EB1A Evaluation


Registered Users (C)

- Postdoc in US
- Ph.D. in Engineering from US
- 13 Journals (all first author or correspeonding author)
- 6 conference papers (5 first author and 1 second author)
- Reviewer for 4 Journals and 2 conferences
- Session chairman for two international conferences
- membership in 3 association (one is selective called society of industry leaders and the other two are professional associations in my field)
- Minor awards when I was student
- Some media quoted my words but no dedicated media reports
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Looks good as long as you can present your case properly. How about number of citations of your papers by others?
I learned the followings about EB1A:

Chance depends on the service center (Nebraska or Texas).
Being a member in associations that offer paid membership does not help.
At least 6 recommendation letters are required.
Citation is very important.

Please refer to http://www.uscis.gov/files/article/afm_ch22_091206R.pdf (pages 30-41) is a must read (thanks to HelpingHand).


You are pre-approved


- Postdoc in US
- Ph.D. in Engineering from US
- 13 Journals (all first author or correspeonding author)
- 6 conference papers (5 first author and 1 second author)
- Reviewer for 4 Journals and 2 conferences
- Session chairman for two international conferences
- membership in 3 association (one is selective called society of industry leaders and the other two are professional associations in my field)
- Minor awards when I was student
- Some media quoted my words but no dedicated media reports

Hi wanniba
You are pre-approved. Ha Ha Ha. That is just to cheer you up. Your credentials look good. Frame your cover letter really nice and give it a try. It wouldn't hurt.
Wanniba:here is my advice

Authorship criteria:
For the 13 papers get a list where it is cited: called ISI journal citation index or SCOPUS or google Scholar
For Conference paper: Did it get any award or was there any special mention as prize or newsreport or press release or plenary session

Reviewer/Refree criteria
Reviewer for 4 Journals
1) Actual Nos of papers reviewed,plus a letter from the editor saying this is more than normal reviews (because you are EA right !)

2)and 2 conferences
specifically if it is International conference,total attendees,were you the chairperson or

concentrate on the in one is selective called society of industry leaders if you can show it was invitation only or very selctive if yes, show how many members a year , its bylaws etc

Student award is not counted Forget it
Some media quoted my words but no dedicated media reports: Please look into it more deeply because usually if one media has quoted then there might be another somewhere in Google, etc

Scientific Contributions
get letters from International scientists saying you made some specific fantastic discovery[be very specific and don't mention he/she has big potential etc]

Summary: you are on borderline : 2 criteria you can easily show third one membership I am not sure and the letters depend on your network

presently on O1-visa
EB1 E-filed 7/28/07 LUD 8/12
EB2-NIW E-filed 7/29/07 LUD 8/12 ,8/15
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Indeed, if your most cited papers have garnered a good number of citations, and if you are really good in your field (something the citaitions and the reference letters should demonstrate), two criteria will be ok, i.e. (v) and (vi).

Now you need a third one. Not knowing enough on this selective society you mention, hard to judge if the membership criterion is going to work. As for judge of the work of others, it is not clear that you are doing much more than many in your field.

As you probably already read in many threads on this forum, better claim less criteria very well evidenced than more but poorly evidenced.

So, you are welcome to give a bit more information: you should be able to get more advice ;)

Your case is weak. Because you need 3 solid criteria. You have 2 only. Even there you did not mention impact actor of journals and number of citations. Having more than 10 articles does not help. You need articles in top journals. If you have good articles, citations then ignore my comment. However you need to work on #3 criteria. You need at least 3 and need to show you are the best in them.
Just more information regarding journal papers: they are almost all top journals in my field. However, like other journals in a traditional engineering field, they do not have very high impact factor (say, 0.6~0.8).

The citation: I checked through google scholar and found about 20 citations in total. Probably I can find out more in ISI web.

Reviewer: So far, I have reviewed 9 papers for 4 journals and 6 papers for 2 conferences. Will expect more because I am a regular reviewer for the 4 journals.
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wanniba: How do you quantify the impact factor of your journals? Are they mentioned somewhere?

Sorry for the unrelated question.


Since the journals are all published by Elsevier, I can find their impact factors from their portal sites in Elsevier.
I have a media article that specifically discussed the "impact factor": the average impact factor for engineering journals is 0.6. It also discussed the misunderstanding of the "impact factor". My suggestion, if the impact factor of your journal is not high, try to get positive comments from your references.
For some engineering journals, I can't even find the impact factors (I guess they simply don't believe in this).
Likewise, engineering papers don't have high citation numbers since the citation span is long.
It's a difficult subject, difficult field. You have to explain these in the petition letter. Also your references need to specifically state the significant impact of your original contributions.
Well, don't even mention the impact factor! If you really want to do it, compare the impact factor of the journals you have published in with others in your field to state that they are the best.

