EAD Renewal - San Antonio


New Member

I joined my new job using my EAD on June 16 2003.
My EAD expires on Sep 09 2003.

I applied for my Renewal EAD to the Dallas office on July 4th. They send the application back to me saying that Since my new address is in Austin I have to apply to the San Antonio office. I sent the application to San Antonio office on July 2nd week.

I still haven't got a usual receipt notice from the San Antonio office. But I did get a payment receipt for $120 for I-765 from San Antonio office dated July 20 2003 (But no SRC number) with my A#. I cannot check this online since I don't have the receipt SRC number.

any comments on what I can do now? I am little bit worried since my EAD expires on Sep 09 and also I have only 81 days in between July 20th to Sep 09.

Please comment..

Did you check the cleared (sometimes known as cancelled ) check?
you should be able to get the SRC number, you can also call the national number with A# and ask them to forward the SRC number...
Thanks Jaxen,

I called the National office. I am told that since I filed to the local office(San Antonio) I will not have a SRC number. The date in the fee receipt(July 20 2003) is the receipt date. I am also told to go to the local office 90 days from July 20 2003 if I didn't receive the card by then.

Since my previous card expires 9 days before the 90 day time frame, what are my options here?

Should I inform my company about this? or Ignore it since it's only 9 days ? any problems in future if I ignore it?

Please advise...
