I lean towards Dems ... but as is said, don't pin hopes.
for sake of discussion let's assume Dems win and they ignore SKILL and pass pro illegal bill, which means our dear usics will be burried with 12 million applications, what will they do with pending legal applications which runns in 100-200k?

if this happens I hope they flush out in one stroke and give GCs to all of us wishfull thinking :(
1. I know everything about Reps, hence by default....
2. If illegals get amnesty, become an illegal.
3. If nothing happens, you are not worse off.

guldukan said:
for sake of discussion let's assume Dems win and they ignore SKILL and pass pro illegal bill, which means our dear usics will be burried with 12 million applications, what will they do with pending legal applications which runns in 100-200k?

if this happens I hope they flush out in one stroke and give GCs to all of us wishfull thinking :(
Drop in the ocean

Guys and Gals,

As important as the immigration issue is for us, it is just a drop in the ocean of US politics. Much was made of it this year because of the upcoming elections. I do not see any immediate priority being placed on an immigration bill regardless of the party that comes to power. We will just have to wait and see what happens post November. The other issue is that there is no perfect bill out there. Every proposed bill comes with its own set of problems. Right now there are clearly four sets of applicants within the EB3 category -

1. Badly retrogressed EB3 applicants from Mexico and India with PDs in 2001 who will be happy with any sort of relief, even if it means that the dates move by 3-4 months.

2. The middle portion of the badly retrogressed EB3 categories consisting of people with PDs in '03, '04 and 05. These guys will be happy with a SKIL bill that will have a substantial impact on the dates.

3. The last portion from India and Mexico with relatively newer PDs who are unable to file would be happy with any bill that lets them atleast file their 485s.

4. The rest of the EB3 categories are also suffering but they are moving so people in this category will be okay if the dates keep moving. They are probably more concerned with the movement than some bill.

Everytime a new law has been enacted certain parts of the EB process have been fixed at the cost of other parts. Even with a pro-immigration bill post election it will all depend on the part of EB we are in. No bill can solve all our problems.


Let's look at past records

Sorry to be the grinch on this issue about Dems vs Reps, but I don't think either party are doing a good job regarding Green Card immigration. If you look at the track records of both parties, they pretty much only focus on either pro-illegal bills or increasing H1Bs.... but they have never passed one bill that directly helps GC immigration (look at the mess in family based) and the soon to become an even bigger mess employer based.

The irony is that if Dems take control of both Houses, I think I will just go ahead and find another job. My driver ID is authentic, doesn't say I am on H1B, and my credit reports also show good history with no immigration status. So how will employers be able to tell if I am illegal or not?