If the journals you have published in are the main journals in your field, good! Just mention it clearly.

I am more worried about the number of citations. If you are at the top of your field and have made significant contributions, you should have more than 20 or 30 citations for 13 papers. As we often wrote on this forum, better a few papers with a good number of citations than many with just a few each. You did not give the number of citations for your most cite ones...

By the way, even if the field is "difficult", an important paper is cited!

Thanks ChrisV:

For the citation, the 20 citation are all from the earliest 4 papers I published. The most citated one is 7 citations. The other 9 papers are just newly published and for this reason, I cannot find any citation.

One of the conference papers I published is selected to the transaction, which publish the best 10% of the conference. In the editor's email to me, he has explicitely stated it is an outstanding paper. Can I claim it as a outstanding paper honor?

Here comes to society membership: from their website, it says "The Society of Industry Leaders is a carefully selected global network of thought and industry leaders". I don't know if it works for membership requirement.
1) Does anyone have an idea of impact factor for IEEE Journals?

2) Shall an applicant clearly exclude self-citations or just give the total number?

3) Does USCIS care if citations are to journal OR conference publications of an applicant?

Thanks all for your idea.


1) Does anyone have an idea of impact factor for IEEE Journals?

2) Shall an applicant clearly exclude self-citations or just give the total number?

3) Does USCIS care if citations are to journal OR conference publications of an applicant?

Thanks all for your idea.



IEEE is anti H1B and greencard organization. They use our membership money against us. Do not become their members or send articles in their journals. The recent CIR amendments to kill high skilled immigration program came due to lobbying efforts of IEEE
pswami: I am not a member but all my publications are in IEEE journals/conferences. People said it is best in my field and to be honest, I have observed that the best works in the field often end up there.

Can you provide further information or links? What is CIR? Where to read about it?



Wanniba, your credentials look good to me. You just have to prepare your application well. Do your homework before submitting your application, and read about different RFE's that others get, and don't make the same mistakes. Don't submit evidence which is surely to attract RFE's.
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If I was invited as an external expert to review a governmental policy, would that experience contribute to my petetion?

Also, how is Sigma Xi for EB1?
If I was invited as an external expert to review a governmental policy, would that experience contribute to my petetion?

Also, how is Sigma Xi for EB1?

That will greatly increase you strength for reviewer criteria anything to do with GOVT.Make sure that you dig up alll the supporting documents . In that case you case will be stronger eb1 case 1) authorship 2) reviewer 3) sceintific contribution(letters)

My advise: concentrate on these 3 only and make them stronger, dont try to use doubtful scenario to dilute your case. In case you want to add them then in the petition in the scientific contributions specifically mention that even though you have recieved these student award and memberships you donot request consideration under that criteria

I agree with many of the comments already made.

- I would suggest that you forget about claiming memberships. Even the "Society of Industry leaders" is an organisation that you join by yourself, filling a form on the web, and which is clearly oriented toward getting consultant work through a company called Vista. Their website shows that clearly. Most of the FAQs are about renumeration of the consultant work you can do, and the way to join includes statements like:
The biography portion of the application is the most important section. Your biography is where you should explain your industry knowledge, expertise and experience in detail. When our clients express an interest in discussing a certain topic, we search our Member's profiles using keywords. Vista Research is able to match SIL Members with clients in potential consultations when the biography is robust and detailed. Also, please remember to include your companies and products of expertise when you complete your application.

- Citations are so-so... Even a one-year old paper, if really good, gets quickly quite a few citations. One paper with 9 and three others with 3 to 4 citations each is not a lot. So the authorship wil have to be really well supported, because the "objective" exhibits you can give are weak.

- The value of your researh in your field will therefore a bit more difficult to prove and the reference letters better be really pointed to your contribution and very clear!

- Now, as many said, the third criterion you are left with is review of the work of others.
Nine papers reviewed for 4 journals is not that "extraordinary".​
I was invited as an external expert to review a governmental policy is much better, especially if you can get a letter explaining why you were selected in the review committee, who the other reviewers were, and how your contribution in the review process has been appreciated. I got myself such a letter from the NSF when I reviewed a major US national lab in my field, and I am sure it helped for that criterion. I just used those reviews (I did others for international labs) and not claimed anything on the journal reviewing side, though I reviewed tens of papers for the best journals in my field: I have plenty of colleagues who did that too, so was not really "extraordinary". I just mentionned it and actually explained that I was not using it as evidence.​

Always happy to help more if needed.

